

德国Cube Biotech是一家专注于蛋白相关产品的生产商和服务商,尤其擅长于蛋白纯化及膜蛋白纯化。Cube Biotech研发团队在膜蛋白的表达、纯化和结晶方向有超过40年经验。在医学制药研究相关的人体膜蛋白等方面,如:转运蛋白或G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)等有效药物设计很大程度上取决于膜蛋白结构和生理功能的研究,其结果在现在药物研发方面都极其重要。基于蛋白和膜蛋白生物化学和有机化学等技术实力,Cube Biotech将专用于膜蛋白纯化的Rho1D4系列产品产业化,现已与多家高校、科研机构、制药企业成为紧密的长期合作伙伴,有力的推进了欧美膜蛋白研究以及生物制药的发展。德国Cube Biotech系列产品包括PureCube Ni-NTA琼脂糖/预装柱/磁珠、PureCube Ni-IDA琼脂糖/预装柱/磁珠、PureCube Rho1D4琼脂糖/预装柱/磁珠、Nanodiscs磷脂纳米盘、Protein A琼脂糖/预装柱、PureCube GST琼脂糖/预装柱/磁珠、PureCube Protein A琼脂糖/预装柱和离子交换树脂等,产品应用已刊登在《美国化学会-应用材料与界面》(ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces)等期刊,并且PureCube Rho1D4琼脂糖产品应用已被Springer旗下Human Press出版社出版的Methods in Molecular Biology Series(分子生物学方法系列实验指南丛书)所采用。



货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
74101 PureCube 100 Ni-NTA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 220.8 cube-biotech
74103 PureCube 100 Ni-NTA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1657.6 cube-biotech
74105 PureCube 100 Ni-NTA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 6689.6 cube-biotech
74110 PureCube 100 Ni-NTA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 28874.8 cube-biotech
74112 PureCube 100 Ni-NTA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 51681.6 cube-biotech
74115 PureCube 100 Ni-NTA Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 97236 cube-biotech
74120 PureCube 100 Ni-NTA Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
74401 PureCube 100 Co-NTA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 266.24 cube-biotech
74403 PureCube 100 Co-NTA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1963.52 cube-biotech
74405 PureCube 100 Co-NTA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 7987.2 cube-biotech
74410 PureCube 100 Co-NTA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 34411.52 cube-biotech
74412 PureCube 100 Co-NTA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 61568 cube-biotech
74415 PureCube 100 Co-NTA Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 115864.32 cube-biotech
74420 PureCube 100 Co-NTA Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
75101 PureCube 100 INDIGO Ni-Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 220.8 cube-biotech
75103 PureCube 100 INDIGO Ni-Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1657.6 cube-biotech
75105 PureCube 100 INDIGO Ni-Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 6689.6 cube-biotech
75110 PureCube 100 INDIGO Ni-Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 28874.8 cube-biotech
75112 PureCube 100 INDIGO Ni-Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 51681.6 cube-biotech
75115 PureCube 100 INDIGO Ni-Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 97236 cube-biotech
75120 PureCube 100 INDIGO Ni-Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
30101 PureCube Ni-IDA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 183.04 cube-biotech
30103 PureCube Ni-IDA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1214.72 cube-biotech
30105 PureCube Ni-IDA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 4775.68 cube-biotech
30110 PureCube Ni-IDA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 20650.24 cube-biotech
30112 PureCube Ni-IDA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 36924.16 cube-biotech
30115 PureCube Ni-IDA Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 69488.64 cube-biotech
30120 PureCube Ni-IDA Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
31101 PureCube Ni-NTA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 176 cube-biotech
31103 PureCube Ni-NTA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1598.4 cube-biotech
31105 PureCube Ni-NTA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 6398.4 cube-biotech
31110 PureCube Ni-NTA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 25420.8 cube-biotech
31112 PureCube Ni-NTA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 46220.8 cube-biotech
31115 PureCube Ni-NTA Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 79998.4 cube-biotech
31120 PureCube Ni-NTA Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
31401 PureCube Co-NTA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 249.6 cube-biotech
31403 PureCube Co-NTA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1847.04 cube-biotech
31405 PureCube Co-NTA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 7238.4 cube-biotech
31410 PureCube Co-NTA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 31349.76 cube-biotech
31412 PureCube Co-NTA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 56076.8 cube-biotech
31415 PureCube Co-NTA Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 105564.16 cube-biotech
