

国际z名的基因治疗专家-乔恩.沃尔夫(Jon. Wolff) 和他的同事詹姆斯.汉斯特罗姆(James Hastrom)及Viadmir Budker, 基于他们在威斯康星大学-麦迪逊分校(Univerisity of wisconsin-madison)所进行的研究,于1995年成立了Mirusbio公司。


Mirus的创新技术和专长受到了 Hoffman-La Roche(罗氏)的关注,在2008年Roche收购了Mirus Bio Corporation's 的诊断试剂部。而Mirus的生命科学研究产品部仍以 Mirus Bio LLC独立实体存在。



● 首先研发出siRNA转染试剂

● 世界上z早开发高效、低细胞毒性转染试剂的公司之一

● 首先向市场推出“一步法”核酸标记技术

● d特的小分子RNA如microRNA标记技术


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
MIR 2250 TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit/适用于大分子量RNA和CRISPR guide RNA的高效低毒转染试剂 1ml 10138 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2300 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent/广谱低毒的DNA转染试剂 1ml 4966 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 5400 TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent/无动物成分广谱DNA转染试剂 1ml 6717 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 6200 CHOgro® Expression Medium/CHO细胞瞬时转染培养基(液体瓶装) 1Liter 1641 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2225 TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit/适用于大分子量RNA和CRISPR guide RNA的高效低毒转染试剂 0.4ml 5669 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 6270 CHOgro® High Yield Expression System/CHO细胞高滴度瞬时转染表达系统 1Kit 10745 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 6003 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System/适用于DNA、siRNA/miRNA和CRISPR RNP的非脂质体高效低毒转染试剂 0.3ml 1194 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 3700 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®5/核酸标记试剂盒,Cy5 labels100ugnucleicacid 10055 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 5240 TransIT®-QR Delivery Solution/无毒,“快速恢复”体内转染,尾静脉注射将DNA或siRNA递送至小鼠肝脏 40injections 2745 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 3600 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®3/核酸标记试剂盒,Cy3 labels100ugnucleicacid 10055 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 5340 TransIT®-EE Delivery Solution/“增强表达”体内转染,尾静脉注射将DNA递送至小鼠肝脏 40injections 3628 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 8000 RevIT AAV Enhancer/RevIT AAV增强剂 1×1.5ml 4073 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 7100 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, MFP488/核酸标记试剂盒,MFP488 labels100ugnucleicacid 8510 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 6004 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System/适用于DNA、siRNA/miRNA和CRISPR RNP的非脂质体高效低毒转染试剂 0.75ml 2972 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 6000 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System/适用于DNA、siRNA/miRNA和CRISPR RNP的非脂质体高效低毒转染试剂 1.5ml 4963 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 3725 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®5/核酸标记试剂盒,Cy5 label25ugnucleicacid 4028 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 7020 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Cy®3/细胞内核酸示踪试剂,Cy3 labels50-200ugplasmidDNA 3835 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2700 TransIT®-293 Transfection Reagent/适用于293细胞系的DNA转染试剂 1ml 5573 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2306 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent/广谱低毒的DNA转染试剂 10x1ml 39739 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 7021 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Cy®5/细胞内核酸示踪试剂,Cy5 labels50-200ugplasmidDNA 3835 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2150 TransIT-TKO® Transfection Reagent/高效低毒的哺乳动物细胞siRNA和质粒DNA转染试剂 1.5ml 6910 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2304 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent/广谱低毒的DNA转染试剂 0.4ml 3131 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2255 TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit/适用于大分子量RNA和CRISPR guide RNA的高效低毒转染试剂 5x1ml 44415 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 6260 CHOgro® Expression System/CHO细胞瞬时转染表达系统 1Kit 8579 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 6720 TransIT-VirusGEN® Transfection Reagent/适用于AAV和慢病毒生产的转染试剂 30ml 66113 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 3200 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Fluorescein/核酸标记试剂盒,荧光素 labels100ugnucleicacid 8510 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 3625 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®3/核酸标记试剂盒,Cy3 label25ugnucleicacid 4028 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 50114 Ingenio® Electroporation Solution/Ingenio 电转染缓冲液 50reactions 3724 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 50121 Ingenio® Cuvettes for the EZporator® Electroporation System and Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices/0.2cm电转杯,适用于Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b电转仪 50pk,0.2cmcuvettes 3021 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 6100 TransIT®-Insect Transfection Reagent/专门用于昆虫细胞系的DNA转染试剂 1ml 4304 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 6210 CHOgro® Complex Formation Solution/CHOgro®复合物形成溶液 100ml 841 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 6605 TransIT®-Lenti Transfection Reagent/适用于重组慢病毒生产的转染试剂 5×1.5ml 33035 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2120 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent/适用于Jurkat和其他难转细胞系的高效DNA转染试剂 1ml 5945 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2175 TransIT®-CHO Transfection Kit/适用于各种CHO细胞系的高效低毒DNA转染试剂 5x1ml 25918 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2305 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent/广谱低毒的DNA转染试剂 5x1ml 21504 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2110 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent/高效低毒的哺乳动物细胞siRNA转染试剂 1.5ml 6910 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2111 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent/高效低毒的哺乳动物细胞siRNA转染试剂 0.1ml 询价 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2114 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent/高效低毒的哺乳动物细胞siRNA转染试剂 0.4ml 4304 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2115 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent/高效低毒的哺乳动物细胞siRNA转染试剂 5×1.5ml 30083 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2116 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent/高效低毒的哺乳动物细胞siRNA转染试剂 10×1.5ml 55615 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2122 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent/适用于Jurkat和其他难转细胞系的高效DNA转染试剂 0.1ml 询价 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2124 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent/适用于Jurkat和其他难转细胞系的高效DNA转染试剂 0.4ml 3848 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2125 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent/适用于Jurkat和其他难转细胞系的高效DNA转染试剂 5x1ml 25918 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2126 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent/适用于Jurkat和其他难转细胞系的高效DNA转染试剂 10x1ml 47904 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2152 TransIT-TKO® Transfection Reagent/高效低毒的哺乳动物细胞siRNA和质粒DNA转染试剂 0.1ml 询价 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2154 TransIT-TKO® Transfection Reagent/高效低毒的哺乳动物细胞siRNA和质粒DNA转染试剂 0.4ml 4317 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2155 TransIT-TKO® Transfection Reagent/高效低毒的哺乳动物细胞siRNA和质粒DNA转染试剂 5×1.5ml 30097 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2156 TransIT-TKO® Transfection Reagent/高效低毒的哺乳动物细胞siRNA和质粒DNA转染试剂 10×1.5ml 55629 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2160 TransIT®-Oligo Transfection Reagent/适用于多种细胞类型的寡核苷酸转染试剂 1ml 6428 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR 2162 TransIT®-Oligo Transfection Reagent/适用于多种细胞类型的寡核苷酸转染试剂 0.1ml 询价 Mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物




