edvotek 607-1说明书

edvotek 607-1说明书

TBE 粉末电泳缓冲液



这种混合粉状 Tris-硼酸盐 EDTA 缓冲液 (TBE),已针对核酸的琼脂糖凝胶电泳进行了优化。将粉末溶解在 500 ml 蒸馏水或去离子水中以制备 10x 浓缩液,可将其稀释 10 倍以制成 1x 工作电泳缓冲液。

• 5 升粉状混合物
• 在室温下储存

edvotek 1110说明书

edvotek 1110说明书










预先染色的蛋白质标准标记物(冻干的),蛋白质样品(冻干的),10x Tris-甘氨酸-SDS缓冲液(腔室缓冲液),ProteinInstaStain®,实践凝胶上样溶液,移液器。








1987 年,Edvotek® 设想了新兴的生物技术领域如何激励学生选择科学职业。从那时起,Edvotek® 已扩展成为专为教育设计的安全、负担得起且易于使用的生物技术套件和设备的供应商。



货号 产品名称 规格 单价 品牌
100 MyLab™ Electrophoresis Sampler Kit ea 1275 edvotek
101 Principles and Practice of  Agarose Gel Electrophoresis ea 1003 edvotek
101-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 101  ea 2193 edvotek
102 Restriction Enzyme Cleavage of Plasmid and Lambda DNA ea 1513 edvotek
102-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 102  ea 3213 edvotek
103 Principles of PCR ea 1513 edvotek
103-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 103  ea 3213 edvotek
105 Mapping of Restriction Sites on Plasmid DNA ea 1513 edvotek
105-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 105  ea 3213 edvotek
108 Principles of Gel Filtration Chromatography ea 1785 edvotek
109 DNA Fingerprinting by Restriction Enzyme Patterns ea 1513 edvotek
109-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 109  ea 3213 edvotek
110 Molecular Weight Determination of Proteins ea 1785 edvotek
111 Electrophoretic Properties of Native Proteins ea 1785 edvotek
112 Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA ea 1513 edvotek
112-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 112  ea 3213 edvotek
113 Principles of Thin Layer Chromatography ea 1785 edvotek
114 DNA Paternity Testing Simulation ea 1513 edvotek
114-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 114  ea 3213 edvotek
115 Cancer Gene Detection ea 1513 edvotek
115-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups)  – Expt. 115  ea 3213 edvotek
116 Sickle Cell Gene Detection (DNA-based) ea 1513 edvotek
116-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 116  ea 3213 edvotek
117 Detection of Mad Cow Disease ea 1513 edvotek
117-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 117 ea 3213 edvotek
118 Cholesterol Diagnostics ea 1513 edvotek
118-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 118  ea 3213 edvotek
119 Genes in a Tube™ ea 1683 edvotek
120 Ready-to-Load DNA Sequencing ea 1785 edvotek
121 Detection of Genetically Modified Orgnaisms ea 1513 edvotek
121-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 121 ea 3213 edvotek
122 Detection of the Influenza Virus ea 2295 edvotek
123 Nucleic Acid Testing for COVID19 ea 1513 edvotek
124 DNA Screening for Smallpox ea 1513 edvotek
124-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 124  ea 3213 edvotek
130 DNA Fingerprinting by PCR Amplification ea 1513 edvotek
130-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 130  ea 3213 edvotek
135 Using CRISPR to Treat Cystic Fibrosis ea 1615 edvotek
140 Simulated Blood Typing ea 935 edvotek
140-B Blood Typing Refill ea 493 edvotek
141 Blood-based Cancer Diagnostics ea 1615 edvotek
150 Survey of Protein Diversity ea 1020 edvotek
150-B Bulk Replenisher (12 Groups) – Expt. 150 ea 1683 edvotek
151 AIDS Kit III: Simulation of HIV Detection by Protein Electrophoresis ea 1343 edvotek
153 Determination of Protein Molecular Weight ea 1020 edvotek
153-B Bulk Replenisher (12 Groups) – Expt. 153  ea 1683 edvotek
160 Identification and Characterization of Bacteria ea 1683 edvotek