31420 PureCube Co-NTA Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
55003 PureCube Ni-IDA Agarose XL (10 ml) 10ml 1747.2 cube-biotech
55005 PureCube Ni-IDA Agarose XL (50 ml) 50ml 6905.6 cube-biotech
55010 PureCube Ni-IDA Agarose XL (250 ml) 250ml 29702.4 cube-biotech
55012 PureCube Ni-IDA Agarose XL (500 ml) 500ml 53214.72 cube-biotech
55103 PureCube Ni-NTA Agarose XL (10 ml) 10ml 2329.6 cube-biotech
55105 PureCube Ni-NTA Agarose XL (50 ml) 50ml 9201.92 cube-biotech
55110 PureCube Ni-NTA Agarose XL (250 ml) 250ml 39653.12 cube-biotech
55112 PureCube Ni-NTA Agarose XL (500 ml) 500ml 70936.32 cube-biotech
55403 PureCube Co-NTA Agarose XL (10 ml) 10ml 2329.6 cube-biotech
55405 PureCube Co-NTA Agarose XL (50 ml) 50ml 9201.92 cube-biotech
55410 PureCube Co-NTA Agarose XL (250 ml) 250ml 39653.12 cube-biotech
55412 PureCube Co-NTA Agarose XL (500 ml) 500ml 70936.32 cube-biotech
74701 PureCube 100 NTA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 249.6 cube-biotech
74703 PureCube 100 NTA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1863.68 cube-biotech
74705 PureCube 100 NTA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 7521.28 cube-biotech
74710 PureCube 100 NTA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 32464.64 cube-biotech
74712 PureCube 100 NTA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 58106.88 cube-biotech
74715 PureCube 100 NTA Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 109324.8 cube-biotech
74720 PureCube 100 NTA Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
30701 PureCube IDA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 183.04 cube-biotech
30703 PureCube IDA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1214.72 cube-biotech
30705 PureCube IDA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 4775.68 cube-biotech
30710 PureCube IDA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 20700.16 cube-biotech
30712 PureCube IDA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 36924.16 cube-biotech
30715 PureCube IDA Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 69488.64 cube-biotech
30720 PureCube IDA Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
31701 PureCube NTA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 232.96 cube-biotech
31703 PureCube NTA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1713.92 cube-biotech
31705 PureCube NTA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 6822.4 cube-biotech
31710 PureCube NTA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 29519.36 cube-biotech
31712 PureCube NTA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 52815.36 cube-biotech
31715 PureCube NTA Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 99357.44 cube-biotech
31720 PureCube NTA Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
31401-Al PureCube Al-NTA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 249.6 cube-biotech
31401-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 249.6 cube-biotech
31401-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 249.6 cube-biotech
31401-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 249.6 cube-biotech
31403-Al PureCube Al-NTA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1847.04 cube-biotech
31403-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1847.04 cube-biotech
31403-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1847.04 cube-biotech
31403-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1847.04 cube-biotech
31405-Al PureCube Al-NTA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 7238.4 cube-biotech
31405-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 7238.4 cube-biotech
31405-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 7238.4 cube-biotech
31405-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 7238.4 cube-biotech
31410-Al PureCube Al-NTA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 31349.76 cube-biotech
31410-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 31349.76 cube-biotech
31410-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 31349.76 cube-biotech
31410-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 31349.76 cube-biotech
31412-Al PureCube Al-NTA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 56076.8 cube-biotech
31412-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 56076.8 cube-biotech
31412-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 56076.8 cube-biotech
31412-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 56076.8 cube-biotech
50103 PureCube Carboxy Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1497.6 cube-biotech
50105 PureCube Carboxy Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 5674.24 cube-biotech
50110 PureCube Carboxy Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 24627.2 cube-biotech
