Invitrogen GeneSwith 哺乳动物诱导系统pSwitch 说明书

 Invitrogen GeneSwith 哺乳动物诱导系统




Mammalian Selection:Hygromycin


Switch-On Expression from the Lowest Basal Levels

The GeneSwitch? System for inducible mammalian expression is ideal for experiments that require the absolute lowest uninduced expression levels. The expression vector pGene/V5-His provides a minimal promoter, GAL4-E1b, consisting of the binding sites for the yeast Gal4 DNA binding protein followed by the TATA sequence from the Adenovirus E1b promoter. Without additional factors, the GAL4-E1b promoter is transcriptionally silent.

To activate transcription from the GAL4-E1b promoter, the GeneSwitch? regulatory protein is expressed from a minimal TK promoter on the pSwitch vector. The GeneSwitch? protein has three functional domains:

  1. Gal4 DNA Binding Domain (Gal4-DBD) to bind the regulatory protein to the GAL4-E1b promoter
  2. Truncated human Progesterone Receptor Ligand Binding Domain (hPR-LBD) that undergoes a conformational change when it binds the progesterone antagonist, mifepristone
  3. Transcription activation domain from the NF?B transcription factor p65 (p6D) to activate transcription from the silent GAL4-E1b promoter

In the absence of mifepristone, the conformation of the hPR-LBD region prevents the GeneSwitch? regulatory protein from activating transcription from the GAL4-E1b promoter. When mifepristone is added and binds the hPR-LBD region, the GeneSwitch? regulatory protein assumes a conformation that permits it to stimulate transcription from the GAL4-E1b promoter.

Induction of the GeneSwitch? System leads to activation of the gene of interest on the vector pGene/V5-His. In addition, four Gal4 binding sites upstream of the minimal HSV TK promoter on pSwitch can bind the pSwitch regulatory protein. Therefore, adding mifepristone up-regulates production of the regulatory protein. The increased levels of the GeneSwitch? regulatory protein result in induction of the gene of interest from pGene/V5-His to levels that can approach those of viral promoters.

The GeneSwitch? Kit offers exceptionally low uninduced and high induced expression levels in mammalian cells. The system provides the expression vector pGene/V5-His with the minimal, synthetic GAL4-E1b promoter that is transcriptionally silent until activated. The GeneSwitch? regulatory protein binds the GAL4-E1b promoter to activate transcription upon the addition of mifepristone. In addition, the GeneSwitch? protein upregulates its own expression, leading to amplified expression of the gene of interest from pGene/V5-His. pGene/V5-His offers several features that facilitate expression analysis and purification of recombinant proteins in mammalian cells:

  1. C-terminal V5 epitope tag for detection with Anti-V5 Antibodies
  2. C-terminal polyhistidine (6xHis) tag for rapid purification with nickel-chelating resin and detection with Anti-His(C-term) Antibodies
  3. The Zeocin? resistance gene for effective selection in both mammalian cells and E. coli


hookelabs公司EAE 模型诱导试剂盒

 Hookelabs是的自身免疫性疾病实验动物模型及其相关产品研发和生产企业,其创始人Suzana Marusic博士曾在惠氏制药长期担任炎性靶点验证实验室的主管,负责哮喘和自身免疫性疾病的研究,研发制备出高度相似性的哮喘和实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎小鼠模型,并以此验证了多个药物靶点。Suzana Marusic凭借其多年来在T细胞分离培养、细胞免疫、外周耐受机制及免疫相关疾病和肿瘤研究的丰富经验,创立了虎克实验动物模型公司,致力于为科研和药物研发提供的自身免疫性实验动物模型建立试剂盒,以及相关的实验动物组织和血清。公司目前的实验动物模型主要包括胶原诱导的关节炎模型、实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎模型、系统红斑狼疮、炎性肠病等模型的制备试剂盒,以及多种免疫状态下动物组织和血清样本。虎克实验动物模型提供的模型制备试剂盒以预充免疫原的注射器为主,操作简单,结果可靠,可重复性高


 虎克公司精通目前几乎所有常用的EAE 模型,公司创始人Suzana Marusic博士也是过继转移型C57BL/6小鼠EAE模型的。如果需要,还可与客户研发/修正现有的EAE模型。以下是目前虎克公司克提供常用建立EAE模型的方案及试剂盒