161 How Clean is Clean? Testing the Effectiveness of Antibacterial Cleaners ea 1513 edvotek
163 Vax to the Future: Developing a Vaccine for a Novel Pathogen ea 1683 edvotek
166 Detection of a Simulated Infectious Agent ea 1853 edvotek
191 Forensic Blood Typing ea 1853 edvotek
192 Forensic Antigen Detection ea 2023 edvotek
193 Forensic Enzymology ea 1853 edvotek
194 Forensic Enhancement Techniques ea 1853 edvotek
195 Forensic Toxicology ea 1853 edvotek
196 The Write to a Fair Trial: Forensic Handwriting Analysis ea 1683 edvotek
202 Mini-Prep Isolation of Plasmid DNA ea 2125 edvotek
203 Isolation of E. coli  Chromosomal DNA ea 2125 edvotek
204 Separation of RNA and DNA by Gel Filtration Chromatography  ea 2125 edvotek
205* Anaylsis of DNA Methylation Using Restriction Enzymes ea 2363 edvotek
206 Restriction Enzyme Mapping ea 2023 edvotek
207 Southern Blot Analysis ea 2023 edvotek
209 Going Un-Viral: Virus Quantification Using Plaque Assays ea 2023 edvotek
210 A-maizing Editing: Using CRISPR to Improve Crops ea 2363 edvotek
211 Dangerous or Delicious: Using Chromatography to Examine Vaping ea 1785 edvotek
212 Cleavage of Lambda DNA with Eco RI Restriction Enzyme ea 2023 edvotek
221 Transformation of E. coli  with pGAL™ ea 2023 edvotek
222 Transformation of E. coli with Green & Blue Fluorescent Proteins ea 2023 edvotek
223 Transformation of E. coli with Green Fluorescent Protein ea 1615 edvotek
224 Rainbow Transformation ea 2023 edvotek
225 DNA Fingerprinting – Using Restriction Enzymes ea 1955 edvotek
226 Living Art: Adding STEAM to Transformations ea 1105 edvotek
228 Agar Art: Creating Masterpieces with Microbes ea 2023 edvotek
235 DNA/RNA Microarrays ea 1955 edvotek
243 Ion Exchange Chromatography ea 1955 edvotek
252 Fingerprinting of Bacterial Proteins ea 1020 edvotek
253 Diversity of Fish Proteins ea 1173 edvotek
253-B Bulk Replenisher (12 Groups) – Expt. 253  ea 1683 edvotek
255 Purification & Size Determination of Green & Blue Fluorescent Proteins  ea 1615 edvotek
263 Expanding Our Testing: Using ELISA to Detect COVID19 ea 2125 edvotek
266 What's In My Lunch? Quantitative Milk Allergy ELISA ea 2125 edvotek
267 Single Antibody ELISA Diagnostics ea 2125 edvotek
269 Introduction to ELISA Reactions ea 2125 edvotek
270 Antigen-Antibody Interaction:  The Ouchterlony Procedure ea 2125 edvotek
271 AIDS Kit I: Simulation of HIV Detection by ELISA ea 2125 edvotek
272 Immunoelectrophoresis ea 2125 edvotek
273 Radial Immunodiffusion ea 2125 edvotek
274 Identifying the Epstein Barr Virus Using ELISA ea 2125 edvotek
275 AIDS Kit II: Simulation of HIV Detection by Western Blot ea 2125 edvotek
276 Clinical Diagnostic Immunoblot ea 2125 edvotek
277 Affinity Chromatography of Glucose Binding Proteins ea 2125 edvotek
278 Quantitative ELISA ea 2125 edvotek
279 Investigating Human Health Using ELISA ea 2125 edvotek
280 Detecting the Silent Killer: Clinical Diagnosis of Diabetes ea 2533 edvotek
281 Principles and Practice of Diffusion and Osmosis ea 1853 edvotek
282 Principles of Enzyme Catalysis ea 1853 edvotek
284 Plant Pigment Chromatography and Photosynthesis ea 1853 edvotek
292 Dissolved Oxygen and Aquatic Primary  Productivity ea 1853 edvotek
300 Blue/White Cloning of a DNA Fragment and Assay of B-galactosidase ea 3485 edvotek
301 Construction and Cloning of a DNA Recombinant ea 5933 edvotek
302 Purification of the Restriction Enzyme Eco RI ea 3485 edvotek
303 Exploring Biotechnology with GFP ea 2873 edvotek