供应商 产品编号 产品名称 规格
Mirusbio MIR 2110 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2114 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2115 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent 5 x 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2116 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent 10 x 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2120 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2124 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2125 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent 5 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2126 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent 10 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2150 TransIT-TKO® Transfection Reagent 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2154 TransIT-TKO® Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2155 TransIT-TKO® Transfection Reagent 5 x 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2156 TransIT-TKO® Transfection Reagent 10 x 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2160 TransIT®-Oligo Transfection Reagent 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2164 TransIT®-Oligo Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2165 TransIT®-Oligo Transfection Reagent 5 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2166 TransIT®-Oligo Transfection Reagent 10 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2170 TransIT®-CHO Transfection Kit 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2174 TransIT®-CHO Transfection Kit 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2175 TransIT®-CHO Transfection Kit 5 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2176 TransIT®-CHO Transfection Kit 10 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2225 TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2250 TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2255 TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit 5 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2256 TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit 10 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2300 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2304 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2305 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent 5 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2306 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent 10 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2700 TransIT®-293 Transfection Reagent 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2704 TransIT®-293 Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2705 TransIT®-293 Transfection Reagent 5 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2706 TransIT®-293 Transfection Reagent 10 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2800 TransIT®-Keratinocyte Transfection Reagent 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2804 TransIT®-Keratinocyte Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2805 TransIT®-Keratinocyte Transfection Reagent 5 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2806 TransIT®-Keratinocyte Transfection Reagent 10 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2900 TransIT-HeLaMONSTER® Transfection Kit 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2904 TransIT-HeLaMONSTER® Transfection Kit 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2905 TransIT-HeLaMONSTER® Transfection Kit 5 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 2906 TransIT-HeLaMONSTER® Transfection Kit 10 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 3100 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, CX-Rhodamine labels 100 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3125 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, CX-Rhodamine labels 25 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3200 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Fluorescein labels 100 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3225 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Fluorescein labels 25 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3300 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Digoxin labels 100 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3325 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Digoxin labels 25 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3400 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Biotin labels 100 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3425 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Biotin labels 25 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3600 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®3 labels 100 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3625 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®3 labels 25 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3700 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®5 labels 100 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3725 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®5 labels 25 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3800 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, DNP labels 100 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3825 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, DNP labels 25 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3900 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Modifying Kit, Amine Sufficient reagent for modifying 100 µg of nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 3925 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Modifying Kit, Amine Sufficient reagent for modifying 25 µg of nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 4100 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, TM-Rhodamine labels 100 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 4125 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, TM-Rhodamine labels 25 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 5240 TransIT®-QR Delivery Solution 40 injections
Mirusbio MIR 5320 pLIVE® Vector Complete System 20 µg of each (all 3 vectors)
Mirusbio MIR 5340 TransIT®-EE Delivery Solution 40 injections
Mirusbio MIR 5400 TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5404 TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5405 TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent 5 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5406 TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent 10 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5420 pLIVE® Vector 20 µg
Mirusbio MIR 5500 TransIT®-BrCa Transfection Reagent 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5504 TransIT®-BrCa Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5505 TransIT®-BrCa Transfection Reagent 5 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5506 TransIT®-BrCa Transfection Reagent 10 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5520 pLIVE® Vector/lacZ Control Vector Kit 20 µg of each vector
Mirusbio MIR 5620 pLIVE® Vector/SEAP Control Vector Kit 20 µg of each vector
Mirusbio MIR 5700 TransIT-PRO® Transfection Kit (includes PRO Boost Reagent) 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5740 TransIT-PRO® Transfection Reagent 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5750 TransIT-PRO® Transfection Reagent 10 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5760 TransIT-PRO® Transfection Kit (includes PRO Boost Reagent) 10 ml
Mirusbio MIR 5900 MiraCLEAN® Endotoxin Removal Kit for 100 mg DNA
Mirusbio MIR 5910 MiraCLEAN® Endotoxin Removal Kit for 10 mg DNA
Mirusbio MIR 5920 G418 Sulfate Antibiotic Solution 10 ml (50 mg/ml in DI water)
Mirusbio MIR 5930 Hygromycin B Antibiotic Solution 20 ml (50 mg/ml in PBS)
Mirusbio MIR 5940 Puromycin Dihydrochloride Antibiotic Solution 5 x 2 ml (10 mg/ml in DI water)
