现货goldbio F-230-2.5说明书


上海金畔生物现货goldbio F-230-2.5说明书

5-Fluoroorotic acid monohydrate (5-FOA)

Catalog Number:


CAS Number:




5-氟乳清酸(5-FOA)被广泛用于酵母分子遗传学领域。5-FOA对带有功能性URA3基因的酵母细胞的毒性,该URA3基因编码牛尿苷5'-P脱羧酶(OMP脱羧酶),特别适用于突变酵母菌株的选择和鉴定。5-FOA常与 酿酒酵母(URA3)一起使用,尽管它已用于其他菌株中,包括粟酒裂殖酵母(URA4和URA5),白色念珠菌(URA3)和大肠杆菌 (pyrF)。在酵母2杂化系统中使用5-FOA可以构建激活结构域杂合文库以鉴定蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用。



分子式:C 5 H 3 FN 2 O 4 •H 2 O











目录编号 F-230
CAS号 220141-70-8
兆瓦 192.10克/摩尔
年级 分子生物学等级
储存/处理 储存在-20℃。避光。












腔肠素 400 a

目录编号 尺寸 价钱
C-320-1 1毫克 71.00 美元
C-320-10 10 毫克 270.00 美元
C-320-25 25 毫克 563.00 美元
C-320-50 50 毫克 $ 925.00
C-320-100 100 毫克 1,550.00 美元


腔肠素 400A 是腔肠素的衍生物,是海肾荧光素酶 (RLuc)的良好底物,但不能很好地与高斯(GLuc)氧化它是 BRET(生物发光共振能量转移)的底物,因为其 400nm 的最大发射对 GFP 发射的干扰最小。


目录编号 C-320
CAS# 70217-82-2
兆瓦 391.48 克/摩尔
年级 分子生物学级
存储/处理 储存在-20°C。避光。



目录编号 尺寸 价钱
CZ2.5 2.5 毫克 59.00 美元
CZ5 5毫克 90.00 美元
CZ10 10 毫克 137.00 美元
CZ25 25 毫克 $ 317.00
CZ50 50 毫克 550.00 美元


腔肠素是一种在水生生物中发现的发光体,是许多荧光素酶的底物,包括海肾高斯和水母发光蛋白。它通常用于生物发光钙检测和 BRET(生物发光共振能量转移)、ELISA 和 HTS 方法中报告基因的监测以及细胞或组织中超氧阴离子和过氧亚硝酸盐的化学发光检测。


目录编号 CZ
CAS# 55779-48-1
兆瓦 423.46 克/摩尔
年级 分子生物学级
存储/处理 储存在 -20°C 的惰性气体中。避光。


goldbio F-570-5说明书

goldbio F-570-5说明书









公式:C 9 H 8 FN





目录编号 F-570
CAS号 399-72-4
兆瓦 149.16克/摩尔




上海金畔生物所有产品都是自运营的,我们已经跟国外多家厂方建立品牌推广合作关系,获得对方的支持和;确保货物的来源; 正规报关,提供13%增值税发票。


上海金畔生物的运营团队都是有着多年经验的成员,他们熟悉海外采购、仓储物流、报关等环节;上海金畔生物的进口速度比传统企业提高了50%以上, 部分产品甚至能做到7-10天到货。




上海金畔生物提供的产品在使用过程中如因产品质量问题有售后需求时, 上海金畔生物产品顾问会及时为您处理。



goldbio P007-500说明书


goldbio P007-500说明书

BLUEstain™ Protein ladder, 11-245 kDa

Catalog Number:



•每加样3 µl或5 µl,
分别在15孔或10孔微型凝胶电泳时清晰可见 。 
•适用于更厚(> 1.5毫米)或更大的凝胶。

BLUEstain TM蛋白质阶梯是一种三色蛋白质标准品,具有12种预染色的蛋白质,分子量范围从〜11 至245 kDa。在SDS-PAGE(Tris-甘氨酸缓冲液)上分离时,除了两个参考带(分别在25 kDa和75 kDa处的一个绿色带和一个红色带)外,蛋白质与一个蓝色发色团共价偶联。BLUEstain TM Proteinlader 设计用于监测SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳过程中的蛋白质分离,验证膜(PVDF,尼龙或硝化纤维素)上的Western转移效率以及近似蛋白质的大小。梯子在凝胶上样缓冲液中提供,可以立即使用。


内容物:缓冲液中的每种蛋白质(20mM Tris-磷酸盐,在25°C下的pH 7.5)约0.1〜0.4 mg / ml,2%SDS,1mM 2-巯基乙醇,3.6M尿素和15%(v / v)甘油)。


目录编号 P007
储存/处理 在4°C下保存3个月。在-20°C下储存24个月。






goldbio F-540-1说明书


goldbio F-540-1说明书









公式:C 8 H 4 FNO 2





目录编号 F-540
CAS号 346-34-9
兆瓦 165.12克/摩尔







6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,CrystalChem,trilink,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,MiraiBioam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等品牌批发,欢迎合作。




GoldBio LUCNA-1G 说明书

世界*实验材料供应商 GoldBio上海金畔生物为其中国代理, GoldBio在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, GoldBio就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

GoldBio中国代理, GoldBio上海代理, GoldBio北京代理,GoldBio广东代理, GoldBio江苏代理GoldBio湖北代理,GoldBio天津,GoldBio黑龙江代理,GoldBio内蒙古代理,GoldBio吉林代理,GoldBio福建代理, GoldBio江苏代理, GoldBio浙江代理, GoldBio四川代理,


Gold Biotechnology公司是由Paul Gold博士创立于1986年,其旨在为实验室研究人员提供低成本高品质的产品。由于我们低廉的价格和对客户的恪守承诺,GoldBio得到了世界各地的研究人员的支持。多年来,我们的客户已表示对我们公司继续提供低价格产品的承诺很有信心。Goldbio提供1500多种分子生物学级产品,同时具有一个活跃的分子生物学研究与发展计划,旨在为您的研究开发新产品。


D-萤光素,钠盐(Proven and Published TM)







 1克 100毫克 250毫克 300毫克 500毫克 2×1g 3×1g 4×1克 5×1g 10×1g 




测试和认证的体内成像 (更多信息请参阅“Luciferin常见问题”)

萤光素蛋白是用于荧光素酶表达的体内成像的常见生物发光报告物。用于萤火虫荧光素酶的这种水溶性底物利用ATP和Mg 2+作为辅因子,在氧的存在下发出特征性的黄绿色发射,其在37℃下在体内转变为红光。通过使用ATP,反应可以进一步用于指示能量或寿命的存在,以便作为生死攸关的污点。






式:NaC 11 H 7 N 2 O 3 S 2 ·H 2 O

MW:320.32g / mol


纯度:纯度> 99%(质量通过9种独立标准进行验证,包括HPLC和FTIR)


PubChem化学品编号: 23710675

货号 品名 规格 生产厂家
LUCNA-1G D-Luciferin, Sodium Salt (Proven and Published™) 1g goldbio

GoldBio LUCNA-1G 大量现货






“正牌代理商”栏目设立的初衷是为了让读者在购买产品时能更快找到厂家的代理商,不用一张一张地翻名片,也不用担心买到水货和假货。基于这个初衷,我们收录了多个品牌的代理商,并在签订合同时进行了严格的审核。各厂家或代理商以合同的形式对其代理信息的真实性和准确性进行了保证。  然而,由于生物产品市场的复杂性,尽管我们进行了严格的审核,也不能保证信息的*准确和实时更新。基于此,今后我们会尽我们最大的努力去进行更严格的审核,也希望各厂家和代理商配合和谅解。




货号 品名 规格 品牌
LUCK-1G D-荧光素钾盐(cas 115144-35-9) 1g Goldbio
1150-04-1000 EGF,Human 1000ug Goldbio
DDM25 n-Dodecyl-B-D-maltoside (DDM) 25g Goldbio
O-110-50 Octylglucoside, Ultra Pure 50g Goldbio
l-040-5 Immobilized Pepstatin Agarose Resin 5ML Goldbio
CZ50 Coelenterazine 50mg Goldbio
CZ5 Coelenterazine 5mg Goldbio
C-320-10 Coelenterazine 400 a 10mg Goldbio
DDM50-50g n-Dodecyl-B-D-maltoside (DDM) 50g Goldbio
LUCNA-250 D-Luciferin, Sodium Salt (Proven and Published®) 250mg Goldbio
LUCNA-100 D-Luciferin, Sodium Salt (Proven and Published™) 100mg Goldbio
LUCK-100 D-Luciferin, Potassium Salt (Proven and Published™) 100mg Goldbio
A-540-5 AEBSF,HCl 5g Goldbio
TCEP1-25g TCEP-HCl CAS:51805-45-9 25g Goldbio
G1281C1 X-gluc (CHX salt) 1g Goldbio
G1281C-100mg X-gluc (CHX salt) 100mg Goldbio
T-104-25 Timentin™ Ticarcillin/Clavulanate (15/1) 25g Goldbio
H-270 Hygromycin B 1g Goldbio