50112 PureCube Carboxy Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 44046.08 cube-biotech
50115 PureCube Carboxy Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 82867.2 cube-biotech
50120 PureCube Carboxy Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
50305 PureCube NHS Activated Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 7421.44 cube-biotech
50310 PureCube NHS Activated Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 32048.64 cube-biotech
50312 PureCube NHS Activated Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 57324.8 cube-biotech
50315 PureCube NHS Activated Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 107927.04 cube-biotech
50320 PureCube NHS Activated Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
50705 PureCube Epoxy Activated Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 6789.12 cube-biotech
50710 PureCube Epoxy Activated Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 29419.52 cube-biotech
50712 PureCube Epoxy Activated Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 52648.96 cube-biotech
50715 PureCube Epoxy Activated Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 99091.2 cube-biotech
50720 PureCube Epoxy Activated Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
51003 PureCube Amine Activated Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 1763.84 cube-biotech
51005 PureCube Amine Activated Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 6656 cube-biotech
51010 PureCube Amine Activated Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 28787.2 cube-biotech
51012 PureCube Amine Activated Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 51617.28 cube-biotech
51103 PureCube Maleimide Activated Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 5175.04 cube-biotech
51105 PureCube Maleimide Activated Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 18270.72 cube-biotech
51110 PureCube Maleimide Activated Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 84281.6 cube-biotech
51112 PureCube Maleimide Activated Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 151357.44 cube-biotech
51115 PureCube Maleimide Activated Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 216702.72 cube-biotech
32101 PureCube Glutathione Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 318.4 cube-biotech
32103 PureCube Glutathione Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 2398.4 cube-biotech
32105 PureCube Glutathione Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 9550.4 cube-biotech
32110 PureCube Glutathione Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 41267.2 cube-biotech
32112 PureCube Glutathione Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 73848 cube-biotech
32115 PureCube Glutathione Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 138960 cube-biotech
32120 PureCube Glutathione Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
57003 PureCube Glutathione Agarose XL (10 ml) 10ml 3061.76 cube-biotech
57005 PureCube Glutathione Agarose XL (50 ml) 50ml 12163.84 cube-biotech
57010 PureCube Glutathione Agarose XL (250 ml) 250ml 52549.12 cube-biotech
57012 PureCube Glutathione Agarose XL (500 ml) 500ml 93966.08 cube-biotech
39003 PureCube Butyl Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 948.48 cube-biotech
39005 PureCube Butyl Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 3777.28 cube-biotech
39010 PureCube Butyl Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 9551.36 cube-biotech
39012 PureCube Butyl Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 17921.28 cube-biotech
39015 PureCube Butyl Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 33113.6 cube-biotech
39020 PureCube Butyl Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
39099 PureCube HIC Starter Set (10  ml Butyl, Phenyl, Octyl Agarose each) 10ml 2412.8 cube-biotech
39103 PureCube Phenyl Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 948.48 cube-biotech
39105 PureCube Phenyl Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 3777.28 cube-biotech
39110 PureCube Phenyl Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 9551.36 cube-biotech
39112 PureCube Phenyl Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 17921.28 cube-biotech
39115 PureCube Phenyl Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 33113.6 cube-biotech
39120 PureCube Phenyl Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
39203 PureCube Octyl Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 948.48 cube-biotech
39205 PureCube Octyl Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 3777.28 cube-biotech
39210 PureCube Octyl Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 9551.36 cube-biotech