1MOG/CFA诱导的 C57BL/6小鼠EAE模型


3gpMBP69-88/CFA诱导的 Lewis 大鼠模型

4Spinal cord homogenate 诱导的EAE模型






C57BL/6 mice – immunization with MOG35-55 or MOG1-125

Cat # Hooke Kit™ Strain Age Description Size Price
(first kit)
Price (each
add'l kit)
EK-2110 MOG35-55/CFA Emulsion PTX C57BL/6 10+ weeks Emulsion in pre-filled syringes, PTX 10 mice 5746 4896
EK-2160 MOG1-125/CFA Emulsion PTX C57BL/6 10+ weeks Emulsion in pre-filled syringes, PTX 10 mice 30090 24055

SJL mice – immunization with PLP139-151

Cat # Hooke Kit™ Strain Age Description Size Price
(first kit)
Price (each
add'l kit)
EK-0120 PLP139-151/CFA Emulsion SJL 9–11 weeks Emulsion in pre-filled syringes 10 mice 5882 5015
EK-2120 PLP139-151/CFA Emulsion PTX SJL 9–11 weeks Emulsion in pre-filled syringes, PTX 10 mice 7072 6018

Lewis rats – immunization with gpMBP69-88

Cat # Hooke Kit™ Strain Age Description Size Price
(first kit)
Price (each
add'l kit)
EK-3110 gpMBP69-88/CFA Emulsion Lewis rats 9 to 14 weeks Emulsion in
pre-filled syringes
10 rats 5151 4386
EK-3111 gpMBP69-88/CFA Emulsion PTX Lewis rats 9 to 14 weeks Emulsion in pre-filled syringes, PTX 10 rats 6341 5406

Additional pertussis toxin (for use with kits above)

Cat # Product Description Size MSDS (pdf) Price
LT-0105 Lyophilized pertussis toxin, 6 µg PTX from B. pertussis, lyophilized in buffer 6 µg MSDS 1190






实验性 反应性脑脊髓炎(EAE)是一种以特异性致敏的CD4+T细胞介导为主的,以中枢神经系统内小血管周围出现单个核细胞浸润及髓鞘脱失为特征的自身免疫性疾病,是人类多发性硬化(MS)的理想动物模型,在临床神经免疫学的研究中具有重要意义。








实验性biantai反应性脑脊髓炎动物模型1.2 年龄



实验性biantai反应性脑脊髓炎动物模型1.3 性别




常用的致敏抗原有髓鞘碱性蛋白(MBP)或其多肽片断(如MBP peptide 89—101)以及蛋白脂(PLP)等。长期以来MBP和PLP被认为是引起EAE和MS的主要抗原,MBP是髓鞘中抗原性zui强的蛋白质,占髓鞘总蛋白的40%,等电点在10以上,是强碱性蛋白质。研究表明MBP可激活体内Th+细胞,使之穿过血脑屏障,攻击自身神经髓鞘的MBP,从而导致中枢神经白质脱髓鞘,引起EAE或MS。近年来多用MBP肽代替MBP免疫动物。PLP是高度疏水的膜蛋白,对PLP不同肽决定簇发生反应的CD4+T细胞能诱导急性、慢性复发型及慢性进展型EAE。在MS患者体内也发现与PLP抗原决定簇发生反应的T细胞。

zui近研究表明,体内含量较少的髓蛋白,如髓寡树突细胞糖蛋白(MOG)、髓碱相关糖蛋白(MAG)等也是很强的抗原。髓鞘素(Myelin)、脊髓组织匀浆(SCH)、脑组织匀浆(BH)等也可作为致敏抗原。某些非髓性蛋白,如神经原蛋白(neuronal protein,S100β)、胶原纤维酸蛋白(GFAP)也参与EAE的发病。



提取的抗原需与佐剂混合制成抗原乳剂后才能致敏动物。抗原佐剂为非特异性免疫增强剂,它可改变抗原的物理性状,延长抗原在体内的储留时间,刺激抗原提呈细胞及淋巴细胞,从而增强和扩大免疫应答效果,它还能引起迟发性血脑屏障通透性增加和自身免疫反应。zui常用的佐剂为*弗氏佐剂(CFA),CFA在提高抗体的幅度和持久性方面是当今作用zui强的佐剂。国外一般均采用人型结核杆菌(H37Ra)作为弗氏佐剂。不同实验室所用的致敏抗原及佐剂中分枝结核杆菌蛋白浓度有所差别,提高结核杆菌的浓度,可提高EAE 的发生率及复发率,但也容易引起注射部位坏死。由于H37Ra在国内不易获得,常采用廉价易得的卡介苗(BCG)来代替。