美国Gold Biotechnology公司是由Paul Gold博士创立于1986年,其旨在为实验室研究人员提供低成本高品质的产品。由于我们低廉的价格和对客户的恪守承诺,GoldBio得到了各地的研究人员的支持。多年来,我们的客户已表示对我们公司继续提供低价格上等产品的承诺很有信心。Goldbio提供1500多种分子生物学级产品,同时具有一个活跃的分子生物学研究与发展计划,旨在为您的研究开发新产品。
背景:活体成像技术(optical in vivo imaging)目前主要采用生物发光(bioluminescence)与荧光(fluorescence)两种技术,生物发光法是基于荧光素酶能催化底物(D-Luciferin或Coelenterazine)化学发光的原理,将体外能稳定表达荧光素酶的细胞株植入动物体内,与后期注射入体内的底物发生反应利用光学系统检测光强度,间接反映出细胞数量的变化或细胞的定位。这项技术已被广泛应用于多个领域,*常用的有肿瘤或疾病动物模型的建立,并可用于病毒学研究、siRNA研究、干细胞研究、蛋白质相互作用研究等。
原理:常见的荧光素酶有两种,分别是萤火虫荧光素酶(firefly luciferase,编码基因是luc)和海肾荧光素酶(Renilla luciferase,编码基因是Rluc),前者的底物是D-Luciferin,后者的底物是Coelenterazine。它们共同的作用原理是在ATP和荧光素酶的催化作用下,底物被氧化发光(不同底物光的颜色和波长不同),当底物过量时,产生的光量子数与荧光素酶的浓度呈正相关性。
产品:化学发光底物1:D-Luciferin美国Goldbio公司提供几种常用类型的D-Luciferin,每批试剂都经过严格的质量验证 (经9次独立的HPLC和FTIR标准法监测)和发光效率检测,确保客户每次试验的高重复性和成功性。所有产品都可用于体内成像分析和体外化学发光检测实验。Goldbio的D-Luciferin是合成的萤火虫荧光素,结构与promega公司提供的甲虫荧光素一致,是水溶性的萤火虫荧光素酶底物。DLuciferin, Sodium Salt/ D荧光素钠盐分子式:NaC11H7N2O3S2·H2O。 