39212 PureCube Octyl Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 17921.28 cube-biotech
39215 PureCube Octyl Agarose (1000 ml) 1000ml 33113.6 cube-biotech
39220 PureCube Octyl Agarose (5000 ml) 5000ml 0 cube-biotech
38105 PureCube Q Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 2279.68 cube-biotech
38110 PureCube Q Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 7388.16 cube-biotech
38112 PureCube Q Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 14343.68 cube-biotech
38205 PureCube SP Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 2279.68 cube-biotech
38210 PureCube SP Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 7388.16 cube-biotech
38212 PureCube SP Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 14343.68 cube-biotech
38305 PureCube DEAE Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 1996.8 cube-biotech
38310 PureCube DEAE Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 6423.04 cube-biotech
38312 PureCube DEAE Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 11598.08 cube-biotech
38405 PureCube CM Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 1996.8 cube-biotech
38410 PureCube CM Agarose (250 ml) 250ml 6423.04 cube-biotech
38412 PureCube CM Agarose (500 ml) 500ml 11598.08 cube-biotech
33101 PureCube Rho1D4 Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 3976.96 cube-biotech
33102 PureCube Rho1D4 Agarose (5 ml) 5ml 13228.8 cube-biotech
33103 PureCube Rho1D4 Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 22464 cube-biotech
33105 PureCube Rho1D4 Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 0 cube-biotech
33199 Rho Starter Set 1: PureCube Rho1D4 Agarose (1 ml) + Rho1D4 peptide (5 mg) 5mg 4078.08 cube-biotech
56031 PureCube Alprenolol Agarose (1 ml) 1ml 11947.52 cube-biotech
56032 PureCube Alprenolol Agarose (5 ml) 5ml 41350.4 cube-biotech
56034 PureCube Alprenolol Agarose (10 ml) 10ml 64296.96 cube-biotech
56035 PureCube Alprenolol Agarose (25 ml) 25ml 137779.2 cube-biotech
56036 PureCube Alprenolol Agarose (50 ml) 50ml 0 cube-biotech
30201 PureCube Ni-IDA MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 748.8 cube-biotech
30205 PureCube Ni-IDA MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 2928.64 cube-biotech
30225 PureCube Ni-IDA MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 10899.2 cube-biotech
30290 PureCube Ni-IDA MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 34760.96 cube-biotech
30293 PureCube Ni-IDA MagBeads (250 ml) 250ml 0 cube-biotech
31201 PureCube Ni-NTA MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 1081.6 cube-biotech
31205 PureCube Ni-NTA MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 4659.2 cube-biotech
31225 PureCube Ni-NTA MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 17388.8 cube-biotech
31290 PureCube Ni-NTA MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 55594.24 cube-biotech
31293 PureCube Ni-NTA MagBeads (250 ml) 250ml 0 cube-biotech
31501 PureCube Co-NTA MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 1181.44 cube-biotech
31505 PureCube Co-NTA MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 5008.64 cube-biotech
31525 PureCube Co-NTA MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 18720 cube-biotech
31590 PureCube Co-NTA MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 60220.16 cube-biotech
31593 PureCube Co-NTA MagBeads (250 ml) 250ml 0 cube-biotech
75201 PureCube INDIGO Ni-MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 1198.08 cube-biotech
75205 PureCube INDIGO Ni-MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 5091.84 cube-biotech
75225 PureCube INDIGO Ni-MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 19136 cube-biotech
75290 PureCube INDIGO Ni-MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 61152 cube-biotech
75293 PureCube INDIGO Ni-MagBeads (250 ml) 250ml 0 cube-biotech
32201 PureCube Glutathione MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 865.28 cube-biotech
32205 PureCube Glutathione MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 3494.4 cube-biotech
32225 PureCube Glutathione MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 13029.12 cube-biotech
32290 PureCube Glutathione MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 41649.92 cube-biotech
32293 PureCube Glutathione MagBeads (250 ml) 250ml 0 cube-biotech
33201 PureCube Rho1D4 MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 4226.56 cube-biotech
33205 PureCube Rho1D4 MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 14094.08 cube-biotech
33225 PureCube Rho1D4 MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 56226.56 cube-biotech
33299 Rho Starter Set 2: PureCube Rho1D4 MagBeads (1 ml) + Rho1D4 peptide (5 mg) 5mg 4216.32 cube-biotech