304 The Future of Biofuels: Alcohol Fermentation ea 2193 edvotek
305 Fermentation and Bioprocessing of Chromogenic Proteins ea 2193 edvotek
310 Hack the Planet: Using CRISPR to Terraform Mars ea 3383 edvotek
311 DNA Fingerprinting by Southern Blot ea 5933 edvotek
314 In Search of the Cancer Gene ea 2703 edvotek
315 In Search of the Sickle Cell Gene by Southern Blot ea 2703 edvotek
316 In Search of the Cholesterol Gene ea 2873 edvotek
317 Western Blot Analysis (Polyacrylamide-based) ea 3315 edvotek
323 GFP Transformation Extension: Colony PCR ea 3213 edvotek
330 PCR Amplification of DNA ea 2533 edvotek
331 Investigating Synthetic Biology ea 5763 edvotek
332 The Mother of All Experiments: Exploring Human Origin by PCR Amplification of Mitochondrial DNA ea 3315 edvotek
333 Alu-Human DNA Typing Using PCR ea 3315 edvotek
334 VNTR Human DNA Typing Using PCR ea 3315 edvotek
335* Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR): The Molecular Biology of HIV Replication ea 4233 edvotek
338* Exploring Plant Diversity with DNA Barcoding ea 3825 edvotek
339-340 Sequencing the Human Microbiome ea 1343 edvotek
342 Learn to Code! Introduction to Python for Detecting Disease ea 595 edvotek
345 Exploring the Genetics of Taste: SNP Analysis of the PTC Gene Using PCR ea 3383 edvotek
363 Detecting COVID19 Using Reverse-Transcription PCR (RT-PCR) ea 2975 edvotek
369 Human PCR Tool Box™ ea 3315 edvotek
371 DNA Fingerprinting Using PCR ea 2975 edvotek
372 Quick PCR ea 2873 edvotek
380 Discovering Quantitative PCR Amplification and Analysis ea 5083 edvotek
381 Quantification of DNA Damage by qPCR ea 5933 edvotek
500 EDGE™ Integrated Electrophoresis  System (For 1 or 2 Groups) ea 5083 edvotek
502-504 M12 Complete™ Electrophoresis Package ea 3383 edvotek
509 DuoSource™ 150 Power Supply   ea 3043 edvotek
515 M36 HexaGel™ Electrophoresis Apparatus ea 5525 edvotek
533 Mezzo™ Microcentrifuge ea 10183 edvotek
534 Piccolo™ Microcentrifuge ea 3383 edvotek
535 Gemini Split Tray™ Package (Classic EDVOTEK® Gel Trays) ea 1343 edvotek
535-N Gemini Split Tray™ II Package for M12 (Redesigned) ea 1343 edvotek
538 12 L Edvotek® Waterbath ea 11883 edvotek
539 3 L Edvotek® Waterbath ea 6443 edvotek
540 EdvoCycler™ Jr. ea 13243 edvotek
541-542 EdvoCycler™ 2 ea 30583 edvotek
546 Incubation Oven ea 7225 edvotek
552 White LED Transilluminator (25 x 25 cm) ea 2533 edvotek
557 TruBlu™2 LED Transilluminator (27 x 15 cm) ea 5933 edvotek
558-B Replacement Bulb for Midrange UV Transilluminator ea 493 edvotek
581 MV10 Vertical Electrophoresis Apparatus ea 3893 edvotek
585 Fixed Volume MiniPipet 5 µl  ea 425 edvotek
586 Fixed Volume MiniPipet 10 µl ea 425 edvotek
586-1 Fixed Volume MiniPipet 20 µl ea 425 edvotek
587-2 Fixed Volume MiniPipet 35 µl ea 425 edvotek
588 Fixed Volume MiniPipet 40 µl ea 425 edvotek
588-1 Fixed Volume MiniPipet 50 µl ea 425 edvotek
588-2 Fixed Volume MiniPipet 75 µl ea 425 edvotek
588-3 Fixed Volume MiniPipet 100 µl ea 425 edvotek
588-4 Fixed Volume MiniPipet 200 µl ea 425 edvotek
589 Variable Micropipet 0.5 – 10 µl ea 1683 edvotek
589-1 Variable Micropipet 2 – 20 µl ea 1683 edvotek
589-2 Variable Micropipet 0.1- 2.5 µl  ea 1683 edvotek
590 Variable Micropipet 5 – 50 µl  ea 1683 edvotek
591 Variable Micropipet 10 – 100 µl  ea 1683 edvotek
591-1 Variable Micropipet 20 – 200 µl  ea 1683 edvotek
592-1 Variable Micropipet 100 – 1000 µl  ea 1683 edvotek
593-1 Variable Micropipet 1000 – 5000 µl  ea 1683 edvotek