Mirusbio MIR 6000 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6003 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 0.3 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6004 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 0.75 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6005 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 5 x 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6006 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 10 x 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6100 TransIT®-Insect Transfection Reagent 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6104 TransIT®-Insect Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6105 TransIT®-Insect Transfection Reagent 5 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6106 TransIT®-Insect Transfection Reagent 10 x 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6115 flashBAC™ Baculovirus Expression System 5 Reactions
Mirusbio MIR 6120 flashBAC™ Baculovirus Expression System 24 Reactions
Mirusbio MIR 6135 flashBAC™ ULTRA Baculovirus Expression System 5 Reactions
Mirusbio MIR 6140 flashBAC™ ULTRA Baculovirus Expression System 24 Reactions
Mirusbio MIR 6150 pOET1 Transfer Plasmid 20 µl (500 ng/µl)
Mirusbio MIR 6151 pOET1C_6xHis Transfer Plasmid 20 µl (500 ng/µl)
Mirusbio MIR 6152 pOET6 BacMam Transfer Plasmid 20 µl (500 ng/µl)
Mirusbio MIR 6200 CHOgro® Expression Medium 1 Liter
Mirusbio MIR 6201 CHOgro® Expression Medium Dry Powder, Prepares 10 Liters; Minimum order quantity 3 units; Please allow 8-10 weeks for delivery
Mirusbio MIR 6202 CHOgro® Expression Medium 10 Liter Polybag; Minimum order quantity 10 units; Please allow 8-10 weeks for delivery
Mirusbio MIR 6210 CHOgro® Complex Formation Solution 100 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6225 CHOgro® Transfection and Titer Enhancer Kit 1 Kit
Mirusbio MIR 6230 Poloxamer 188 Solution, 10% 100 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6240 L-Glutamine Solution, 200 mM 100 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6250 Human IgG1 Expression Control 100 ug
Mirusbio MIR 6260 CHOgro® Expression System 1 Kit
Mirusbio MIR 6270 CHOgro® High Yield Expression System 1 Kit
Mirusbio MIR 6600 TransIT®-Lenti Transfection Reagent 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6603 TransIT®-Lenti Transfection Reagent 0.3 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6604 TransIT®-Lenti Transfection Reagent 0.75 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6605 TransIT®-Lenti Transfection Reagent 5 x 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6606 TransIT®-Lenti Transfection Reagent 10 x 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6620 TransduceIT™ Transduction Reagent 1 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6630 Lentivirus Packaging Mix Powered by MISSION® Genomics 5 RXN
Mirusbio MIR 6640 Lentivirus Packaging Mix Powered by MISSION® Genomics 34 RXN
Mirusbio MIR 6650 TransIT® Lentivirus System 5 RXN
Mirusbio MIR 6655 TransIT® Lentivirus System 34 RXN
Mirusbio MIR 6700 TransIT-VirusGEN® Transfection Reagent 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6703 TransIT-VirusGEN® Transfection Reagent 0.3 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6704 TransIT-VirusGEN® Transfection Reagent 0.75 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6705 TransIT-VirusGEN® Transfection Reagent 5 x 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6706 TransIT-VirusGEN® Transfection Reagent 10 x 1.5 ml
Mirusbio MIR 6730 TransIT-VirusGEN® SELECT Transfection Reagent 30 ml
Mirusbio MIR 7020 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Cy®3 labels 50-200 µg plasmid DNA
Mirusbio MIR 7021 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Cy®5 labels 50-200 µg plasmid DNA
Mirusbio MIR 7022 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, CX-Rhodamine labels 50-200 µg plasmid DNA
Mirusbio MIR 7023 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, TM-Rhodamine labels 50-200 µg plasmid DNA
Mirusbio MIR 7024 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Biotin labels 50-200 µg plasmid DNA
Mirusbio MIR 7025 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Fluorescein labels 50-200 µg plasmid DNA
Mirusbio MIR 7100 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, MFP488 labels 100 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 7125 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, MFP488 labels 25 µg nucleic acid
Mirusbio MIR 7212 Label IT® siRNA Tracker Intracellular Localization Kit, Cy®3 labels 50 µg siRNA
Mirusbio MIR 7213 Label IT® siRNA Tracker Intracellular Localization Kit, Cy®5 labels 50 µg siRNA
Mirusbio MIR 7214 Label IT® siRNA Tracker Intracellular Localization Kit, CX-Rhodamine labels 50 µg siRNA
Mirusbio MIR 7215 Label IT® siRNA Tracker Intracellular Localization Kit, TM-Rhodamine labels 50 µg siRNA
Mirusbio MIR 7216 Label IT® siRNA Tracker Intracellular Localization Kit, Fluorescein labels 50 µg siRNA
Mirusbio MIR 7217 Label IT® siRNA Tracker Intracellular Localization Kit, Biotin Labeling labels 50 µg siRNA
Mirusbio MIR 7900 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Cy®3 10 µg (0.75 nmol)
Mirusbio MIR 7901 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Cy®3 100 µg (7.5 nmol)
Mirusbio MIR 7902 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Fluorescein 10 µg (0.75 nmol)
Mirusbio MIR 7903 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Fluorescein 100 µg (7.5 nmol)
Mirusbio MIR 7904 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Cy®3 10 µg
Mirusbio MIR 7905 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Cy®3 100 µg
Mirusbio MIR 7906 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Fluorescein 10 µg
Mirusbio MIR 7907 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Fluorescein 100 µg
Mirusbio MIR 50111 Ingenio® Electroporation Solution 25 reactions
Mirusbio MIR 50112 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit for the EZporator® Electroporation System and Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices (0.2 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 25 reactions
Mirusbio MIR 50113 Ingenio® Electroporation Kits for the EZporator® Electroporation System and all conventional electroporators such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® (0.4 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 25 reactions
Mirusbio MIR 50114 Ingenio® Electroporation Solution 50 reactions
Mirusbio MIR 50115 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit for the EZporator® Electroporation System and Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices (0.2 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 50 reactions
Mirusbio MIR 50116 Ingenio® Electroporation Kits for the EZporator® Electroporation System and all conventional electroporators such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® (0.4 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 50 reactions
Mirusbio MIR 50117 Ingenio® Electroporation Solution 100 reactions
Mirusbio MIR 50118 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit for the EZporator® Electroporation System and Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices (0.2 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 100 reactions
Mirusbio MIR 50119 Ingenio® Electroporation Kits for the EZporator® Electroporation System and all conventional electroporators such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® (0.4 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 100 reactions
Mirusbio MIR 50121 Ingenio® Cuvettes for the EZporator® Electroporation System and Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices 50 pk, 0.2 cm cuvettes
Mirusbio MIR 50123 Ingenio® Cuvettes for the EZporator® Electroporation System and all conventional electroporators such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® 50 pk, 0.4 cm cuvettes
Mirusbio MIR 50125 Ingenio® Cell Droppers 50 Cell droppers
Mirusbio MIR 51000 Ingenio® EZporator® Electroporation System ea