50201 PureCube Carboxy MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 1464.32 cube-biotech
50205 PureCube Carboxy MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 6240 cube-biotech
50225 PureCube Carboxy MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 23296 cube-biotech
50290 PureCube Carboxy MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 74547.2 cube-biotech
50293 PureCube Carboxy MagBeads (250 ml) 250ml 0 cube-biotech
50401 PureCube NHS Activated MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 3427.84 cube-biotech
50405 PureCube NHS Activated MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 8170.24 cube-biotech
50425 PureCube NHS Activated MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 30484.48 cube-biotech
50490 PureCube NHS Activated MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 97460.48 cube-biotech
50493 PureCube NHS Activated MagBeads (250 ml) 250ml 0 cube-biotech
50805 PureCube Epoxy Activated MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 7205.12 cube-biotech
50825 PureCube Epoxy Activated MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 26890.24 cube-biotech
50890 PureCube Epoxy Activated MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 86012.16 cube-biotech
50901 PureCube Amine Activated MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 1697.28 cube-biotech
50905 PureCube Amine Activated MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 7205.12 cube-biotech
50925 PureCube Amine Activated MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 26890.24 cube-biotech
50990 PureCube Amine Activated MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 86012.16 cube-biotech
51201 PureCube Maleimide Activated MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 3910.4 cube-biotech
51205 PureCube Maleimide Activated MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 9468.16 cube-biotech
51225 PureCube Maleimide Activated MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 35493.12 cube-biotech
51290 PureCube Maleimide Activated MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 113518.08 cube-biotech
31501-Al PureCube Al-NTA MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 1181.44 cube-biotech
31501-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 1181.44 cube-biotech
31501-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 1181.44 cube-biotech
31501-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 1181.44 cube-biotech
31505-Al PureCube Al-NTA MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 5008.64 cube-biotech
31505-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 5008.64 cube-biotech
31505-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 5008.64 cube-biotech
31505-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 5008.64 cube-biotech
31525-Al PureCube Al-NTA MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 18720 cube-biotech
31525-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 18720 cube-biotech
31525-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 18720 cube-biotech
31525-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 18720 cube-biotech
31590-Al PureCube Al-NTA MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 59920.64 cube-biotech
31590-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 59920.64 cube-biotech
31590-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 59920.64 cube-biotech
31590-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 59920.64 cube-biotech
31591-Al PureCube Al-NTA MagBeads (100 ml) 100ml 57923.84 cube-biotech
31591-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA MagBeads (100 ml) 100ml 57923.84 cube-biotech
31591-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA MagBeads (100 ml) 100ml 57923.84 cube-biotech
31591-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA MagBeads (100 ml) 100ml 57923.84 cube-biotech
30801 PureCube IDA MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 748.8 cube-biotech
30805 PureCube IDA MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 2928.64 cube-biotech
30825 PureCube IDA MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 10899.2 cube-biotech
30890 PureCube IDA MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 34760.96 cube-biotech
30893 PureCube IDA MagBeads (250 ml) 250ml 0 cube-biotech
31801 PureCube NTA MagBeads (1 ml) 1ml 1081.6 cube-biotech
31805 PureCube NTA MagBeads (5 ml) 5ml 4659.2 cube-biotech
31825 PureCube NTA MagBeads (25 ml) 25ml 17388.8 cube-biotech
31890 PureCube NTA MagBeads (4×25 ml) 4x25ml 55594.24 cube-biotech
31893 PureCube NTA MagBeads (250 ml) 250ml 0 cube-biotech