594 EdvoPette™ Pipet Controller ea 3553 edvotek
601 Melt and Pour UltraSpec-Agarose™ (400 ml) ea 493 edvotek
601-B Melt and Pour UltraSpec-Agarose™ (2000 ml) ea 1683 edvotek
604 Electrophoresis Reagent Package with FlashBlue™ ea 1275 edvotek
605-20g UltraSpec™-Agarose (20 g) ea 765 edvotek
605-100g UltraSpec™-Agarose (100 g) ea 2533 edvotek
605-500g UltraSpec™-Agarose (500 g) ea 8313 edvotek
606 Gel Loading Solution (10x) ea 170 edvotek
606-P Practice Gel Loading Solution (5 ml) ea 170 edvotek
607-100ml Electrophoresis Buffer 50x TAE  ea 510 edvotek
607-500ml Electrophoresis Buffer 50x TAE ea 1683 edvotek
607-1 Electrophoresis Buffer 10x TBE  ea 510 edvotek
608 SYBR® Safe DNA Stain ea 663 edvotek
609 FlashBlue™  DNA Staining System ea 595 edvotek
610 Restriction Enzyme Reaction Buffer ea 170 edvotek
611 Luria Broth Media ea 323 edvotek
612 Bacterial Plating Agar (30 g) ea 323 edvotek
614 X-Gal (250 mg) ea 680 edvotek
615 ReadyPour™ Luria Broth Agar Base ea 238 edvotek
616 ReadyPour™ Luria Broth Agar Base with Ampicillin ea 255 edvotek
625 PCR Beads ea 765 edvotek
626 Proteinase K ea 425 edvotek
627 Universal DNA Extraction Buffer ea 340 edvotek
630 Microtest Tubes (500 – 1.5 ml) ea 493 edvotek
631 UV Laboratory Safety Goggles ea 323 edvotek
632 Micro Transfer Disposable Pipets ea 765 edvotek
633 Small Petri Plates, 60 x 15 mm (Pack of 20) ea 85 edvotek
635 Ultra Micropipet Tips (0.1 – 10 µl / 2 Racks of 96 each) ea 255 edvotek
635-B Ultra Micropipet Tips Bulk (0.5 – 10 µl / Bag of 1000 Tips) ea 765 edvotek
636 Yellow Micropipet Tips (1 – 200 µl / 2 Racks of 96 each) ea 255 edvotek
636-B Yellow Micropipet Tips Bulk (1 – 200 µl / Bag of 1000 Tips) ea 765 edvotek
636-P Yellow Micropipet Tips (1 – 200 µl / 10 Racks of 96 Each) ea 1275 edvotek
637 Blue Micropipet Tips (200 – 1000 µl / 2 Racks of 100 each)  ea 425 edvotek
637-B Blue Micropipet Tips Bulk (200 – 1000 µl / Bag of 1000 Tips) ea 850 edvotek
637-2 Jumbo Micropipet Tips (1000 – 5000 µl / Rack of 100 Tips) ea 425 edvotek
637-3 Micropipet Tips (Jumbo for NEW) (1000-5000 µl) ea 425 edvotek
638 Fine Tip Micropipet Tips (1 – 200 µl / 1 Rack of 204l) ea 425 edvotek
638-B Fine Tip Micropipet Tips (1 – 200 µl / 1 Bag of 1000 Tips) ea 1020 edvotek
639 Microtest Tube Rack ea 170 edvotek
640 Green Pipetting Pump (for pipets 5 to 10 ml) ea 323 edvotek
641 Blue Pipetting Pump (for pipets up to 2 ml) ea 323 edvotek
642.2 Thin-Walled PCR Microtest Tubes (0.2 ml tubes) ea 255 edvotek
643 Large Petri Plates, 100 x 15 mm (Pack of 20) ea 170 edvotek
645 5 ml Pipets, Disposable ea 425 edvotek
646 10 ml Pipets, Disposable ea 425 edvotek
648 15 ml Sterile Conical Tubes (Bag of 25) ea 255 edvotek
650 Pre-cast Polyacrylamide Gel (1) ea 255 edvotek
651 Pre-cast Polyacrylamide Gels (3) ea 663 edvotek
652 Pre-cast Polyacrylamide Gels (6) ea 1258 edvotek
655 Tris-glycine-SDS Buffer (10x for 5 L) ea 340 edvotek
656 Tris-glycine Buffer  (10x for 5 L)  ea 340 edvotek
666 Microtiter Plates (Set of 6) ea 323 edvotek
680 6 Tooth Comb (For Classic EDVOTEK® Gel Trays) ea 493 edvotek
683 Double Comb 8/10 (For Classic EDVOTEK® Gel Trays) ea 493 edvotek
683-N Double Comb 6/8 (For NEW EDVOTEK® Gel Trays purchased in 2020 and later) ea 493 edvotek
684 E-Z Align™ Tray (7 x 7 cm) ea 663 edvotek
684-N E-Z Align™ Tray (7 x 7 cm | Redesigned) ea 663 edvotek
685 E-Z Align™ Tray (7 x 14 cm) ea 663 edvotek
685-N E-Z Align™ Tray (7 x 14cm | Redesigned) ea 663 edvotek
687-N Rubber End Caps (Set of 2 | Redesigned) ea 323 edvotek