货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
1010-01B-10 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Equine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1010-01B-100 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Equine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1010-01B-500 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Equine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1010-01C-5 IL1RN (IL-1RA), Equine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1010-02A-10 IL2 (Cys141Ser), Equine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1010-02A-100 IL2 (Cys141Ser), Equine 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1010-02A-500 IL2 (Cys141Ser), Equine 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1060-06-100 IFN-gamma, Equine 100 μg 100μg 3948 Goldbio
1110-01A-10 IL1A (IL-1 alpha), Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-01A-100 IL1A (IL-1 alpha), Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-01A-500 IL1A (IL-1 alpha), Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1110-01B-10 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-01B-100 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Human 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1110-01B-500 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Human 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1110-01C-100 IL1RN (IL-1RA), Human 100 μg 100μg 3312 Goldbio
1110-01C-500 IL1RN (IL-1RA), Human 500 μg 500μg 6492 Goldbio
1110-02-10 IL2, Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1110-02-100 IL2, Human 100 μg 100μg 2292 Goldbio
1110-02-500 IL2, Human 500 μg 500μg 5028 Goldbio
1110-03-10 IL3, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-03-100 IL3, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1110-03-500 IL3, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1110-04-100 IL4, Human 100 μg 100μg 8592 Goldbio
1110-04-5 IL4, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1110-04-500 IL4, Human 500 μg 500μg 17688 Goldbio
1110-05-10 IL5, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-06-100 IL6, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1110-06-5 IL6, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1110-06-500 IL6, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1110-07-10 IL7, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-07-100 IL7, Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-07-500 IL7, Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1110-08A-100 IL8, Human (72 a.a.) 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1110-08A-5 IL8, Human (72 a.a.) 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1110-08A-500 IL8, Human (72 a.a.) 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1110-08B-100 IL8, Human (77 a.a.) 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1110-08B-5 IL8, Human (77 a.a.) 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1110-08B-500 IL8, Human (77 a.a.) 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1110-09-10 IL9, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-10-10 IL10, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-10-100 IL10, Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-10-500 IL10, Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1110-11-10 IL11, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-11-100 IL11, Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-11-500 IL11, Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1110-13-10 IL13, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-13-100 IL13, Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-13-500 IL13, Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1110-13V-10 IL13, Human (Variant) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-15-10 IL15, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-15-100 IL15, Human 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1110-15-500 IL15, Human 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1110-16-10 IL16, Human (121 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-16B-10 IL16, Human (130 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-17-100 IL17A, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1110-17-5 IL17A, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1110-17-500 IL17A, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1110-17B-5 IL17B, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1110-17F-5 IL17F, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1110-19-10 IL19, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-20-10 IL20, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-21-10 IL21, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-21-100 IL21, Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-22-10 IL22, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-22-100 IL22, Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-22-500 IL22, Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1110-31-10 IL31, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-33-10 IL33, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-33-100 IL33, Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-33-500 IL33, Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1110-36A-10 IL36A (IL-36 alpha), Human (158 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-36B-10 IL36A (IL-36 alpha), Human (153 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-36B-100 IL36A (IL-36 alpha), Human (153 a.a.) 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-36B-500 IL36A (IL-36 alpha), Human (153 a.a.) 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1110-36C-10 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Human (157 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-36C-100 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Human (157 a.a.) 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-36C-500 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Human (157 a.a.) 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1110-36D-10 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Human (153 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-36D-100 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Human (153 a.a.) 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-36D-500 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Human (153 a.a.) 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1110-36E-10 IL36G (IL-36 gamma), Human (169 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-36F-10 IL36G (IL-36 gamma), Human (152 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1110-36F-100 IL36G (IL-36 gamma), Human (152 a.a.) 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1110-36F-500 IL36G (IL-36 gamma), Human (152 a.a.) 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1110-36G-100 IL36RN (IL-36RA), Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1110-36G-5 IL36RN (IL-36RA), Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1110-36G-500 IL36RN (IL-36RA), Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1120-01-10 KITLG (SCF), Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1120-01-500 KITLG (SCF), Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1120-02-10 CSF3 (G-CSF), Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1120-02-100 CSF3 (G-CSF), Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1120-02-500 CSF3 (G-CSF), Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1120-03-100 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Human 100 μg 100μg 8592 Goldbio
1120-03-5 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1120-03-500 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Human 500 μg 500μg 17688 Goldbio
1120-07-10 TSLP, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1120-08-5 SERPINF1, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1120-09-10 CSF1 (M-CSF), Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1120-09-100 CSF1 (M-CSF), Human 100μg 100μg 10560 Goldbio
1120-09-500 CSF1 (M-CSF), Human 500 μg 500μg 23412 Goldbio
1130-01-10 TNF-α, Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1130-01-100 TNF-α, Human 100 μg 100μg 3816 Goldbio
1130-012-10 TNF-α (Variant), Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1130-012-100 TNF-α (Variant), Human 100 μg 100μg 4080 Goldbio
1130-012-500 TNF-α (Variant), Human 500 μg 500μg 8724 Goldbio
1130-01-500 TNF-α, Human 500 μg 500μg 8148 Goldbio
1130-01H-10 TNF-α (His), Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1130-01H-100 TNF-α (His), Human 100 μg 100μg 5280 Goldbio
1130-01H-500 TNF-α (His), Human 500 μg 500μg 11076 Goldbio
1130-05-10 FLT3LG, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1130-05-100 FLT3LG, Human 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1130-05-500 FLT3LG, Human 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1130-07-100 LIF, Human 100 μg 100μg 7704 Goldbio
1130-07-5 LIF, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1130-07-500 LIF, Human 500 μg 500μg 15900 Goldbio
1140-01-10 Acidic FGF (FGF1), Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1140-01-100 Acidic FGF (FGF1), Human 100 μg 100μg 3816 Goldbio
1140-01-500 Acidic FGF (FGF1), Human 500 μg 500μg 8148 Goldbio
1140-02-10 Basic FGF (FGF2), Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1140-02-100 Basic FGF (FGF2), Human 100 μg 100μg 3372 Goldbio
1140-02-500 Basic FGF (FGF2), Human 500 μg 500μg 6996 Goldbio
1140-04-100 FGF4, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1140-04-5 FGF4, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1140-04-500 FGF4, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1140-07-10 FGF7/KGF1, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1140-07-100 FGF7/KGF1, Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1140-07-500 FGF7/KGF1, Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1140-09-100 FGF9, Human 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1140-09-5 FGF9, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1140-09-500 FGF9, Human 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1140-10-100 FGF10/KGF2, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1140-10-5 FGF10/KGF2, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1140-10-500 FGF10/KGF2, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1140-13-5 FGF13, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1140-19-100 FGF19, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1140-19-5 FGF19, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1140-19-500 FGF19, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1140-21-100 FGF21, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1140-21-5 FGF21, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1140-21-500 FGF21, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1140-23-100 FGF23, Human 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1140-23-5 FGF23, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1140-23-500 FGF23, Human 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1150-01-100 IGF1, Human 100 μg 100μg 1212 Goldbio
1150-01-500 IGF1, Human 500 μg 500μg 1788 Goldbio
1150-01B-100 IGF1 DES, Human 100 μg 100μg 1788 Goldbio
1150-01B3-100 IGFBP3, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1150-01B3-5 IGFBP3, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1150-01B3-500 IGFBP3, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1150-01B7-5 IGFBP7, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1150-01B9-5 NOV, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1150-01N-10 IGF1, 15N, Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1150-01N-500 IGF1, 15N, Human 500 μg 500μg 9732 Goldbio
1150-04-100 EGF, Human 100 μg 100μg 900 Goldbio
1150-04-1000 EGF, Human 1000 μg 1000μg 1272 Goldbio
1150-04-500 EGF, Human 500 μg 500μg 1152 Goldbio
1150-05-10 VEGF165, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1150-05-500 VEGF165, Human 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1150-06-100 EPGN (Epigen), Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1150-06-5 EPGN (Epigen), Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1150-06-500 EPGN (Epigen), Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1150-07-100 EREG (Epiregulin), Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1150-07-5 EREG (Epiregulin), Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1150-10-10 PDGFBB (dimer), Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1150-10-100 PDGFBB (dimer), Human 100 μg 100μg 6240 Goldbio