mirusbio MIR 5404说明书



mirusbio MIR 5404说明书

TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent

A high performance, animal-free, broad spectrum DNA transfection reagent

0.4 mlMIR 5400

1 mlMIR 5405

5 x 1 mlMIR 5406

10 x 1 ml

Catalog number selected: MIR 5404

  • 广谱DNA传递 – 在许多细胞类型中实现高表达,包括难以转染的细胞系和原代细胞
  • 对细胞温和 – 平衡高效核酸传递和低细胞毒性  
  • 无动物起源 –高度性能,大兼容性


的细胞类型使用成功转染 IT®-2020:细胞系(PDF) | 原代或干细胞(PDF)




 IT®-2020试剂表现出更高的表达和较低的细胞毒性相对于其他转染试剂。使用荧光素酶表达质粒,使用的试剂,以每个条形下方指示的试剂与DNA的比例,用荧光素酶表达质粒转染人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)。每孔使用0.1 µg质粒DNA在96孔板中进行转染。在转染后24小时测量荧光素酶表达(柱状图)和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)水平(线状图)。与单独的细胞相比,LDH水平以细胞毒性百分比表示,并使用市售比色法进行测量;在图上,所有等于或小于零的值都表示为零。误差棒代表一式三份孔的标准偏差。


高性能质粒转染。初级人小上皮细胞(HSAEpic)用转染 IT®-2020和EGFP表达质粒(4:1试剂对DNA比)。转染后24小时使用Zeiss axiovert倒置荧光显微镜拍摄图像。



广泛的细胞类型中的基因表达。根据行业*的测试方案,将的细胞类型用荧光素酶表达质粒(0.1 µg /孔)转染到96孔板中。试剂的DNA比对每种细胞类型进行了优化:反式 IT®-2020(Mirus公司生物,2:1或3:1),FuGENE®HD转(罗氏,3.5:1),Lipofectamine®2000(Life Technologies公司,1.5:1 ,3:1或5:1)。转染后24小时测量荧光素酶活性。将值标准化为Trans IT-2020,并以萤光素酶表达的百分比表示。FuGENE®是Fugent LLC的注册商标。Lipofectamine®是Life Technologie




所有配置: 1年







 IT®-2020 SDS (PDF)










Mirus Bio公司是世界上zui早开发、低细胞毒性转染试剂的公司之一,同时也是目前该类试剂zui主要的供应商之一。Mirus Bio的大部分转染试剂可以在含有血清的培养基中进行转染,省去了更换培养基的麻烦。

TransIT-L1是Mirus产品的,自1995年开发出来就申请了美国(US 5,744,335)。该项技术后来License给了Roche公司,以Fugene 6的品牌对外销售。

TransIT-TKO & siQUEST转染试剂是常规siRNA转染试剂的,与脂质体介导的转染试剂相比,该转染试剂可以转染siRNA,并且极大地降低了细胞的损伤程度。该试剂与siRNA混合转染细胞时,可以特异性剔除某些基因的表达,用于siRNA介导的基因沉默现象的研究。


此外,Mirus Bio还开发了专门针对特殊细胞的体外转染试剂,例如分别针对Jurkat,COS,3T3等细胞的转染试剂。

Mirus Bio的科学家们新近开发了一种新的DNA转染试剂:TransIT TM-2020 Transfection Reagent。TransIT TM的性能优于FuGENE TM、Lipofectamine TM 2000和 LipofectamineTM2000 CD;可在多种类型的细胞(包括难转染细胞)中实现高表达。 HD-2020