688 Rubber End Caps (set of 2) ea 323 edvotek
689 Waterbath Floats (set of 2) ea 170 edvotek
709 Lambda DNA digested with Eco RI ea 493 edvotek
710 Lambda DNA digested with Eco RI & Hind III  ea 493 edvotek
711 Lambda DNA digested with Hind III ea 493 edvotek
715 Eco RI Dryzyme® (1500 units) ea 680 edvotek
716 Hind III Dryzyme® (1500 units) ea 680 edvotek
717 Bam HI Dryzyme® (1500 units) ea 680 edvotek
726 E. coli JM109 BactoBeads™ ea 493 edvotek
728 E. coli Fluorescent Protein Host BactoBeads™ ea 493 edvotek
729 E. coli OP50 BactoBeads™ ea 493 edvotek
741 Serratia marcescens BactoBeads™ ea 493 edvotek
743 Bacillus subtilis BactoBeads™ ea 493 edvotek
750-1 DNA Gel Markers: Standard DNA Fragments ea 595 edvotek
752 Prestained Lyophilized Protein Gel Markers:  Molecular Weight Standards (for 20 gels) ea 850 edvotek
755 100 bp DNA Ladder ea 663 edvotek
756 200 bp DNA Ladder ea 663 edvotek
765 Nonmercury Thermometer ea 255 edvotek
774-1 Nitrile Gloves, Disposable, Small ea 425 edvotek
774-2 Nitrile Gloves, Disposable, Medium ea 425 edvotek
774-3 Nitrile Gloves, Disposable, Large ea 425 edvotek
774-4 Nitrile Gloves, Disposable, Extra Large ea 425 edvotek
796 Pipet Carousel (for Modern Edvotek® Micropipettes) ea 833 edvotek
796-C Pipet Stand (for Legacy Edvotek® Micropipettes) ea 680 edvotek
905 The Dose Makes The Poison: Testing The Environmental Impacts of Pollutants ea 1955 edvotek
908 Introduction to Plant Cell Culture ea 1955 edvotek
920 Safari Family Reunion ea 1513 edvotek
930 Invisible Footprints: Seeing CO2 Emissions ea 935 edvotek
935 Battling Bacteria ea 2023 edvotek
951 Chromogenic Analysis of Water Contaminants ea 1683 edvotek
953 Multiplex PCR-based Testing of Water Contaminants ea 3315 edvotek
956 Bioremediation by Oil Eating Bacteria ea 1853 edvotek
957 DNA Damage and Repair ea 1955 edvotek
962 Identification of Genetically Modified Foods Using PCR ea 3145 edvotek
969 Long Wave UV Mini-Light ea 595 edvotek
986 Comparison of Various Mammalian Cell Types ea 1955 edvotek
987 Chromosome Spread (Pre-fixed Slides) ea 1513 edvotek
990 Morphology of Cancer Cells ea 1853 edvotek
1100 Scents and SenseAbility: Oflaction TLC ea 1615 edvotek
1103 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – Building DNA With Beads ea 595 edvotek
1104 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – Spooling DNA on a Stick ea 595 edvotek
1105 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – Extracting Fruit and Vegetable DNA ea 595 edvotek
1106 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – Micropipetting Basics ea 595 edvotek
1108 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – Exploring Gel Filtration Chromatography ea 595 edvotek
1110 Cell Types in the Brain ea 1343 edvotek
1115 Detecting Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease Using Western Blot ea 4063 edvotek
1116 Researching Alzheimer's Disease by ELISA ea 2023 edvotek
1120 Insect Cell Media, 120ml ea 1683 edvotek
1125 Diagnosing Huntington's Using PCR ea 2975 edvotek
1191 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – Forensics Blood Typing ea 595 edvotek
1213 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – How Do We Keep Our Food Safe? ea 595 edvotek
1219 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – Simulation of COVID19 Antibody Test ea 595 edvotek
1226 Brassica Quick Plant™ Seeds (200 Seeds) ea 493 edvotek
1230 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – Crime Scence DNA Fingerprinting ea 595 edvotek