1150-10-500 PDGFBB (dimer), Human 500 μg 500μg 17172 Goldbio
1150-11-10 AREG, Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1150-11-100 AREG, Human 100 μg 100μg 3816 Goldbio
1150-14-10 HBEGF, Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1150-14-100 HBEGF, Human 100 μg 100μg 3816 Goldbio
1150-14-500 HBEGF, Human 500 μg 500μg 8148 Goldbio
1150-18-5 CYR61, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1160-01-100 IFN-alpha1A, Human 100 μg 100μg 2676 Goldbio
1160-01-500 IFN-alpha1A, Human 500 μg 500μg 5472 Goldbio
1160-02-10 IFN-alpha1B, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1160-03-100 IFN-alpha2A, Human 100 μg 100μg 2676 Goldbio
1160-03-500 IFN-alpha2A, Human 500 μg 500μg 5472 Goldbio
1160-04E-100 IFN-alpha2B (E. coli), Human 100 μg 100μg 2676 Goldbio
1160-04Y-100 IFN-alpha2B (S. cerevisiae), Human 100 μg 100μg 3696 Goldbio
1160-05-10 IFN-beta1B, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1160-05-100 IFN-beta1B, Human 100 μg 100μg 14184 Goldbio
1160-05-500 IFN-beta1B, Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1160-06-100 IFN-gamma, Human 100 μg 100μg 3312 Goldbio
1160-06-500 IFN-gamma, Human 500 μg 500μg 6492 Goldbio
1160-07-5 IFN-lambda1 (IL29), Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1160-09-100 IFN-omega1, Human 100 μg 100μg 3312 Goldbio
1170-04-10 NTF4, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1170-04-100 NTF4, Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1170-04-500 NTF4, Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1170-07-10 GMFB, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1170-08-5 CNTF, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1170-09-100 NPPB, Human 100 μg 100μg 3948 Goldbio
1170-10-10 NRG1-beta2, Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1170-10-100 NRG1-beta2, Human 100 μg 100μg 3816 Goldbio
1170-10-500 NRG1-beta2, Human 500 μg 500μg 8148 Goldbio
1170-10B-10 NRG1-beta1 (177-241 a.a.), Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1170-12-100 BTC, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1170-12-5 BTC, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1170-12-500 BTC, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1170-14-10 GDNF, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1170-14-100 GDNF, Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1170-14-500 GDNF, Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1170-15-5 MANF, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1170-18-5 MDK, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1170-20-10 NRG1-alpha, Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1170-21-5 PTN, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1170-22-5 NRN1, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1170-23-5 PSPN, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1180-02-10 BMP2, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1180-02-100 BMP2, Human 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1180-02-500 BMP2, Human 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1180-07-10 BMP7, Human Inactive Protein 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1180-09-100 Noggin, Human 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1180-09-5 Noggin, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1180-09-500 Noggin, Human 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1190-01-5 DEFB1, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1190-02-5 DEFB4A, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1190-03-5 DEFB103A, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1190-04-5 DEFB104A, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1190-05-5 DEFB105A, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1210-01A-10 IL1A (IL-1 alpha), Rhesus macaque 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1210-01A-100 IL1A (IL-1 alpha), Rhesus macaque 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1210-01A-500 IL1A (IL-1 alpha), Rhesus macaque 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1210-01B-10 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Rhesus macaque 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1210-01B-100 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Rhesus macaque 100 μg 100μg 14184 Goldbio
1210-01B-500 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Rhesus macaque 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1210-03-10 IL3, Rhesus macaque 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1210-04-5 IL4, Rhesus macaque 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1210-06-10 IL6, Rhesus macaque 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1210-06-100 IL6, Rhesus macaque 100 μg 100μg 14184 Goldbio
1210-06-500 IL6, Rhesus macaque 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1210-08-100 IL8, Rhesus macaque 100 μg 100μg 13236 Goldbio
1210-08-5 IL8, Rhesus macaque 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1210-08-500 IL8, Rhesus macaque 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1210-13-10 IL13, Rhesus macaque 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1210-16-10 IL16, Rhesus macaque 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1220-02-10 CSF3 (G-CSF), Rhesus macaque 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1220-02-100 CSF3 (G-CSF), Rhesus macaque 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1220-02-500 CSF3 (G-CSF), Rhesus macaque 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1220-03-10 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Rhesus macaque 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1220-03-100 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Rhesus macaque 100 μg 100μg 14184 Goldbio
1220-03-500 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Rhesus macaque 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-01A-10 IL1A (IL-1 alpha), Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-01A-100 IL1A (IL-1 alpha), Murine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1310-01A-500 IL1A (IL-1 alpha), Murine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-01B-10 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-01B-100 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Murine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1310-01B-500 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Murine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-01C-100 IL1RN (IL-1RA), Murine 100 μg 100μg 3312 Goldbio
1310-02-100 IL2, Murine 100 μg 100μg 7704 Goldbio
1310-02-5 IL2, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1310-02-500 IL2, Murine 500 μg 500μg 15900 Goldbio
1310-03-10 IL3, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-03-100 IL3, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1310-03-500 IL3, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1310-04-100 IL4, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8592 Goldbio
1310-04-5 IL4, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1310-04-500 IL4, Murine 500 μg 500μg 17688 Goldbio
1310-05-100 IL5, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1310-05-5 IL5, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1310-05-500 IL5, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1310-06-10 IL6, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-06-100 IL6, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1310-06-500 IL6, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1310-07-10 IL7, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-07-100 IL7, Murine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1310-07-500 IL7, Murine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-10-10 IL10, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-10-100 IL10, Murine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1310-10-500 IL10, Murine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-11-10 IL11, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-11-100 IL11, Murine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1310-11-500 IL11, Murine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-13-10 IL13, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-13-100 IL13, Murine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1310-13-500 IL13, Murine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-16-10 IL16, Murine (121 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-21-10 IL21, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-22-10 IL22, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-22-100 IL22, Murine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1310-22-500 IL22, Murine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-25-10 D17Wsu104e (SF20), Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-33-10 IL33, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-33-100 IL33, Murine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1310-33-500 IL33, Murine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-36A-10 IL36A (IL-36 alpha), Murine (160 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-36A-100 IL36A (IL-36 alpha), Murine (160 a.a.) 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1310-36A-500 IL36A (IL-36 alpha), Murine (160 a.a.) 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-36B-10 IL36A (IL-36 alpha), Murine (153 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-36C-10 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Murine (183 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-36C-100 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Murine (183 a.a.) 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1310-36C-500 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Murine (183 a.a.) 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-36D-10 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Murine (153 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-36D-100 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Murine (153 a.a.) 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1310-36D-500 IL36B (IL-36 beta), Murine (153 a.a.) 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1310-36G-10 IL36RN (IL-36RA), Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1310-36G-100 IL36RN (IL-36RA), Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1310-36G-500 IL36RN (IL-36RA), Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1320-01-10 KITLG (SCF), Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1320-01-100 KITLG (SCF), Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1320-01-500 KITLG (SCF), Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1320-02-10 CSF3 (G-CSF), Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1320-02-100 CSF3 (G-CSF), Murine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1320-02-500 CSF3 (G-CSF), Murine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1320-03-100 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Murine 100 μg 100μg 8592 Goldbio
1320-03-5 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1320-03-500 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Murine 500 μg 500μg 17688 Goldbio
1320-06-10 THPO, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1320-06-100 THPO, Murine 100 μg 100μg 10560 Goldbio
1320-06-500 THPO, Murine 500 μg 500μg 23412 Goldbio
1320-09-10 CSF1 (M-CSF), Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1320-09-100 CSF1 (M-CSF), Murine 100 μg 100μg 10560 Goldbio
1320-09-500 CSF1 (M-CSF), Murine 500 μg 500μg 23412 Goldbio
1330-01-100 TNF-α, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1330-01-5 TNF-α, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1330-01-500 TNF-α, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1330-07-100 LIF, Murine 100 μg 100μg 7704 Goldbio
1330-07-5 LIF, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1330-07-500 LIF, Murine 500 μg 500μg 15900 Goldbio
1340-01-10 Acidic FGF (FGF1), Murine 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1340-01-100 Acidic FGF (FGF1), Murine 100 μg 100μg 3816 Goldbio
1340-01-500 Acidic FGF (FGF1), Murine 500 μg 500μg 8148 Goldbio
1340-02-10 Basic FGF (FGF2), Murine 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1340-02-100 Basic FGF (FGF2), Murine 100 μg 100μg 3696 Goldbio