供应商 产品编号 产品名称 规格 人民币目录价
Mirusbio MIR 6000 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 1.5 ml ¥6,562.50
Mirusbio MIR 6003 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 0.3 ml ¥1,575.00
Mirusbio MIR 6004 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 0.75 ml ¥3,937.50
Mirusbio MIR 6005 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 5 x 1.5 ml ¥28,512.50
Mirusbio MIR 6006 TransIT-X2® Dynamic Delivery System 10 x 1.5 ml ¥52,437.50
Mirusbio MIR 2300 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent 1 ml ¥3,787.50
Mirusbio MIR 2304 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml ¥2,400.00
Mirusbio MIR 2305 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent 5 X 1 ml ¥16,475.00
Mirusbio MIR 2306 TransIT®-LT1 Transfection Reagent 10 X 1 ml ¥30,462.50
Mirusbio MIR 2000 TransIT®-Express Transfection Reagent 1 ml ¥3,987.50
Mirusbio MIR 2004 TransIT®-Express Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml ¥2,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 2005 TransIT®-Express Transfection Reagent 5 X 1 ml ¥17,337.50
Mirusbio MIR 2006 TransIT®-Express Transfection Reagent 10 X 1 ml ¥32,062.50
Mirusbio MIR 5400 TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent 1 ml ¥5,137.50
Mirusbio MIR 5404 TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml ¥2,587.50
Mirusbio MIR 5405 TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent 5 X 1 ml ¥22,450.00
Mirusbio MIR 5406 TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent 10 X 1 ml ¥41,500.00
Mirusbio MIR 5700 TransIT-PRO® Transfection Kit 1 ml ¥4,787.50
Mirusbio MIR 5760  TransIT-PRO® Transfection Kit 10 ml ¥38,250.00
Mirusbio MIR 5740 TransIT-PRO® Transfection Reagent/No Boost 1 ml ¥4,462.50
Mirusbio MIR 5750 TransIT-PRO® Transfection Reagent/No Boost 10 ml ¥35,700.00
Mirusbio MIR 6200 CHOgro® Expression Medium 1 Liter ¥1,250.00
Mirusbio MIR 6210 CHOgro® Complex Formation Solution 100 ml ¥312.50
Mirusbio MIR 6230 Poloxamer 188 Solution, 10% 100 ml ¥312.50
Mirusbio MIR 6240 L-Glutamine Solution, 200 mM 100 ml ¥312.50
Mirusbio MIR 6250 Human IgG1 Expression Control 100 ug ¥3,750.00
Mirusbio MIR 6260 CHOgro® Expression System 1 Kit ¥6,562.50
Mirusbio MIR 6100 TransIT®-Insect 1 ml ¥3,300.00
Mirusbio MIR 6104 TransIT®-Insect 0.4 ml ¥1,587.50
Mirusbio MIR 6105 TransIT®-Insect 5 X 1 ml ¥14,300.00
Mirusbio MIR 6106 TransIT®-Insect 10 X 1 ml ¥26,275.00
Mirusbio MIR 6115 flashBAC™ Baculovirus Expression System 5 Reactions ¥3,425.00
Mirusbio MIR 6120 flashBAC™ Baculovirus Expression System 24 Reactions ¥14,862.50
Mirusbio MIR 6125 flashBAC™ GOLD Baculovirus Expression System 5 Reactions ¥8,737.50
Mirusbio MIR 6130 flashBAC™ GOLD Baculovirus Expression System 24 Reactions ¥23,737.50
Mirusbio MIR 6135 flashBAC™ ULTRA Baculovirus Expression System 5 Reactions ¥8,987.50
Mirusbio MIR 6140 flashBAC™ ULTRA Baculovirus Expression System 24 Reactions ¥25,862.50
Mirusbio MIR 6150 pOET1 Transfer Plasmid 20 µl (500 ng/µl) ¥3,225.00
Mirusbio MIR 6151 pOET1C_6xHis Transfer Plasmid 20 µl (500 ng/µl) ¥3,225.00
Mirusbio MIR 6152 pOET6 BacMam Transfer Plasmid 20 µl (500 ng/µl) ¥3,225.00
Mirusbio MIR 5500 TransIT®-BrCa Transfection Reagent 1 ml ¥4,275.00
Mirusbio MIR 5504 TransIT®-BrCa Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml ¥2,812.50
Mirusbio MIR 5505 TransIT®-BrCa Transfection Reagent 5 X 1 ml ¥18,637.50
Mirusbio MIR 5506 TransIT®-BrCa Transfection Reagent 10 X 1 ml ¥34,462.50
Mirusbio MIR 2700 TransIT®-293 Transfection Reagent 1 ml ¥4,275.00
Mirusbio MIR 2704 TransIT®-293 Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml ¥2,812.50
Mirusbio MIR 2705 TransIT®-293 Transfection Reagent 5 X 1 ml ¥18,637.50
Mirusbio MIR 2706 TransIT®-293 Transfection Reagent 10 X 1 ml ¥34,462.50
Mirusbio MIR 2170 TransIT®-CHO Transfection Kit 1 ml ¥4,562.50
Mirusbio MIR 2174 TransIT®-CHO Transfection Kit 0.4 ml ¥2,950.00
Mirusbio MIR 2175 TransIT®-CHO Transfection Kit 5 X 1 ml ¥19,862.50
Mirusbio MIR 2176 TransIT®-CHO Transfection Kit 10 X 1 ml ¥36,712.50
Mirusbio MIR 2900 TransIT-HelaMONSTER® Transfection Kit 1 ml ¥4,562.50
Mirusbio MIR 2904 TransIT-HelaMONSTER® Transfection Kit 0.4 ml ¥2,950.00
Mirusbio MIR 2905 TransIT-HelaMONSTER® Transfection Kit 5 X 1 ml ¥19,862.50
Mirusbio MIR 2906 TransIT-HelaMONSTER® Transfection Kit 10 X 1 ml ¥36,712.50
Mirusbio MIR 2120 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent 1 ml ¥4,562.50
Mirusbio MIR 2124 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml ¥2,950.00
Mirusbio MIR 2125 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent 5 X 1 ml ¥19,862.50
Mirusbio MIR 2126 TransIT®-Jurkat Transfection Reagent 10 X 1 ml ¥36,712.50
Mirusbio MIR 2800 TransIT®-Keratinocyte Transfection Reagent 1 ml ¥4,425.00
Mirusbio MIR 2804 TransIT®-Keratinocyte Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml ¥2,812.50
Mirusbio MIR 2805 TransIT®-Keratinocyte Transfection Reagent 5 X 1 ml ¥18,637.50