1232 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – How is Substance Abuse Determined? ea 595 edvotek
1235 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – Colorimetric DNA/RNA Microarray ea 595 edvotek
1236 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – Blood Dialysis and Kidney Function ea 595 edvotek
1301 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – How Clean is Our Home Environment? ea 595 edvotek
1500 Colored DNA Beads ea 765 edvotek
1511 DNA Model – 12 Layer Kit ea 833 edvotek
1512 DNA Model – 22 Layer Kit ea 1343 edvotek
1513 RNA Protein Synthesis Kit ea 748 edvotek
1930 MyLab™ Custom Kit for Distance Learning – Invisible Footprints ea 595 edvotek
2001 InstaStain® Ethidium Bromide (for 40 gels) ea 1105 edvotek
2002 InstaStain® Ethidium Bromide (for 100 gels) ea 1683 edvotek
2003 InstaStain® Blue (for 40 gels) ea 1105 edvotek
2004 InstaStain® Blue (for 100 gels) ea 1683 edvotek
2016 Protein InstaStain® (for 15 gels, 10 x 10 cm) ea 833 edvotek
5010-Q QuadraSource™ Power Source ea 4913 edvotek
5027 10 L Edvotek® Digital Shaking Waterbath ea 30583 edvotek
5027-C Waterbath Cover for 5027 ea 1683 edvotek
5061 Demonstration DNA Electrophoresis LabStation™ ea 5593 edvotek
5062 Classroom DNA Electrophoresis LabStation™ ea 8993 edvotek
5066 Personal PCR LabStation™ ea 33983 edvotek
5067 Classroom PCR LabStation™ ea 76483 edvotek
5068 Comprehensive Biotechnology LabStation™ ea 169133 edvotek
5071 DNA HexaGel™ LabStation™ ea 6443 edvotek
5073 EDGE™ PCR LabStation™ ea 16983 edvotek
AP01 Artificial Selection ea 1445 edvotek
AP02 Mathematical Modeling: Hardy-Weinberg ea 425 edvotek
AP03 Comparing DNA Sequences with BLAST ea 0 edvotek
AP04 Diffusion and Osmosis ea 1785 edvotek
AP05 Photosynthesis ea 1003 edvotek
AP06 Cellular Respiration ea 935 edvotek
AP07 Cell Division – Mitosis and Meiosis ea 1513 edvotek
AP08 Biotechnology – Bacterial Transformation ea 1615 edvotek
AP09 Biotechnology – Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA ea 1513 edvotek
AP09-C/112-C Bulk Replenisher (24 Groups) – Expt. 112  ea 3043 edvotek
AP10 Energy Dynamics ea 0 edvotek
AP11 Transpiration ea 850 edvotek
AP12 Fruit Fly Behavior ea 1105 edvotek
AP13 Enzyme Activity ea 1785 edvotek
AP-PKG AP Biology Package (All 13 Experiments) ea 13583 edvotek
S-10 What Does DNA Look Like? ea 765 edvotek
S-20 How Do You Clone a Gene? ea 1003 edvotek
S-30 How Clean is the Water We Drink and the Air We Breathe? ea 1003 edvotek
S-43 DNA DuraGel™ ea 1275 edvotek
S-43-20 DNA DuraGel™ (2 Gels) ea 595 edvotek
S-44 Micropipetting Basics ea 765 edvotek
S-45 Pipette By Numbers ea 935 edvotek
S-46 Linking STEM to Agarose Gel Electrophoresis ea 935 edvotek
S-47 Candy Electrophoresis ea 935 edvotek
S-48 What Is PCR and How Does It Work? ea 935 edvotek
S-49 In Search of My Father ea 935 edvotek
S-50 Why Do People Look Different? ea 935 edvotek
S-51 Whose DNA Was Left Behind? ea 935 edvotek
S-52 The Secret of the Invisible DNA: A Genetics Exploration ea 1173 edvotek
S-53 Mystery of the Crooked Cell ea 935 edvotek
S-68 What is an Epidemic and How Does An Infection Spread? ea 1003 edvotek
S-70 How Does a Doctor Test for AIDS? ea 1003 edvotek
S-74 What is Osmosis? ea 1003 edvotek
S-75 Do Onions, Strawberries and Bananas Have DNA? ea 1003 edvotek
S-80 Classroom Molecular Biology Toys and Games ea 1173 edvotek
S-91 Whose Fingerprints Were Left Behind? ea 1275 edvotek