1340-02-500 Basic FGF (FGF2), Murine 500 μg 500μg 7764 Goldbio
1340-07-10 FGF7/KGF1, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1340-07-100 FGF7/KGF1, Murine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1340-07-500 FGF7/KGF1, Murine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1340-08-100 FGF8, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1340-08-5 FGF8, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1340-08-500 FGF8, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1340-09-10 FGF9, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1340-10-100 FGF10/KGF2, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1340-10-5 FGF10/KGF2, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1340-10-500 FGF10/KGF2, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1340-18-5 FGF18, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1340-21-100 FGF21, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1340-21-5 FGF21, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1340-21-500 FGF21, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1350-01-10 IGF1, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1350-01-100 IGF1, Murine 100 μg 100μg 3696 Goldbio
1350-01-500 IGF1, Murine 500 μg 500μg 7764 Goldbio
1350-01B9-5 NOV, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1350-04-100 EGF, Murine 100 μg 100μg 1212 Goldbio
1350-04-500 EGF, Murine 500 μg 500μg 1788 Goldbio
1350-06-10 VEGF120, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1350-06-100 VEGF120, Murine 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1350-06-500 VEGF120, Murine 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1350-07-10 VEGF164, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1350-07-100 VEGF164, Murine 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1350-07-500 VEGF164, Murine 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1350-08-10 HBEGF, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1350-08-100 HBEGF, Murine 100 μg 100μg 3816 Goldbio
1350-08-500 HBEGF, Murine 500 μg 500μg 8148 Goldbio
1360-06-100 IFN-gamma, Murine 100 μg 100μg 3312 Goldbio
1360-06-500 IFN-gamma, Murine 500 μg 500μg 6492 Goldbio
1360-08-5 IFN-lambda2 (IL28A), Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1360-08B-5 IFN-lambda3 (IL28B), Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1370-07-10 GMFB, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1370-08-100 CNTF, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1370-08-5 CNTF, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1370-08-500 CNTF, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1370-12-5 BTC, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1370-16-5 CDNF, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1370-18-5 MDK, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1370-23-5 PSPN, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1380-09-100 Noggin, Murine 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1380-09-5 Noggin, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1380-09-500 Noggin, Murine 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1390-01-5 DEFB1, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1390-02-5 DEFB2, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1390-03-5 DEFB3, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1410-03-10 IL3, Canine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1410-03-100 IL3, Canine 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1410-03-500 IL3, Canine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1410-08-5 IL8, Canine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1420-01-10 KITLG (SCF), Canine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1420-03-100 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Canine 100 μg 100μg 12792 Goldbio
1420-03-5 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Canine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1420-03-500 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Canine 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1460-06-100 IFN-gamma, Canine 100 μg 100μg 3948 Goldbio
1460-06-500 IFN-gamma, Canine 500 μg 500μg 7188 Goldbio
1510-01A-10 IL1A (IL-1 alpha), Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1510-01B-10 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1510-01B-100 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Rat 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1510-01B-500 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Rat 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1510-01C-100 IL1RN (IL-1RA), Rat 100 μg 100μg 3312 Goldbio
1510-01C-500 IL1RN (IL-1RA), Rat 500 μg 500μg 6492 Goldbio
1510-02-5 IL2, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1510-03B-5 IL3 B, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1510-04-5 IL4, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1510-05-10 IL5, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1510-06-10 IL6, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1510-07-10 IL7, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1510-09-10 IL9, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1510-13-10 IL13, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1510-13B-10 IL13, Rat (113 a.a.) 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1510-17-100 IL17A, Rat 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1510-17-5 IL17A, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1510-17-500 IL17A, Rat 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1510-21-10 IL21, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1510-21-100 IL21, Rat 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1510-21-500 IL21, Rat 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1510-22-10 IL22, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1510-22-100 IL22, Rat 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1510-22-500 IL22, Rat 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1510-33-10 IL33, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1510-33-100 IL33, Rat 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1510-33-500 IL33, Rat 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1520-01-10 KITLG (SCF), Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1520-02-10 CSF3 (G-CSF), Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1520-03-100 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Rat 100 μg 100μg 8592 Goldbio
1520-03-5 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1520-03-500 CSF2 (GM-CSF), Rat 500 μg 500μg 17688 Goldbio
1540-02-10 Basic FGF (FGF2), Rat 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1540-02-100 Basic FGF (FGF2), Rat 100 μg 100μg 3696 Goldbio
1540-02-500 Basic FGF (FGF2), Rat 500 μg 500μg 7764 Goldbio
1540-09-100 FGF9, Rat 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1540-09-5 FGF9, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1540-09-500 FGF9, Rat 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1540-10-5 FGF10/KGF2, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1540-18-5 FGF18, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1540-21-5 FGF21, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1550-01-10 IGF1, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1550-01-100 IGF1, Rat 100 μg 100μg 3816 Goldbio
1550-01-500 IGF1, Rat 500 μg 500μg 8148 Goldbio
1550-04-100 EGF, Rat 100 μg 100μg 3312 Goldbio
1550-04-500 EGF, Rat 500 μg 500μg 6492 Goldbio
1550-07-10 VEGF164, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1550-07-100 VEGF164, Rat 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1550-07-500 VEGF164, Rat 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1550-08-10 HBEGF, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1550-08-100 HBEGF, Rat 100 μg 100μg 3816 Goldbio
1550-08-500 HBEGF, Rat 500 μg 500μg 8148 Goldbio
1550-14-10 PDGFAA (dimer), Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1550-14-100 PDGFAA (dimer), Rat 100 μg 100μg 9804 Goldbio
1550-14-500 PDGFAA (dimer), Rat 500 μg 500μg 20100 Goldbio
1560-06-100 IFN-gamma, Rat 100 μg 100μg 3312 Goldbio
1560-06-500 IFN-gamma, Rat 500 μg 500μg 6492 Goldbio
1570-07-10 GMFB, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1570-08-100 CNTF, Rat 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
1570-08-5 CNTF, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1570-08-500 CNTF, Rat 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
1570-14-10 GDNF, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1570-14-100 GDNF, Rat 100 μg 100μg 14256 Goldbio
1570-14-500 GDNF, Rat 500 μg 500μg 27540 Goldbio
1570-16-5 CDNF, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1570-18-5 MDK, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1590-01-5 DEFB1, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1590-03-5 DEFB3, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1590-04-5 DEFB4, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1640-02-10 Basic FGF (FGF2), Bovine 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
1640-02-100 Basic FGF (FGF2), Bovine 100 μg 100μg 2676 Goldbio
1640-02-500 Basic FGF (FGF2), Bovine 500 μg 500μg 6108 Goldbio
1810-01B-10 IL1B (IL-1 beta), Porcine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1810-01C-5 IL1RN (IL1-RA), Porcine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
1810-02-10 IL2, Porcine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
1810-08-10 IL8, Porcine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2110-01-5 CXCL1, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2110-02-10 CXCL2, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2110-03-10 CXCL3, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2110-04-5 PF4 (CXCL4), Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2110-05-5 CXCL5 (5-78 a.a.), Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2110-05T-5 CXCL5 (8-78 a.a.), Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2110-07-10 PPBP (CXCL7), Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2110-09-100 CXCL9, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2110-09-5 CXCL9, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2110-09-500 CXCL9, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2110-10-5 CXCL10, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2110-11-5 CXCL11, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2110-12A-10 CXCL12-alpha, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2110-12A-100 CXCL12-alpha, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2110-12A-500 CXCL12-alpha, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2110-12B-10 CXCL12-beta, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2110-12C-10 CXCL12-gamma, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2110-13-5 CXCL13, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2110-17-5 CXCL17, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2120-01-5 XCL1, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2130-01-100 CX3CL1, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2130-01-5 CX3CL1, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2130-01-500 CX3CL1, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2140-01-10 CCL1, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2140-02-100 CCL2, Human 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2140-02-5 CCL2, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-02-500 CCL2, Human 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2140-03-5 CCL3, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-03A-5 CCL3L1, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-04-10 CCL4, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2140-04A-5 CCL4L1, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-05-5 CCL5, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-07-10 CCL7, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2140-08-10 CCL8, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2140-11-5 CCL11, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-13-5 CCL13, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-14-10 CCL14, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2140-14A-10 CCL14 (66 a.a.), Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2140-15-5 CCL15, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-15T-5 CCL15 (68 a.a.), Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-16-5 