Mirusbio MIR 2806 TransIT®-Keratinocyte Transfection Reagent 10 X 1 ml ¥34,462.50
Mirusbio MIR 2150 TransIT-TKO®  Transfection Reagent 1.5 ml ¥5,300.00
Mirusbio MIR 2154 TransIT-TKO®  Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml ¥3,300.00
Mirusbio MIR 2155 TransIT-TKO®  Transfection Reagent 5 X 1.5 ml ¥23,062.50
Mirusbio MIR 2156 TransIT-TKO®  Transfection Reagent 10 X 1.5 ml ¥42,625.00
Mirusbio MIR 2110 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent 1.5 ml ¥5,300.00
Mirusbio MIR 2114 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml ¥3,300.00
Mirusbio MIR 2115 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent 5 x 1.5 ml ¥23,062.50
Mirusbio MIR 2116 TransIT-siQUEST® Transfection Reagent 10 x 1.5 ml ¥42,625.00
Mirusbio MIR 2250 TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit 1ml ¥7,762.50
Mirusbio MIR 2225 TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit 0.4 ml ¥4,337.50
Mirusbio MIR 2255 TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit 5 x 1.0 ml ¥34,037.50
Mirusbio MIR 2256 TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit 10 x 1.0 ml ¥62,987.50
Mirusbio MIR 2160 TransIT®-Oligo Transfection Reagent 1 ml ¥4,925.00
Mirusbio MIR 2164 TransIT®-Oligo Transfection Reagent 0.4 ml ¥3,137.50
Mirusbio MIR 2165 TransIT®-Oligo Transfection Reagent 5 X 1 ml ¥21,450.00
Mirusbio MIR 2166 TransIT®-Oligo Transfection Reagent 10 X 1 ml ¥39,712.50
Mirusbio MIR 5210 TransIT®-QR Starter Kit 10 injections ¥1,425.00
Mirusbio MIR 5240 TransIT®-QR Delivery Solution 40 injections ¥2,112.50
Mirusbio MIR 5310 TransIT®-EE Starter Kit 10 injections ¥1,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 5340 TransIT®-EE Delivery Solution 40 injections ¥2,800.00
Mirusbio MIR 5420 pLIVE®Vector 20 ug ¥5,012.50
Mirusbio MIR 5520 pLIVE® Vector/lacZ Control Vector Kit 20 ug of each ¥6,550.00
Mirusbio MIR 5620 pLIVE® Vector/SEAP Control Vector Kit 20 ug of each ¥6,550.00
Mirusbio MIR 5320 pLIVE® Vector Complete System 20 ug of all three vectors ¥8,087.50
Mirusbio MIR 2600 Beta Gal Staining Kit 100 assays ¥2,012.50
Mirusbio MIR 5910 MiraCLEAN® Endotoxin Removal Kit for 10 mg DNA ¥2,000.00
Mirusbio MIR 5900 MiraCLEAN® Endotoxin Removal Kit for 100 mg DNA ¥5,925.00
Mirusbio MIR 5920 G418 Sulfate Solution 20 ml (50 mg/ml in PBS) ¥900.00
Mirusbio MIR 5930 Hygromycin B Solution 5 x 2 ml (10 mg/ml in DI water) ¥1,912.50
Mirusbio MIR 5940 Puromycin Solution 100 reactions ¥2,875.00
Mirusbio MIR 5960 Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution (100X) 1 x 100 ml ¥212.50
Mirusbio MIR 5970 Antibiotic-Antimycotic Solution (100X) 1 x 100 ml ¥387.50
Mirusbio MIR 3100 Label IT® CX-Rhodamine Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 100 ug  ¥6,525.00
Mirusbio MIR 3125 Label IT® CX-Rhodamine Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 25 ug  ¥2,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 4100 Label IT® TM-Rhodamine Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 100 ug  ¥6,525.00
Mirusbio MIR 4125 Label IT® TM-Rhodamine Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 25 ug  ¥2,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 3200 Label IT® Fluorescein Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 100 ug  ¥6,525.00
Mirusbio MIR 3225 Label IT® Fluorescein Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 25 ug  ¥2,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 3600 Label IT® Cy®3 Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 100 ug  ¥7,700.00
Mirusbio MIR 3625 Label IT® Cy®3 Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 25 ug  ¥3,087.50
Mirusbio MIR 3700 Label IT® Cy®5 Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 100 ug  ¥7,700.00
Mirusbio MIR 3725 Label IT® Cy®5 Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 25 ug ¥3,087.50
Mirusbio MIR 3400 Label IT® Biotin Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 100 ug  ¥6,525.00
Mirusbio MIR 3425 Label IT® Biotin Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 25 ug  ¥2,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 3800 Label IT® DNP Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 100 ug  ¥6,525.00
Mirusbio MIR 3825 Label IT® DNP Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 25 ug  ¥2,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 3300 Label IT® Digoxin Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 100 ug ¥6,525.00
Mirusbio MIR 3325 Label IT® Digoxin Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 25 ug  ¥2,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 3900 Label IT® AMINE Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 100 ug ¥7,700.00
Mirusbio MIR 3925 Label IT® AMINE Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit Labels 25 ug  ¥3,087.50
Mirusbio MIR 9305 Label IT® miRNA labeling kit Cy®3/Cy®5   2 x 5 reactions ¥4,037.50
Mirusbio MIR 9325 Label IT® miRNA labeling kit Cy®3/Cy®5   2 x 25 reactions ¥15,212.50