26112 MSP1D1-His, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 2515.2 cube-biotech
26116 MSP1D1-His, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 11424 cube-biotech
26122 MSP1D1 dH5-His, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 2515.2 cube-biotech
26126 MSP1D1 dH5-His, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 11424 cube-biotech
26152 MSP1E3D1-His, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 2515.2 cube-biotech
26156 MSP1E3D1-His, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 11424 cube-biotech
26172 MSP2N2-His, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 3148.8 cube-biotech
26176 MSP2N2-His, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 14592 cube-biotech
26132 MSP1D1, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 4819.2 cube-biotech
26136 MSP1D1, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 21600 cube-biotech
26142 MSP1D1 dH5, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 4819.2 cube-biotech
26146 MSP1D1 dH5, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 21600 cube-biotech
26162 MSP1E3D1, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 4819.2 cube-biotech
26166 MSP1E3D1, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 21600 cube-biotech
26182 MSP2N2, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 5990.4 cube-biotech
26186 MSP2N2, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 26668.8 cube-biotech
26512 mouse MSP1D1-His, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 2899.2 cube-biotech
26516 mouse MSP1D1-His, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 13017.6 cube-biotech
26552 mouse MSP1E3D1-His, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 2899.2 cube-biotech
26556 mouse MSP1E3D1-His, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 13017.6 cube-biotech
26572 mouse MSP2N2-His, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 3590.4 cube-biotech
26576 mouse MSP2N2-His, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 16627.2 cube-biotech
26812 rat MSP1D1-His, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 3092.48 cube-biotech
26816 rat MSP1D1-His, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 13885.44 cube-biotech
26852 rat MSP1E3D1-His, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 3092.48 cube-biotech
26856 rat MSP1E3D1-His, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 13885.44 cube-biotech
27012 alpaca MSP1D1-His, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 3031.04 cube-biotech
27016 alpaca MSP1D1-His, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 13619.2 cube-biotech
27032 alpaca MSP1D1, lyophilized protein (2 mg) 2mg 5591.04 cube-biotech
27036 alpaca MSP1D1, lyophilized protein (10 mg) 10mg 25722.88 cube-biotech
26311 Nanodisc MSP1D1-His_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 8683.52 cube-biotech
26313 Nanodisc MSP1D1-His_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 8683.52 cube-biotech
26315 Nanodisc MSP1D1-His_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 8683.52 cube-biotech
26321 Nanodisc MSP1D1 dH5-His_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 8683.52 cube-biotech
26323 Nanodisc MSP1D1 dH5-His_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 8683.52 cube-biotech
26325 Nanodisc MSP1D1-dH5-His_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 8683.52 cube-biotech
26325 Nanodisc MSP1D1-dH5-His_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 8683.52 cube-biotech
26351 Nanodisc MSP1E3D1-His_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 8683.52 cube-biotech
26353 Nanodisc MSP1E3D1-His_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 8683.52 cube-biotech
26355 Nanodisc MSP1E3D1-His_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 8683.52 cube-biotech
26371 Nanodisc MSP2N2-His_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 10629.12 cube-biotech
26373 Nanodisc MSP2N2-His_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 10629.12 cube-biotech
26375 Nanodisc MSP2N2-His_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 10629.12 cube-biotech
26411 Nanodisc MSP1D1-His_DMPC_Biotinyl_PE (50 µl) 50ul 12226.56 cube-biotech
26413 Nanodisc MSP1D1-His_POPC_Biotinyl_PE (50 µl) 50ul 12226.56 cube-biotech
26421 Nanodisc MSP1D1 dH5-His_DMPC_Biotinyl_PE (50 µl) 50ul 12226.56 cube-biotech
26423 Nanodisc MSP1D1 dH5-His_POPC_Biotinyl_PE (50 µl) 50ul 12226.56 cube-biotech
26451 Nanodisc MSP1E3D1-His_DMPC_Biotinyl_PE (50 µl) 50ul 12226.56 cube-biotech
26453 Nanodisc MSP1E3D1-His_POPC_Biotinyl_PE (50 µl) 50ul 12226.56 cube-biotech