货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
110 Molecular Weight Determination of Proteins ea 1666 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
110 FB Molecular Weight Determination of Proteins ea 1330 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
122 Detection of the Influenza Virus ea 2086 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
122 BC Detection of the Influenza Virus ea 1666 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
150 Survey of Protein Diversity ea 1050 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
150 FB Survey of Protein Diversity ea 840 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
151 AIDS Kit III: Simulation of HIV Detection by Protein Electrophoresis ea 1330 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
151 FB AIDS Kit III: Simulation of HIV Detection by Protein Electrophoresis ea 1050 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
153 Determination of Protein Molecular Weight ea 1050 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
153 FB Determination of Protein Molecular Weight ea 840 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
160 Identification and Characterization of Bacteria ea 1526 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
160 BactoBeads Identification and Characterization of Bacteria ea 1246 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
161 How Clean is Clean? Testing the Effectiveness of Antibacterial Cleaners ea 1386 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
161 BC How Clean is Clean? Testing the Effectiveness of Antibacterial Cleaners ea 1106 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
191 Forensic Blood Typing ea 1750 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
191 BC Forensic Blood Typing ea 1330 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
193 Forensic Enzymology ea 1750 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
193 BC Forensic Enzymology ea 1330 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
194 Forensic Enhancement Techniques ea 1750 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
194 BC Forensic Enhancement Techniques ea 1330 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
195 Forensic Toxicology ea 1750 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
195 BC Forensic Toxicology ea 1330 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
202 Mini-Prep Isolation of Plasmid DNA ea 1946 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
202 FB Mini-Prep Isolation of Plasmid DNA ea 1526 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
205* Anaylsis of DNA Methylation Using Restriction Enzymes ea 2086 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
205 FB Anaylsis of DNA Methylation Using Restriction Enzymes ea 1666 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
206 Restriction Enzyme Mapping ea 1806 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
206 FB Restriction Enzyme Mapping ea 1470 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
207 Southern Blot Analysis ea 1806 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
207 FB Southern Blot Analysis ea 1470 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
209 Going Un-Viral: Virus Quantification Using Plaque Assays ea 1890 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
209 BC Going Un-Viral: Virus Quantification Using Plaque Assays ea 1526 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
210 A-maizing Editing: Using CRISPR to Improve Crops ea 2086 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
210 FB A-maizing Editing: Using CRISPR to Improve Crops ea 1666 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
212 Cleavage of Lambda DNA with Eco RI Restriction Enzyme ea 1806 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
212 FB Cleavage of Lambda DNA with Eco RI Restriction Enzyme ea 1470 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
221 Transformation of E. coli  with pGAL™ ea 1806 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
221 FB Transformation of E. coli  with pGAL™ ea 1470 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
222 Transformation of E. coli with Green & Blue Fluorescent Proteins ea 1806 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
222 FB Transformation of E. coli with Green & Blue Fluorescent Proteins ea 1470 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
223 Transformation of E. coli with Green Fluorescent Protein ea 1470 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
223 FB Transformation of E. coli with Green Fluorescent Protein ea 1106 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
224 Rainbow Transformation ea 1806 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
224 FB Rainbow Transformation ea 1470 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
225 DNA Fingerprinting – Using Restriction Enzymes ea 1806 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
225 FB DNA Fingerprinting – Using Restriction Enzymes ea 1470 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
228 Agar Art: Creating Masterpieces with Microbes ea 1806 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
228 FB Agar Art: Creating Masterpieces with Microbes ea 1470 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
253 Diversity of Fish Proteins ea 1050 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物
253 FB Diversity of Fish Proteins ea 840 edvotek 4-6周 上海金畔生物