CCL16, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-17-5 CCL17, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-18-10 CCL18, Human 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2140-20-5 CCL20, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-21-5 CCL21, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-22-5 CCL22, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-23-5 CCL23, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-24-5 CCL24, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-25-5 CCL25, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-26-5 CCL26, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2140-28-5 CCL28, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2150-01-5 FAM19A2, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2210-10-5 CXCL10, Rhesus macaque 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2240-11-5 CCL11, Rhesus Macaque 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2250-01-10 SAA1, Rhesus Macaque 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2310-01-100 CXCL1, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2310-01-5 CXCL1, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2310-01-500 CXCL1, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2310-02-5 CXCL2, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2310-03-10 CXCL3, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2310-04-5 PF4 (CXCL4), Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2310-05-5 CXCL5 (92 a.a.), Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2310-05T-5 CXCL5 (70 a.a.), Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2310-09-100 CXCL9, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2310-09-5 CXCL9, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2310-09-500 CXCL9, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2310-10-100 CXCL10, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2310-10-5 CXCL10, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2310-10-500 CXCL10, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2310-12A-10 CXCL12-alpha, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2310-12A-100 CXCL12-alpha, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2310-12A-500 CXCL12-alpha, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2310-12B-10 CXCL12-beta, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2310-14-5 CXCL14, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2310-16-100 CXCL16, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2310-16-5 CXCL16, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2310-16-500 CXCL16, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2330-01-100 CX3CL1, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2330-01-5 CX3CL1, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2330-01-500 CX3CL1, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2340-03-10 CCL3, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2340-04-10 CCL4, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2340-05-5 CCL5, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-06-10 CCL6, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2340-07-10 CCL7, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2340-08-5 CCL8, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-09-5 CCL9 (CCL10), Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-11-5 CCL11, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-12-5 CCL12, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-17-100 CCL17, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2340-17-5 CCL17, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-17-500 CCL17, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2340-19-5 CCL19, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-20-100 CCL20, Murine 100 μg 100μg 8088 Goldbio
2340-20-5 CCL20, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-20-500 CCL20, Murine 500 μg 500μg 16728 Goldbio
2340-21-5 CCL21, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-22-5 CCL22, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-24-5 CCL24, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-25-5 CCL25, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-27-5 CCL27, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2340-28-5 CCL28, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2510-01-5 CXCL1, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2510-02-5 CXCL2, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2510-03A-10 CXCL3-alpha, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2510-03B-10 CXCL3-beta, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2510-05-5 CXCL6 (CXCL5), Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2510-07-10 PPBP (CXCL7), Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2510-10-5 CXCL10, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2510-12A-10 CXCL12-alpha, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2510-12B-10 CXCL12-beta, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2510-14-5 CXCL14, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2510-17-10 CXCL17, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2530-01-5 CX3CL1, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2540-03-5 CCL3, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2540-04-5 CCL4, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2540-06-10 CCL6, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2540-07-10 CCL7, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1788 Goldbio
2540-11-5 CCL11, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2540-17-5 CCL17, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2540-22-5 CCL22, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2540-24-5 CCL24, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2540-28-5 CCL28, Rat 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
2910-02-10 MIP2, Virus 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
3110-03-100 PTH (1-34), Human 100 μg 100μg 3948 Goldbio
3110-03-500 PTH (1-34), Human 500 μg 500μg 7188 Goldbio
3110-04-100 PTH (7-34), Human 100 μg 100μg 3948 Goldbio
3110-04-500 PTH (7-34), Human 500 μg 500μg 7188 Goldbio
3110-05-100 PTH (1-84), Human 100 μg 100μg 3948 Goldbio
3110-05-500 PTH (1-84), Human 500 μg 500μg 7188 Goldbio
3110-05N-10 PTH 1-84 (15N), Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
3110-05N-100 PTH 1-84 (15N), Human 100 μg 100μg 6936 Goldbio
3110-05N-500 PTH 1-84 (15N), Human 500 μg 500μg 14124 Goldbio
3110-07-10 PTHLH, Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
3110-07N-100 PTHLH, 15N, Human 100 μg 100μg 7068 Goldbio
3110-07N-5 PTHLH, 15N, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
3110-07N-500 PTHLH, 15N, Human 500 μg 500μg 14376 Goldbio
3110-12-100 PTH (7-84), Human 100 μg 100μg 3948 Goldbio
3110-12-500 PTH (7-84), Human 500 μg 500μg 7188 Goldbio
3110-12N-10 PTH (7-84), 15N, Human 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
3110-12N-100 PTH (7-84), 15N, Human 100 μg 100μg 6936 Goldbio
3110-12N-500 PTH (7-84), 15N, Human 500 μg 500μg 14124 Goldbio
3310-10-10 PRL, Murine 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
3510-10-10 PRL, Rat 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
6110-19-100 SHH, Human 100 μg 100μg 7704 Goldbio
6110-19-5 SHH, Human 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
6110-19-500 SHH, Human 500 μg 500μg 15900 Goldbio
6310-19-100 SHH, Murine 100 μg 100μg 7704 Goldbio
6310-19-5 SHH, Murine 5 μg 5μg 1212 Goldbio
6310-19-500 SHH, Murine 500 μg 500μg 15900 Goldbio
6820-01-10 Hepatitis B (HBV) Surface Antigen preS1 10 μg 10μg 1212 Goldbio
6820-01-50 Hepatitis B (HBV) Surface Antigen preS1 50 μg 50μg 1788 Goldbio
6820-01-500 Hepatitis B (HBV) Surface Antigen preS1 500 μg 500μg 11268 Goldbio
A-010-100 ACES 100 g 100g 744 Goldbio
A-010-50 ACES 50 g 50g 600 Goldbio
A0185.0250 Amiprophos Methyl 250 mg 250mg 3588 Goldbio
A0185.1000 Amiprophos Methyl 1 g 1g 11724 Goldbio
A-030-1 L-Arginine 1 kg 1kg 1200 Goldbio
A-030-10 L-Arginine 10 kg 10kg 9672 Goldbio
A-030-5 L-Arginine 5 kg 5kg 5268 Goldbio
A-030-500 L-Arginine 500 g 500g 708 Goldbio
A-050-1 Abscisic acid 1 g 1g 1392 Goldbio
A-050-100 Abscisic acid 100 mg 100mg 672 Goldbio
A-050-2.5 Abscisic acid 2.5 g 2.5g 2736 Goldbio
A-050-5 Abscisic acid 5 g 5g 4920 Goldbio
A-050-500 Abscisic acid 500 mg 500mg 900 Goldbio
A-060-100 Adenosine, Free Base 100 g 100g 1632 Goldbio
A-081-100 Adenosine-5′-Triphosphate (ATP), Disodium trihydrate, Ultra Pure 100 g 100g 4632 Goldbio
A-081-25 Adenosine-5′-Triphosphate (ATP), Disodium trihydrate, Ultra Pure 25 g 25g 1272 Goldbio
A-081-250 Adenosine-5′-Triphosphate (ATP), Disodium trihydrate, Ultra Pure 250 g 250g 9156 Goldbio
A-082-10 Adenosine-5′-Monophosphate (AMP), Disodium hexahydrate, Ultra Pure 10 g 10g 564 Goldbio
A-082-25 Adenosine-5′-Monophosphate (AMP), Disodium hexahydrate, Ultra Pure 25 g 25g 972 Goldbio
A-100-10 N-Acetyl-L-carnosine 10 g 10g 720 Goldbio
A-100-100 N-Acetyl-L-carnosine 100 g 100g 3480 Goldbio
A-100-25 N-Acetyl-L-carnosine 25 g 25g 1200 Goldbio
A-100-250 N-Acetyl-L-carnosine 250 g 250g 7200 Goldbio
A-100-50 N-Acetyl-L-carnosine 50 g 50g 2076 Goldbio
A-110-10 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine 10 kg 10kg 11172 Goldbio
A-110-2.5 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine 2.5 kg 2.5kg 3084 Goldbio
A-110-25 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine 25 kg 25kg 26580 Goldbio
A-110-5 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine 5 kg 5kg 5868 Goldbio
A-113-10 N-Acetyl-5-bromo-3-hydroxyindole 10 g 10g 10188 Goldbio
A-113-2.5 N-Acetyl-5-bromo-3-hydroxyindole 2.5 g 2.5g 2808 Goldbio
A-113-5 N-Acetyl-5-bromo-3-hydroxyindole 5 g 5g 5352 Goldbio
A-115-1 Ampicillin/Sulbactam (2-1) 1 g 1g 2508 Goldbio
A-117-10 N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine 10 g 10g 2376 Goldbio
A-117-2 N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine 2 g 2g 792 Goldbio
A-117-25 N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine 25 g 25g 4128 Goldbio
A-117-5 N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine 5 g 5g 1392 Goldbio
A-117-50 N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine 50 g 50g 7656 Goldbio
A-119-1 N-Acetylglycine 1 kg 1kg 900 Goldbio
A-119-10 N-Acetylglycine 10 kg 10kg 6240 Goldbio
A-119-2 N-Acetylglycine 2 kg 2kg 1680 Goldbio
A-119-25 N-Acetylglycine 25 kg 25kg 13200 Goldbio
A-119-5 N-Acetylglycine 5 kg 5kg 3900 Goldbio
A-120-100 Acetylcholine iodide 100 g 100g 4128 Goldbio
A-120-25 Acetylcholine iodide 25 g 25g 1272 Goldbio
A-120-250 Acetylcholine iodide 250 g 250g 9696 Goldbio
A-120-50 Acetylcholine iodide 50 g 50g 2304 Goldbio
A-120-500 Acetylcholine iodide 500 g 500g 18180 Goldbio
A-125-1 N-Acetyl-3-hydroxyindole 1 g 1g 540 Goldbio
A-125-10 N-Acetyl-3-hydroxyindole 10 g 10g 2736 Goldbio
A-125-2.5 N-Acetyl-3-hydroxyindole 2.5 g 2.5g 900 Goldbio
A-125-25 N-Acetyl-3-hydroxyindole 25 g 25g 5904 Goldbio
A-125-5 N-Acetyl-3-hydroxyindole 5 g 5g 1524 Goldbio
A-138-100 3-Acetylindole 100 g 100g 1404 Goldbio
A-138-1000 3-Acetylindole 1 kg 1kg 12000 Goldbio
A-138-250 3-Acetylindole 250 g 250g 3336 Goldbio
A-138-50 3-Acetylindole 50 g 50g 780 Goldbio
A-138-500 3-Acetylindole 500 g 500g 6300 Goldbio
A-145-100 Adenine 9-β-D-arabinofuranoside (Vidarabine) 100 mg 100mg 636 Goldbio
A-145-500 Adenine 9-β-D-arabinofuranoside (Vidarabine) 500 mg 500mg 1884 Goldbio
A-150-100 1-Acetyl-3-carboxaldehyde 100 g 100g 3180 Goldbio
A-150-25 1-Acetyl-3-carboxaldehyde 25 g 25g 1140 Goldbio
A-150-250 1-Acetyl-3-carboxaldehyde 250 g 250g 6660 Goldbio
A-150-50 1-Acetyl-3-carboxaldehyde 50 g 50g 1860 Goldbio
A-150-500 1-Acetyl-3-carboxaldehyde 500 g 500g 11160 Goldbio
A-152-10 N-Acetyl-D-mannosamine 10 g 10g 996 Goldbio
A-152-100 N-Acetyl-D-mannosamine 100 g 100g 5292 Goldbio
A-152-25 N-Acetyl-D-mannosamine 25 g 25g 1848 Goldbio
A-152-5 N-Acetyl-D-mannosamine 5 g 5g 660 Goldbio
A-152-50 N-Acetyl-D-mannosamine 50 g 50g 3108 Goldbio
A-158-10 N-Acetylneuraminic acid 10 g 10g 852 Goldbio
A-158-100 N-Acetylneuraminic acid 100 g 100g 7392 Goldbio
A-158-25 N-Acetylneuraminic acid 25 g 25g 2100 Goldbio
A-158-250 N-Acetylneuraminic acid 250 g 250g 17580 Goldbio
A-158-50 N-Acetylneuraminic acid 50 g 50g 3948 Goldbio
A-162-100 S-Acetylthiocholine iodide 100 g 100g 7980 Goldbio
A-162-25 S-Acetylthiocholine iodide 25 g 25g 2880 Goldbio