26711 Nanodisc mouse MSP1D1-His_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26713 Nanodisc mouse MSP1D1-His_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26715 Nanodisc mouse MSP1D1-His_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26751 Nanodisc mouse MSP1E3D1-His_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26753 Nanodisc mouse MSP1E3D1-His_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26755 Nanodisc mouse MSP1E3D1-His_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26771 Nanodisc mouse MSP2N2-His_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 11407.36 cube-biotech
26773 Nanodisc mouse MSP2N2-His_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 11407.36 cube-biotech
26775 Nanodisc mouse MSP2N2-His_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 11407.36 cube-biotech
26911 Nanodisc rat MSP1D1-His_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26913 Nanodisc rat MSP1D1-His_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26915 Nanodisc rat MSP1D1-His_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26951 Nanodisc rat MSP1E3D1-His_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26953 Nanodisc rat MSP1E3D1-His_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26955 Nanodisc rat MSP1E3D1-His_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 10076.16 cube-biotech
26331 Nanodisc MSP1D1_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 11345.92 cube-biotech
26333 Nanodisc MSP1D1_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 11345.92 cube-biotech
26335 Nanodisc MSP1D1_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 11345.92 cube-biotech
26341 Nanodisc MSP1D1 dH5_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 11345.92 cube-biotech
26343 Nanodisc MSP1D1 dH5_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 11345.92 cube-biotech
26345 Nanodisc MSP1D1 dH5_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 11345.92 cube-biotech
26361 Nanodisc MSP1E3D1_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 11345.92 cube-biotech
26363 Nanodisc MSP1E3D1_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 11345.92 cube-biotech
26365 Nanodisc MSP1E3D1_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 11345.92 cube-biotech
26381 Nanodisc MSP2N2_DMPC (50 µl) 50ul 13066.24 cube-biotech
26383 Nanodisc MSP2N2_POPC (50 µl) 50ul 13066.24 cube-biotech
26385 Nanodisc MSP2N2_DMPG (50 µl) 50ul 13066.24 cube-biotech
26211 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1D1-His_DMPC 4533.76 cube-biotech
26213 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1D1-His_POPC 4533.76 cube-biotech
26221 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1D1 dH5-His_DMPC 4533.76 cube-biotech
26223 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1D1 dH5-His_POPC 4533.76 cube-biotech
26231 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1D1_DMPC 8655.36 cube-biotech
26233 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1D1_POPC 8655.36 cube-biotech
26241 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1D1 dH5_DMPC 8655.36 cube-biotech
26243 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1D1 dH5_POPC 8655.36 cube-biotech
26251 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1E3D1-His _DMPC 4533.76 cube-biotech
26253 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1E3D1-His _POPC 4533.76 cube-biotech
26261 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1E3D1 _DMPC 8655.36 cube-biotech
26263 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP1E3D1 _POPC 8655.36 cube-biotech
26271 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP2N2-His _DMPC 5662.72 cube-biotech
26273 Nanodisc Assembly Kit MSP2N2-His _POPC 5662.72 cube-biotech
28101 GPBAR1 (TGR5) protein (10 µg) 10ug 21934.08 cube-biotech
28103 GPBAR1 (TGR5) protein (50 µg) 50ug 0 cube-biotech
28104 GPBAR1 (TGR5) protein (100 µg) 100ug 0 cube-biotech
28201 GLP1R protein (10 µg) 10ug 21934.08 cube-biotech
28203 GLP1R protein (50 µg) 50ug 0 cube-biotech
28204 GLP1R protein (100 µg) 100ug 0 cube-biotech
28301 NTSR1 protein (10 µg) 10ug 19333.12 cube-biotech
28303 NTSR1 protein (50 µg) 50ug 0 cube-biotech
28304 NTSR1 protein (100 µg) 100ug 0 cube-biotech
28401 MC4R protein (10 µg) 10ug 19742.72 cube-biotech
28403 MC4R protein (50 µg) 50ug 71004.16 cube-biotech
29001 OPRM1 protein nanodisc complex (20 µg) 20ug 33443.84 cube-biotech
29003 OPRM1 protein nanodisc complex (100 µg) 100ug 0 cube-biotech
29004 OPRM1 protein nanodisc complex (200 µg) 200ug 0 cube-biotech
28903 Hs_Bacteriorhodopsin (500 µg) 500ug 8089.6 cube-biotech
28911 Hs_Sensory rhodopsin-1 (100 µg) 100ug 6471.68 cube-biotech
28921 Hs_Sensory rhodopsin-2 (100 µg) 100ug 6471.68 cube-biotech
28931 Np_Sensory rhodopsin-2 (100 µg) 100ug 6471.68 cube-biotech
28941 Ca_Channelopsin 1 (100 µg) 100ug 12922.88 cube-biotech
29901 eGFP protein, His-tag (50 µg) 50ug 4096 cube-biotech