百日咳杆菌疫苗(BPV)毒素能增加血管壁的通透性和血管表面粘附分子的表达,有利于致敏的T细胞透过血脑屏障,攻击神经髓鞘,造成对脑、脊髓组织的免疫损伤。于CFA中加入BPV可明显缩短Wistar大鼠EAE的潜伏期,提高其发病率,加重其临床症状,对EAE有明显的促发作用。在用GPSCH诱导Wistar大鼠EAE的同时,给予BPV 可使EAE的潜伏期、发病率、临床症状、体重及病理改变等方面与敏感的Lewis大鼠EAE的上述表现近似。



通常采用主动诱导法制备EAE模型,将抗原与佐剂的混合乳剂直接注射至动物体内,经过一定时间的潜伏期,诱导EAE的产生。抗原注射部位的不同,可影响EAE的发生率、潜伏期、死亡率及复发率。常用的注射部位有脚垫、颈部及背部(皮下、皮内、肌肉)、腹腔和尾静脉等多种,其中以皮下多点注射及脚垫注射的发病率zui高,而颈部注射则有较高的复发率。 因多次注射易引发免疫耐受,现在多采用单次注射抗原法。



CIA 胶原诱导的关节炎模型


胶原诱导的关节炎模型 (CIA)
1. 牛II型胶原溶解在0.05mol/ml的乙酸中,浓度为2mg/ml,搅拌4°C过夜。
2. 注射前,II胶原溶液与同体积的IFA在冰浴中*乳化。
3. *天,每只大鼠尾根部皮内注射0.1ml CII/IFA乳化剂(浓度为1mg/ml)。
4. 第7天,每只大鼠以同样的方式再次注射。
5. 注射后,大鼠关节炎指数根据肉眼评分系统每周两次进行评价。
6. 肿胀严重性根据器官充满度测定法通过气道容积的改变来测定, 一周两次。
Brief protocol of Collagen induced arthritis model (CIA)
1. Bovine CII is dissolved in 0.05mol/L acetic acid at a concentration of 2 mg/ml by stirring overnight at 4°C.
2. Before injection, CII is emulsified with an equal volume of IFA in an ice-cold water bath.
3. On day1, each rat is injected intradermally at the base of the tail with 0.1ml CII/IFA the emulsion (1mg/ml).
4. On day 21, a second injection of CII in IFA will be administered using the same amount.
5. After the second injection,rats will be evaluated daily for arthritis using a macroscopic scoring system of 0–4.
0 no signs of arthritis
1 swelling and/or redness of the paw or 1 digit
2=2 joint involved
3=>2 joint involved
4severe arthritis of the entire paw and digits
An arthritis index for each rat is calculated by adding the scores for each of the 4 paws.
6. Swelling severity is also determined by quantitating the change in the paw volume, as measured by plethysmometry.


20011 Immunization Grade Chick Type II Collagen 2775 chondrex
20012 Immunization Grade Chick Type II Collagen, Solution 2775 chondrex
20021 Immunization Grade Bovine Type II Collagen 2775 chondrex
20022 Immunization Grade Bovine Type II Collagen, Solution 2775 chondrex
20031 Immunization Grade Porcine Type II Collagen 2775 chondrex
20032 Immunization Grade Porcine Type II Collagen, Solution 2775 chondrex
20041 Immunization Grade Rat Type II Collagen 4335 chondrex
20042 Immunization Grade Rat Type II Collagen, Solution 4335 chondrex
20051 Immunization Grade Human Type II Collagen 4590 chondrex
20052 Immunization Grade Human Type II Collagen, Solution 4590 chondrex
20061 Immunization Grade Mouse Type II Collagen 2340 chondrex
20062 Immunization Grade Mouse Type II Collagen, Solution 2340 chondrex
20071 Immunization Grade Goat Type II Collagen 3075 chondrex
20081 Immunization Grade Sheep Type II Collagen 3075 chondrex
2011 ELISA Grade Chick Type II Collagen 2400 chondrex
2012 ELISA Grade Bovine Type II Collagen 2400 chondrex
2013 ELISA Grade Porcine Type II Collagen 2400 chondrex
2014 ELISA Grade Rat Type II Collagen 2910 chondrex
2015 ELISA Grade Human Type II Collagen 4785 chondrex
2016 ELISA Grade Mouse Type II Collagen 6750 chondrex
2017 ELISA Grade Monkey Type II Collagen 3000 chondrex
2021 T-Cell Proliferation Grade Chick Type II Collagen 2400 chondrex

Invitrogen四环素诱导系统(pCDNA4/HisMax A&B&C)说明书


VectorspcDNA4/TO/Myc-His ApcDNA4/TO/Myc-His BpcDNA4/TO/Myc-His C



Mammalian Selection:Zeocin
Sequencing Primer:T7 Fwd
Sequencing Primer Sequence:5’d[TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG]3′ 
Tag:6X His,Xpress