Mirusbio MIR 9410 Label IT® miRNA labeling kit  Biotin  10 reactions ¥4,037.50
Mirusbio MIR 9450 Label IT® miRNA labeling kit Biotin  50 reactions ¥15,212.50
Mirusbio MIR 9510 Label IT® miRNA labeling kit  Cy®3 10 reactions ¥4,037.50
Mirusbio MIR 9550 Label IT® miRNA labeling kit Cy®3 50 reactions ¥15,212.50
Mirusbio MIR 9610 Label IT® miRNA labeling kit Cy®5  10 reactions ¥4,037.50
Mirusbio MIR 9650 Label IT® miRNA labeling kit Cy®5  50 reactions ¥15,212.50
Mirusbio MIR 7020 Label IT® Tracker Cy®3 Kit Labels 50-200ug  ¥2,937.50
Mirusbio MIR 7021 Label IT® Tracker Cy®5 Kit Labels 50-200ug  ¥2,937.50
Mirusbio MIR 7022 Label IT® Tracker CX-Rhodamine Kit Labels 50-200ug ¥2,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 7023 Label IT® Tracker TM-Rhodamine Kit Labels 50-200ug ¥2,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 7024 Label IT® Tracker Biotin Kit Labels 50-200ug  ¥2,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 7025 Label IT® Tracker Fluorescein Kit Labels 50-200ug ¥2,600.00
Mirusbio MIR 7212 Label IT®  siRNA Tracker Cy®3 Kit   Labels 50 ug ¥4,950.00
Mirusbio MIR 7213 Label IT® siRNA Tracker Cy®5 Kit    Labels 50 ug ¥4,950.00
Mirusbio MIR 7214 Label IT® siRNA Tracker CX Rhodamine Kit  Labels 50 ug ¥4,525.00
Mirusbio MIR 7215 Label IT® siRNA Tracker TM Rhodanine Kit  Labels 50 ug ¥4,525.00
Mirusbio MIR 7216 Label IT® siRNA Tracker Fluorescein Kit  Labels 50 ug ¥4,525.00
Mirusbio MIR 7217 Label IT® siRNA Tracker Biotin Kit Labels 50 ug ¥4,525.00
Mirusbio MIR 6510 Label IT® FISH Cy®3 Kit Full size – labels 10 ug  ¥9,837.50
Mirusbio MIR 6520 Label IT® FISH Cy®3 Kit Trial size – labels 2ug  ¥4,525.00
Mirusbio MIR 6512 Label IT® FISH TM-Rhodamine Kit Full size – labels 10 ug ¥9,400.00
Mirusbio MIR 6522 Label IT® FISH TM-Rhodamine Kit Trial size – labels 2ug ¥4,062.50
Mirusbio MIR 6513 Label IT® FISH Fluorescein Kit Full size – labels 10 ug  ¥9,400.00
Mirusbio MIR 6523 Label IT® FISH Fluorescein Kit Trial size – labels 2ug  ¥4,062.50
Mirusbio MIR 6514 Label IT® FISH Biotin Kit Full size – labels 10 ug  ¥9,400.00
Mirusbio MIR 6524 Label IT® FISH Biotin Kit Trial size – labels 2ug ¥4,062.50
Mirusbio MIR 8010 Label IT®  uArray®  Biotin Kit 10 reactions ¥2,912.50
Mirusbio MIR 8050 Label IT®  uArray®  Biotin Kit 50 reactions ¥13,412.50
Mirusbio MIR 8105 Label IT® uArray® Dual Kit 2 x 5 reactions ¥2,912.50
Mirusbio MIR 8125 Label IT® uArray® Dual Kit 2 x 25 reactions ¥13,412.50
Mirusbio MIR 8205 Label IT® µArray® Cy®3/Cy®5 Labeling Kit 2 x 5 reactions (Includes reagents for Cy™3 and Cy™5 labeling reactions) ¥3,475.00
Mirusbio MIR 8225 Label IT® µArray® Cy®3/Cy®5 Labeling Kit 2 x 25 reactions ¥15,475.00
Mirusbio MIR 8710 Label IT® µArray® Cy®3 Labeling Kit 10 reactions ¥3,475.00
Mirusbio MIR 8750 Label IT® µArray® Cy®3 Labeling Kit 50 reactions ¥15,475.00
Mirusbio MIR 8810 Label IT® µArray® Cy®5 Labeling Kit 10 reactions ¥3,475.00
Mirusbio MIR 8850 Label IT® µArray® Cy®5 Labeling Kit 50 reactions ¥15,475.00
Mirusbio MIR 7900 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Cy®3 10 ug ¥1,775.00
Mirusbio MIR 7901 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Cy®3 100 ug ¥8,625.00
Mirusbio MIR 7902 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Fluorescein 10 ug ¥1,350.00
Mirusbio MIR 7903 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Fluorescein 100 ug ¥6,475.00
Mirusbio MIR 7904 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Cy®3 10 ug ¥1,775.00
Mirusbio MIR 7905 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Cy®3 100 ug ¥8,625.00
Mirusbio MIR 7906 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Fluorescein 10 ug ¥1,350.00
Mirusbio MIR 7907 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Fluorescein 100 ug ¥6,475.00
Mirusbio MIR 50113 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit with 0.4 cuvettes 25 RXN ¥2,862.50
Mirusbio MIR 50116 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit with 0.4 cuvettes 50 RXN ¥4,987.50
Mirusbio MIR 50119 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit with 0.4 cuvettes 100 RXN ¥9,262.50
Mirusbio MIR 50112 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit with 0.2 cuvettes 25 RXN ¥2,862.50
Mirusbio MIR 50115 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit with 0.2 cuvettes 50 RXN ¥4,987.50
Mirusbio MIR 50118 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit with 0.2 cuvettes 100 RXN ¥9,262.50
Mirusbio MIR 50111 Ingenio®  Electroporation Solution 25 RXN ¥1,800.00
Mirusbio MIR 50114 Ingenio®  Electroporation Solution 50 RXN ¥2,862.50
Mirusbio MIR 50117 Ingenio®  Electroporation Solution 100 RXN ¥4,987.50
Mirusbio MIR 50120 Ingenio® Cuvettes, 0.2 cm 25 pk ¥1,175.00
Mirusbio MIR 50121 Ingenio® Cuvettes, 0.2 cm 50 pk ¥2,312.50
Mirusbio MIR 50122 Ingenio® Cuvettes, 0.4 cm 25 pk ¥1,175.00
Mirusbio MIR 50123 Ingenio® Cuvettes, 0.4 cm 50 pk ¥2,312.50
Mirusbio MIR 50124 Ingenio® Cell Droppers 25 pk ¥175.00
Mirusbio MIR 50125 Ingenio® Cell Droppers 50 pk ¥300.00