A-162-250 S-Acetylthiocholine iodide 250 g 250g 16620 Goldbio
A-162-50 S-Acetylthiocholine iodide 50 g 50g 4788 Goldbio
A-162-500 S-Acetylthiocholine iodide 500 g 500g 30120 Goldbio
A-170-1 Gal-alpha1,3-GalNAc 1 mg 1mg 3036 Goldbio
A-170-10 Gal-alpha1,3-GalNAc 10 mg 10mg 18060 Goldbio
A-170-2.5 Gal-alpha1,3-GalNAc 2.5 mg 2.5mg 6600 Goldbio
A-170-25 Gal-alpha1,3-GalNAc 25 mg 25mg 34200 Goldbio
A-170-5 Gal-alpha1,3-GalNAc 5 mg 5mg 10836 Goldbio
A-175-100 Adonitol 100 g 100g 1380 Goldbio
A-175-250 Adonitol 250 g 250g 3000 Goldbio
A-175-50 Adonitol 50 g 50g 804 Goldbio
A-175-500 Adonitol 500 g 500g 5460 Goldbio
A-190-1 L-Alanine 7-amido-4-methylcoumarin, trifluoroacetate salt 1 g 1g 2436 Goldbio
A-190-250 L-Alanine 7-amido-4-methylcoumarin, trifluoroacetate salt 250 mg 250mg 948 Goldbio
A-190-500 L-Alanine 7-amido-4-methylcoumarin, trifluoroacetate salt 500 mg 500mg 1524 Goldbio
A-200-10 L-Alanine 4-nitroanilide hydrochloride 10 g 10g 900 Goldbio
A-200-100 L-Alanine 4-nitroanilide hydrochloride 100 g 100g 9000 Goldbio
A-200-25 L-Alanine 4-nitroanilide hydrochloride 25 g 25g 1800 Goldbio
A-200-5 L-Alanine 4-nitroanilide hydrochloride 5 g 5g 600 Goldbio
A-200-50 L-Alanine 4-nitroanilide hydrochloride 50 g 50g 2880 Goldbio
A-201-100 Agarose LE (Molecular Biology Grade) 100 g 100g 1260 Goldbio
A-201-1000 Agarose LE (Molecular Biology Grade) 1 kg 1kg 7620 Goldbio
A-201-500 Agarose LE (Molecular Biology Grade) 500 g 500g 4452 Goldbio
A-204-100 Low Melt Agarose 100 g 100g 3360 Goldbio
A-204-25 Low Melt Agarose 25 g 25g 1560 Goldbio
A-210-10 Albendazole 10 g 10g 780 Goldbio
A-210-100 Albendazole 100 mg 100mg 684 Goldbio
A-229-100 7-Aminocephalosporanic acid 100 g 100g 10188 Goldbio
A-229-25 7-Aminocephalosporanic acid 25 g 25g 4632 Goldbio
A-229-250 7-Aminocephalosporanic acid 250 g 250g 23940 Goldbio
A-229-50 7-Aminocephalosporanic acid 50 g 50g 6840 Goldbio
A-229-500 7-Aminocephalosporanic acid 500 g 500g 45180 Goldbio
A-230-1 L-Albizziine 1 g 1g 2820 Goldbio
A-230-2.5 L-Albizziine 2.5 g 2.5g 6600 Goldbio
A-230-250 L-Albizziine 250 mg 250mg 924 Goldbio
A-230-5 L-Albizziine 5 g 5g 12600 Goldbio
A-230-500 L-Albizziine 500 mg 500mg 1500 Goldbio
A-231-10 N-(4-Aminobenzoyl)-L-glutamic acid 10 g 10g 948 Goldbio
A-231-25 N-(4-Aminobenzoyl)-L-glutamic acid 25 g 25g 1656 Goldbio
A-231-5 N-(4-Aminobenzoyl)-L-glutamic acid 5 g 5g 732 Goldbio
A-231-50 N-(4-Aminobenzoyl)-L-glutamic acid 50 g 50g 2304 Goldbio
A-233-1 DL-2-Aminobutyric acid 1 kg 1kg 3000 Goldbio
A-233-100 DL-2-Aminobutyric acid 100 g 100g 720 Goldbio
A-233-2 DL-2-Aminobutyric acid 2 kg 2kg 4800 Goldbio
A-233-250 DL-2-Aminobutyric acid 250 g 250g 1200 Goldbio
A-233-500 DL-2-Aminobutyric acid 500 g 500g 1800 Goldbio
A-240-10 Adipic acid monobenzyl ester 10 g 10g 4668 Goldbio
A-240-100 Adipic acid monobenzyl ester 100 g 100g 27528 Goldbio
A-240-25 Adipic acid monobenzyl ester 25 g 25g 9792 Goldbio
A-240-5 Adipic acid monobenzyl ester 5 g 5g 2784 Goldbio
A-240-50 Adipic acid monobenzyl ester 50 g 50g 16428 Goldbio
A-245-2.5 trans-Aconitic acid 2.5 kg 2.5kg 19104 Goldbio
A-251-1 2-Aminoisobutyric acid 1 kg 1kg 2472 Goldbio
A-251-500 2-Aminoisobutyric acid 500 g 500g 1380 Goldbio
A-275-100 5-Amino-2-nitrobenzoic acid 100 g 100g 8124 Goldbio
A-275-25 5-Amino-2-nitrobenzoic acid 25 g 25g 2280 Goldbio
A-275-250 5-Amino-2-nitrobenzoic acid 250 g 250g 19116 Goldbio
A-275-50 5-Amino-2-nitrobenzoic acid 50 g 50g 4308 Goldbio
A-275-500 5-Amino-2-nitrobenzoic acid 500 g 500g 36360 Goldbio
A-280-1 4-Aminophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside 1 g 1g 1836 Goldbio
A-280-10 4-Aminophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside 10 g 10g 13788 Goldbio
A-280-2.5 4-Aminophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside 2.5 g 2.5g 4176 Goldbio
A-280-5 4-Aminophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside 5 g 5g 7584 Goldbio
A-280-500 4-Aminophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside 500 mg 500mg 1092 Goldbio
A-292-1 4-Aminophenyl phosphate monosodium salt hydrate 1 g 1g 2688 Goldbio
A-292-100 4-Aminophenyl phosphate monosodium salt hydrate 100 mg 100mg 720 Goldbio
A-292-2 4-Aminophenyl phosphate monosodium salt hydrate 2 g 2g 5040 Goldbio
A-292-250 4-Aminophenyl phosphate monosodium salt hydrate 250 mg 250mg 960 Goldbio
A-292-500 4-Aminophenyl phosphate monosodium salt hydrate 500 mg 500mg 1440 Goldbio
A-300-1 L-Arabinose 1 kg 1kg 3156 Goldbio
A-300-100 L-Arabinose 100 g 100g 600 Goldbio
A-300-2 L-Arabinose 2 x 1 kg 2x1kg 5076 Goldbio
A-300-250 L-Arabinose 250 g 250g 1272 Goldbio
A-300-5 L-Arabinose 5 kg 5kg 10380 Goldbio
A-300-500 L-Arabinose 500 g 500g 2376 Goldbio
A-301-100 Ampicillin (Sodium), USP Grade 100 g 100g 2316 Goldbio
A-301-25 Ampicillin (Sodium), USP Grade 25 g 25g 660 Goldbio
A-301-500 Ampicillin (Sodium), USP Grade 500 g 500g 10476 Goldbio
A-301-EZ100 Ampicillin (Sodium) EZ Pak™ for 100 mg/mL Solution 100 mL 100mL 1428 Goldbio
A-301-EZ25 Ampicillin (Sodium) EZ Pak™ for 100 mg/mL Solution 25 mL 25mL 804 Goldbio
A-301-EZ50 Ampicillin (Sodium) EZ Pak™ for 100 mg/mL Solution 50 mL 50mL 1140 Goldbio
A-301-SL100 Ampicillin (Sodium) 100 mg/mL Solution 100 mL 100mL 1428 Goldbio
A-301-SL25 Ampicillin (Sodium) 100 mg/mL Solution 25 mL 25mL 804 Goldbio
A-301-SL50 Ampicillin (Sodium) 100 mg/mL Solution 50 mL 50mL 1140 Goldbio
A-302-100 Ampicillin Anhydrous 100 g 100g 6684 Goldbio
A-302-25 Ampicillin Anhydrous 25 g 25g 2844 Goldbio
A-302-5 Ampicillin Anhydrous 5 g 5g 1032 Goldbio
A-303-100 Ampicillin Trihydrate 100 g 100g 2556 Goldbio
A-303-25 Ampicillin Trihydrate 25 g 25g 1200 Goldbio
A-310-1 D-Arabitol 1 kg 1kg 11064 Goldbio
A-310-10 D-Arabitol 10 g 10g 528 Goldbio
A-310-2.5 D-Arabitol 2.5 kg 2.5kg 26856 Goldbio
A-310-250 D-Arabitol 250 g 250g 2940 Goldbio
A-310-500 D-Arabitol 500 g 500g 5700 Goldbio
A-320-1 L-Arabitol 1 kg 1kg 16920 Goldbio
A-320-100 L-Arabitol 100 g 100g 2064 Goldbio
A-320-250 L-Arabitol 250 g 250g 4860 Goldbio
A-320-50 L-Arabitol 50 g 50g 1272 Goldbio
A-320-500 L-Arabitol 500 g 500g 9120 Goldbio
A-335-1 4-Acetoxyindole 1 g 1g 900 Goldbio
A-335-10 4-Acetoxyindole 10 g 10g 2760 Goldbio
A-335-2 4-Acetoxyindole 2 g 2g 1440 Goldbio
A-335-25 4-Acetoxyindole 25 g 25g 4800 Goldbio
A-335-5 4-Acetoxyindole 5 g 5g 2160 Goldbio
A-350-1 L-Arginyl-L-arginine 7-amido-4-methylcoumarin trihydrochloride 1 g 1g 4656 Goldbio
A-350-10 L-Arginyl-L-arginine 7-amido-4-methylcoumarin trihydrochloride 10 g 10g 34908 Goldbio
A-350-2.5 L-Arginyl-L-arginine 7-amido-4-methylcoumarin trihydrochloride 2.5 g 2.5g 10560 Goldbio
A-350-5 L-Arginyl-L-arginine 7-amido-4-methylcoumarin trihydrochloride 5 g 5g 19200 Goldbio
A-360-10 Actinomycin D, USP Grade 10 mg 10mg 1740 Goldbio
A-360-25 Actinomycin D, USP Grade 25 mg 25mg 2952 Goldbio
A-370-10 5-Azaindole 10 g 10g 1440 Goldbio
A-370-100 5-Azaindole 100 g 100g 9600 Goldbio
A-370-25 5-Azaindole 25 g 25g 3000 Goldbio
A-370-5 5-Azaindole 5 g 5g 840 Goldbio
A-370-50 5-Azaindole 50 g 50g 5400 Goldbio
A-400-100 6-Azauracil 100 g 100g 2340 Goldbio
A-400-25 6-Azauracil 25 g 25g 780 Goldbio
A-400-250 6-Azauracil 250 g 250g 4500 Goldbio
A-400-50 6-Azauracil 50 g 50g 1320 Goldbio
A-400-500 6-Azauracil 500 g 500g 8340 Goldbio
A-415-10 Acalabrutinib 10 mg 10mg 2196 Goldbio
A-430-25 Alcian Blue 25 g 25g 2640 Goldbio
A-430-5 Alcian Blue 5 g 5g 696 Goldbio
A-440-1 Alkaline Phosphatase, 2-Component System 1 KU 1KU 1428 Goldbio
A-455-1 O(2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-benzyl-α-D-gal)(1-4)O(2,3,6-triObenzylβDgal)(1-4)-2,3,6triObenzylα/βDglc 1 g 1g 19488 Goldbio
A-455-100 O(2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-benzyl-α-D-gal)(1-4)O(2,3,6-triObenzylβDgal)(1-4)-2,3,6triObenzylα/βDglc 100 mg 100mg 3252 Goldbio
A-455-2.5 O(2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-benzyl-α-D-gal)(1-4)O(2,3,6-triObenzylβDgal)(1-4)-2,3,6triObenzylα/βDglc 2.5 g 2.5g 43836 Goldbio
A-455-250 O(2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-benzyl-α-D-gal)(1-4)O(2,3,6-triObenzylβDgal)(1-4)-2,3,6triObenzylα/βDglc 250 mg 250mg 6768 Goldbio
A-455-500 O(2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-benzyl-α-D-gal)(1-4)O(2,3,6-triObenzylβDgal)(1-4)-2,3,6triObenzylα/βDglc 500 mg 500mg 10824 Goldbio
A-460-1 Ammonium Acetate 1 kg 1kg 552 Goldbio
A-510-1 2-Amino-5-bromobenzoic acid 1 kg 1kg 4200 Goldbio
A-510-100 2-Amino-5-bromobenzoic acid 100 g 100g 600 Goldbio
A-510-2 2-Amino-5-bromobenzoic acid 2 kg 2kg 7200 Goldbio
A-510-250 2-Amino-5-bromobenzoic acid 250 g 250g 1200 Goldbio
A-510-500 2-Amino-5-bromobenzoic acid 500 g 500g 2160 Goldbio
A-515-1 5-Aminoisophthalic acid 1 kg 1kg 2676 Goldbio
A-515-2.5 5-Aminoisophthalic acid 2.5 kg 2.5kg 4764 Goldbio
A-515-250 5-Aminoisophthalic acid 250 g 250g 900 Goldbio
A-515-5 5-Aminoisophthalic acid 5 kg 5kg 7944 Goldbio
A-515-500 5-Aminoisophthalic acid 500 g 500g 1500 Goldbio
A-520-1 2-Amino-4-fluorobenzoic acid 1 kg 1kg 8664 Goldbio
A-520-100 2-Amino-4-fluorobenzoic acid 100 g 100g 1344 Goldbio
A-520-2.5 2-Amino-4-fluorobenzoic acid 2.5 kg 2.5kg 20064 Goldbio
A-520-250 2-Amino-4-fluorobenzoic acid 250 g 250g 2580 Goldbio
A-520-500 2-Amino-4-fluorobenzoic acid 500 g 500g 4776 Goldbio
A-525-10 5-Aminoindole 10 g 10g 1872 Goldbio
A-525-100 5-Aminoindole 100 g 100g 16008 Goldbio
A-525-25 5-Aminoindole 25 g 25g 4428 Goldbio
A-525-250 5-Aminoindole 250 g 250g 37896 Goldbio
A-525-50 5-Aminoindole 50 g 50g 8436 Goldbio
A-530-1 Amikacin Hydrate 1 g 1g 1152 Goldbio
A-530-5 Amikacin Hydrate 5 g 5g 5184 Goldbio
A-532-25 Amikacin Sulfate, USP Grade 25 g 25g 1668 Goldbio
A-532-5 Amikacin Sulfate, USP Grade 5 g 5g 636 Goldbio
A-533-1 2-Amino-4-chlorobenzoic acid 1 kg 1kg 2976 Goldbio
A-533-10 2-Amino-4-chlorobenzoic acid 10 kg 10kg 17184 Goldbio
A-533-2.5 2-Amino-4-chlorobenzoic acid 2.5 kg 2.5kg 6192 Goldbio
A-533-25 2-Amino-4-chlorobenzoic acid 25 kg 25kg 35784 Goldbio
A-533-5 2-Amino-4-chlorobenzoic acid 5 kg 5kg 10308 Goldbio
A-537-1 2-Amino-4,6-dichloropyrimidine 1 kg 1kg 2400 Goldbio
A-537-100 2-Amino-4,6-dichloropyrimidine 100 g 100g 720 Goldbio
A-537-2 2-Amino-4,6-dichloropyrimidine 2 kg 2kg 3840 Goldbio
A-537-250 2-Amino-4,6-dichloropyrimidine 250 g 250g 1200 Goldbio
A-537-500 2-Amino-4,6-dichloropyrimidine 500 g 500g 1920 Goldbio
A-540-1 AEBSF 1 g 1g 1260 Goldbio
A-540-10 AEBSF 10 g 10g 7440 Goldbio
A-540-2.5 AEBSF 2.5 g 2.5g 2748 Goldbio
A-540-25 AEBSF 25 g 25g 16692 Goldbio
A-540-5 AEBSF 5 g 5g 4104 Goldbio
A-540-500 AEBSF 500 mg 500mg 708 Goldbio
A-550-25 Amoxicillin, Trihydrate 25 g 25g 2328 Goldbio
A-550-5 Amoxicillin, Trihydrate 5 g 5g 696 Goldbio
A-551-1 Amoxicillin Sodium Salt 1 g 1g 744 Goldbio
A-551-25 Amoxicillin Sodium Salt 25 g 25g 3408 Goldbio
A-551-5 Amoxicillin Sodium Salt 5 g 5g 1140 Goldbio
A-552-1 Amoxicillin/Clavulanate 1 g 1g 948 Goldbio
A-552-5 Amoxicillin/Clavulanate 5 g 5g 1584 Goldbio
A-554-1 5-Aminogramine 1 g 1g 2700 Goldbio
A-554-100 5-Aminogramine 100 mg 100mg 600 Goldbio
A-554-250 5-Aminogramine 250 mg 250mg 1140 Goldbio
A-554-500 5-Aminogramine 500 mg 500mg 1800 Goldbio
A-555-10 Ascomycin 10 mg 10mg 1872 Goldbio
A-560-1 Amphotericin B, USP Grade 1 g 1g 1800 Goldbio
A-560-250 Amphotericin B, USP Grade 250 mg 250mg 660 Goldbio
A-560-5 Amphotericin B, USP Grade 5 g 5g 6768 Goldbio
A-560-500 Amphotericin B, USP Grade 500 mg 500mg 1188 Goldbio
A-561-1 Amphotericin B, Solubilized 1 g 1g 4416 Goldbio
A-561-250 Amphotericin B, Solubilized 250 mg 250mg 1248 Goldbio
A-561-500 Amphotericin B, Solubilized 500 mg 500mg 2388 Goldbio
A-562-1 Ampho99 1 g 1g 2352 Goldbio
A-562-250 Ampho99 250 mg 250mg 732 Goldbio
A-562-500 Ampho99 500 mg 500mg 1332 Goldbio
A-570-100 Amygdalin 100 g 100g 1740 Goldbio
A-570-1000 Amygdalin 1 kg 1kg 9240 Goldbio
A-570-250 Amygdalin 250 g 250g 3096 Goldbio
A-570-50 Amygdalin 50 g 50g 1092 Goldbio
A-570-500 Amygdalin 500 g 500g 4980 Goldbio
A-580-100 Anisomycin 100 mg 100mg 2544 Goldbio
A-580-25 Anisomycin 25 mg 25mg 780 Goldbio
A-595-10 5-Azacytidine 10 g 10g 1656 Goldbio
A-595-2 5-Azacytidine 2 g 2g 528 Goldbio
A-595-25 5-Azacytidine 25 g 25g 2652 Goldbio
A-595-5 5-Azacytidine 5 g 5g 1056 Goldbio
A-595-50 5-Azacytidine 50 g 50g 3960 Goldbio
A-600-10 Apramycin Sulfate 10 g 10g 1440 Goldbio
A-600-5 Apramycin Sulfate 5 g 5g 1164 Goldbio
A-620-10 5-Aminolevulinic acid hexyl ester hydrochloride 10 g 10g 4308 Goldbio
A-620-100 5-Aminolevulinic acid hexyl ester hydrochloride 100 g 100g 36984 Goldbio