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上海金畔生物科技有限公司 Edvotek专业代理,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765



世界*实验材料供应商 Edvotek 上海金畔生物为其中国代理, Edvotek 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, Edvotek 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

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Edvotek was the world’s first company dedicated to demystifying biotechnology for young people. In 1987, we saw how the emerging area of biotechnology could inspire students to choose a career in science. Since then, Edvotek has expanded to be the world’s leading supplier of biotechnology kits and equipment designed specifically for education.

We're pleased to introduce our NEW BLOG! The goal of our fun, casual blog is to keep readers abreast of upcoming events, new developments, or just plain 'ol unique science stories that have piqued our interest on a particular day.



edvotek 607XL说明书

edvotek 607XL说明书

电泳缓冲液 50x TAE



这种 50 倍浓缩溶液(Tris-醋酸盐,EDTA,pH 7.8)足以制备 25 升稀释的工作缓冲液。



edvotek 电泳缓冲液 50x TAE说明书

edvotek 电泳缓冲液 50x TAE说明书




这种 50 倍浓缩的 Tris-Acetate EDTA 缓冲液 (TAE),pH 7.8-8.0,已针对核酸的琼脂糖凝胶电泳进行了优化。每 49 体积的蒸馏水或去离子水中加入 1 体积的缓冲液,以制备 1x 工作电泳缓冲液。


• 5 升 50 倍浓缩液

• 在室温下储存


edvotek 317说明书

 edvotek 317说明书




$ 195.00






电泳-60分钟| 印迹-过夜| 检测-2.5小时








edvotek 2016说明书

 1987 年,Edvotek® 设想了新兴的生物技术领域如何激励学生选择科学职业。从那时起,Edvotek® 已扩展成为专为教育设计的安全、负担得起且易于使用的生物技术套件和设备的供应商。

edvotek 2016说明书

蛋白质 InstaStain® 15 凝胶



Protein InstaStain® 片材比传统方法更快地染色凝胶。Protein InstaStain® 提供高质量和均匀的凝胶染色,并具有出色的摄影效果。它们也是环保的,因为它们使用固体基质,避免了大量的液体污渍和废物处理。

Protein InstaStain® 可用于对各种尺寸(从 8×8 cm 到 13×13 cm)的最常见凝胶进行染色。

Edvotek 成立于 1987 年,是一家专注于为教学课堂翻译生物技术的公司。我们与世界各地的教育工作者合作,通过动手、主动的学习活动揭开科学的神秘面纱并培养下一代科学家。

我们的设备足够坚固,可以经受住研究实验室的日常使用,但具有使学生易于使用的功能,Edvotek 实验提供动手调查,学生可以选择参与融合科学和教育的基于探究的扩展. 我们为为我们的教师提供优质的客户服务而自豪。