Mirus Bio是一家总部位于美国威斯康辛州麦迪逊市的生物技术公司,专注于生产和销售基因转染试剂和相关产品,帮助生命科学研究人员实现高效的基因转染和基因表达。Mirus Bio公司的产品包括基因转染试剂、基因传递向量和基因表达相关试剂盒等,广泛应用于细胞生物学、分子生物学和遗传学等领域。其中,该公司的TransIT系列基因转染试剂以其高效、低毒性和低细胞破坏性而备受生命科学研究人员的青睐。

货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
MIR5910 MiraCLEAN® Endotoxin Removal Kit for10mgDNA 2469 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50117 Ingenio® Electroporation Solution 100reactions 6113 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR5900 MiraCLEAN® Endotoxin Removal Kit for100mgDNA 7261 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50118 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit for the EZporator® Electroporation System and Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices (0.2 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 100reactions 11359 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50111 Ingenio® Electroporation Solution 25reactions 2202 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50112 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit for the EZporator® Electroporation System and Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices (0.2 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 25reactions 3497 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50115 Ingenio® Electroporation Kit for the EZporator® Electroporation System and Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices (0.2 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 50reactions 6113 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50116 Ingenio® Electroporation Kits for the EZporator® Electroporation System and all conventional electroporators such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® (0.4 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 50reactions 6113 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50113 Ingenio® Electroporation Kits for the EZporator® Electroporation System and all conventional electroporators such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® (0.4 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 25reactions 3497 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50114 Ingenio® Electroporation Solution 50reactions 3497 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50119 Ingenio® Electroporation Kits for the EZporator® Electroporation System and all conventional electroporators such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® (0.4 cm cuvettes and cell droppers) 100reactions 11359 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50121 Ingenio® Cuvettes for the EZporator® Electroporation System and Lonza-Amaxa® Nucleofector® II/2b devices 50pk,0.2cmcuvettes 2843 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50123 Ingenio® Cuvettes for the EZporator® Electroporation System and all conventional electroporators such as Bio-Rad® and Harvard-BTX® 50pk,0.4cmcuvettes 2843 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR50125 Ingenio® Cell Droppers 50Celldroppers 801 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR51000 Ingenio® EZporator® Electroporation System Ingenio®EZporator®Electroporat*tem 50496 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3100 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, CX-Rhodamine labels100ugnucleicacid 7996 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3125 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, CX-Rhodamine labels25ugnucleicacid 3217 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3200 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Fluorescein labels100ugnucleicacid 7996 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3225 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Fluorescein labels25ugnucleicacid 3217 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3300 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Digoxin labels100ugnucleicacid 7996 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3325 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Digoxin labels25ugnucleicacid 3217 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3400 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Biotin labels100ugnucleicacid 7996 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3425 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Biotin labels25ugnucleicacid 3217 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3600 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®3 labels100ugnucleicacid 9450 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3625 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®3 labels25ugnucleicacid 3791 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3700 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®5 labels100ugnucleicacid 9450 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3725 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, Cy®5 labels25ugnucleicacid 3791 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3800 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, DNP labels100ugnucleicacid 7996 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3825 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, DNP labels25ugnucleicacid 3217 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR4100 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, TM-Rhodamine labels100ugnucleicacid 7996 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR4125 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, TM-Rhodamine labels25ugnucleicacid 3217 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7100 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, MFP488 labels100ugnucleicacid 7996 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7125 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit, MFP488 labels25ugnucleicacid 3217 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7905 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Cy®3 100ug 10558 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3900 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Modifying Kit, Amine Sufficientreagentformodifying100ugofnucleicacid 9437 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR3925 Label IT® Nucleic Acid Modifying Kit, Amine Sufficientreagentformodifying25ugofnucleicacid 3791 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7904 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Cy®3 10ug 2162 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7906 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Fluorescein 10ug 1669 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7907 Label IT® Plasmid Delivery Control, Fluorescein 100ug 7929 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7901 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Cy®3 100ug(7.5nmol) 10558 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7900 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Cy®3 10ug(0.75nmol) 2162 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7902 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Fluorescein 10ug(0.75nmol) 1669 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7903 Label IT® RNAi Delivery Control, Fluorescein 100ug(7.5nmol) 7929 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7212 Label IT® siRNA Tracker™ Intracellular Localization Kit, Cy®3 labels50ugsiRNA 6073 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7213 Label IT® siRNA Tracker™ Intracellular Localization Kit, Cy®5 labels50ugsiRNA 6073 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7214 Label IT® siRNA Tracker™ Intracellular Localization Kit, CX-Rhodamine labels50ugsiRNA 5566 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7215 Label IT® siRNA Tracker™ Intracellular Localization Kit, TM-Rhodamine labels50ugsiRNA 5566 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7216 Label IT® siRNA Tracker™ Intracellular Localization Kit, Fluorescein labels50ugsiRNA 5566 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7217 Label IT® siRNA Tracker™ Intracellular Localization Kit, Biotin Labeling labels50ugsiRNA 5566 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7020 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Cy®3 labels50-200ugplasmidDNA 3604 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7021 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Cy®5 labels50-200ugplasmidDNA 3604 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7022 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, CX-Rhodamine labels50-200ugplasmidDNA 3217 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7023 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, TM-Rhodamine labels50-200ugplasmidDNA 3217 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7024 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Biotin labels50-200ugplasmidDNA 3217 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR7025 Label IT® Tracker™ Intracellular Nucleic Acid Localization Kit, Fluorescein labels50-200ugplasmidDNA 3217 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR5320 pLIVE® Vector Complete System 20ugofeach(all3vectors) 9918 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR5420 pLIVE® Vector 20ug 6153 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR5520 pLIVE® Vector/lacZ Control Vector Kit 20ugofeachvector 8049 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR5620 pLIVE® Vector/SEAP Control Vector Kit 20ugofeachvector 8049 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6200 CHOgro® Expression Medium 1Liter 1548 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6201 CHOgro® Expression Medium DryPowder,Prepares10Liters;Minimumorderquantity3units;PleasecontactCustomerServiceforcurrentleadtimeandavailability,sales@mirusbio.com 13028 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6210 CHOgro® Complex Formation Solution 100ml 801 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6202 CHOgro® Expression Medium 10LiterPolybag;Minimumorderquantity10units;PleasecontactCustomerServiceforcurrentleadtimeandavailability,sales@mirusbio.com 14549 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6230 Poloxamer 188 Solution, 10% 100ml 400 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6240 L-Glutamine Solution, 200 mM 100ml 494 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6250 Human IgG1 Expression Control 100ug 4605 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR5930 Hygromycin B Antibiotic Solution 20ml(50mg/mlinPBS) 2363 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR5940 Puromycin Dihydrochloride Antibiotic Solution 5x2ml(10mg/mlinDIwater) 3497 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6270 CHOgro® High Yield Expression System 1Kit 10091 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR5920 G418 Sulfate Antibiotic Solution 10ml(50mg/mlinDIwater) 1108 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR5240 TransIT®-QR Delivery Solution 40injections 2590 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR5340 TransIT®-EE Delivery Solution 40injections 3417 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6115 flashBAC™ Baculovirus Expression System 5Reactions 4191 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6135 flashBAC™ ULTRA Baculovirus Expression System 5Reactions 10999 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6140 flashBAC™ ULTRA Baculovirus Expression System 24Reactions 31688 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6150 pOET1 Transfer Plasmid 20ul(500ng/ul) 3951 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6120 flashBAC™ Baculovirus Expression System 24Reactions 18193 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6151 pOET1C_6xHis Transfer Plasmid 20ul(500ng/ul) 3951 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6152 pOET6 BacMam Transfer Plasmid 20ul(500ng/ul) 3951 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6620 TransduceIT™ Transduction Reagent 1ml 387 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6630 Lentivirus Packaging Mix Powered by MISSION® Genomics 5RXN 5887 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物
MIR6640 Lentivirus Packaging Mix Powered by MISSION® Genomics 34RXN 23533 mirusbio 4-6周 上海金畔生物

关键词:mirusbio;MIR 2250;TransIT®-mRNA Transfection Kit;MIR 5400;TransIT®-2020 Transfection Reagent