goldbio LUCNA-100说明书

goldbio LUCNA-100说明书

D-Luciferin, Sodium Salt (Proven and Published®)

CAS 编号:


经过体内成像测试和认证 (更多信息请参阅“荧光素常见问题解答”)

荧光素是一种常见的生物发光报告基因,用于荧光素酶表达的体内成像。这种萤火虫萤光素酶的水溶性底物利用 ATP 和 Mg 2+作为辅助因子,在氧气存在的情况下发出*的黄绿色发射光,在 37°C 时在体内转变为红光。通过利用ATP,该反应可进一步用于指示能量或生命的存在,从而起到生死攸关的作用。

萤光素是一种在整个生物技术领域中使用的常用试剂,专门用于体内成像。荧光素酶标记的肿瘤细胞、干细胞或传染病通常被接种到研究动物如大鼠或小鼠中进行研究。荧光素的注射允许通过生物发光成像 (BLI) 在这些模型系统中实时、无创地监测疾病进展和/或药物疗效。

荧光素也常用于体外研究,包括荧光素酶和 ATP 检测、基因报告检测、高通量测序和各种污染检测。


4,5-Dihydro-2-(6-hydroxy-2-benzothiazolyl)-4-thiazolecarboxy acid sodium salt
LUCNA,Proven and Published ®

分子生物学级(Premium Pure)

分子式:C 11 H 9 N 2 O 4 S 2 Na



纯度:>99% 纯度(质量通过 HPLC 和 FTIR 等九个独立标准验证。)

储存/处理:-20°C 干燥储存。避光。

PubChem 化学编号: 23710675

GOLDBIO 萤光素酶检测缓冲液

TMCA 缓冲液 最终浓度
Tris-HCl,pH 7.8 100毫米
氯化镁2 5毫米
辅酶 A (CoA)(水合物) 0.25毫米
ATP(水合二钠盐) 0.15毫米



目录编号 卢克纳
CAS # 103404-75-7
兆瓦 320.32 克/摩尔
年级 分子生物学级
存储/处理 -20°C 干燥储存。避光。