29903 eGFP protein, His-tag (250 µg) 250ug 12759.04 cube-biotech
29911 GST-eGFP fusion protein, Rho1D4-tag (50 µg) 50ug 4628.48 cube-biotech
29913 GST-eGFP fusion protein, Rho1D4-tag (250 µg) 250ug 14397.44 cube-biotech
29921 GST-eGFP fusion protein, DYKDDDDK-tag (50 µg) 50ug 4628.48 cube-biotech
29923 GST-eGFP fusion protein, DYKDDDDK-tag (250 µg) 250ug 14397.44 cube-biotech
10101 CubeCrystal 2-well MO Plates (2) 2 1863.68 cube-biotech
10103 CubeCrystal 2-well MO Plates (10) 10 8130.56 cube-biotech
10105 CubeCrystal 2-well MO Plates (50) 50 37068.8 cube-biotech
10107 CubeCrystal 2-well MO Plates (250) 250 0 cube-biotech
16002 Octylglucopyranoside (OG) (5×1 g) 5x1g 2969.6 cube-biotech
16003 Octylglucopyranoside (OG) (5×5 g) 5x5g 10915.84 cube-biotech
16004 Octylglucopyranoside (OG) (20×5 g) 20x5g 42127.36 cube-biotech
16006 N,N-Dimethyl-n-dodecylamine N-oxide (LDAO) (5×1 g) 5x1g 3317.76 cube-biotech
16007 N,N-Dimethyl-n-dodecylamine N-oxide (LDAO) (5×5 g) 5x5g 14417.92 cube-biotech
16008 N,N-Dimethyl-n-dodecylamine N-oxide (LDAO) (20×5 g) 20x5g 54210.56 cube-biotech
16010 n-Decyl-beta-maltoside (DM) (5×1 g) 5x1g 5140.48 cube-biotech
16011 n-Decyl-beta-maltoside (DM) (5×5 g) 5x5g 19845.12 cube-biotech
16012 n-Decyl-beta-maltoside (DM) (20×5 g) 20x5g 75919.36 cube-biotech
16014 n-Dodecyl-beta-maltoside (DDM) (5×1 g) 5x1g 5324.8 cube-biotech
16015 n-Dodecyl-beta-maltoside (DDM) (5×5 g) 5x5g 23879.68 cube-biotech
16016 n-Dodecyl-beta-maltoside (DDM) (20×5 g) 20x5g 89743.36 cube-biotech
16017 n-Dodecyl-beta-maltoside (DDM) (20×25 g) 20x5g 0 cube-biotech
16018 n-Octyl-1-thio-beta-D-glucopyranoside (OTG) (5×1 g) 5x1g 3051.52 cube-biotech
16019 n-Octyl-1-thio-beta-D-glucopyranoside (OTG) (5×5 g) 5x5g 13864.96 cube-biotech
16020 n-Octyl-1-thio-beta-D-glucopyranoside (OTG) (20×5 g) 20x5g 55439.36 cube-biotech
16021 n-Dodecyl-phosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 12) (1 g) 1g 2498.56 cube-biotech
16022 n-Dodecyl-phosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 12) (5×1 g) 5x1g 10670.08 cube-biotech
16023 n-Dodecyl-phosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 12) (5×5 g) 5x5g 42741.76 cube-biotech
16024 n-Dodecyl-phosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 12) (20×5 g) 20x5g 145305.6 cube-biotech
16025 n-Tridecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 13) (1 g) 1g 2887.68 cube-biotech
16026 n-Tridecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 13) (5×1 g) 5x1g 12185.6 cube-biotech
16027 n-Tridecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 13) (5×5 g) 5x5g 57569.28 cube-biotech
16028 n-Tridecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 13) (20×5 g) 20x5g 0 cube-biotech
16029 n-Tetradecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 14) (1 g) 1g 2744.32 cube-biotech
16030 n-Tetradecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 14) (5×1 g) 5x1g 11673.6 cube-biotech
16031 n-Tetradecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 14) (5×5 g) 5x5g 46653.44 cube-biotech
16032 n-Tetradecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 14) (20×5 g) 20x5g 0 cube-biotech
16037 n-Hexadecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 16) (1 g) 1g 2744.32 cube-biotech
16038 n-Hexadecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 16) (5×1 g) 5x1g 11673.6 cube-biotech
16039 n-Hexadecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 16) (5×5 g) 5x5g 46653.44 cube-biotech
16040 n-Hexadecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 16) (20×5 g) 20x5g 0 cube-biotech
16041 n-Decylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 10) (1 g) 1g 2519.04 cube-biotech
16042 n-Decylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 10) (5×1 g) 5x1g 10670.08 cube-biotech
16043 n-Decylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 10) (5×5 g) 5x5g 42741.76 cube-biotech
16044 n-Decylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 10) (20×5 g) 20x5g 0 cube-biotech
16045 n-Undecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 11) (1 g) 1g 2887.68 cube-biotech
16046 n-Undecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 11) (5×1 g) 5x1g 12185.6 cube-biotech
16047 n-Undecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 11) (5×5 g) 5x5g 48640 cube-biotech
16048 n-Undecylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 11) (20×5 g) 20x5g 0 cube-biotech
16049 n-Nonylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 9) (1 g) 1g 2887.68 cube-biotech
16050 n-Nonylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 9) (5×1 g) 5x1g 12185.6 cube-biotech
16051 n-Nonylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 9) (5×5 g) 5x5g 48640 cube-biotech
16052 n-Nonylphosphocholine (Fos-Choline™ 9) (20×5 g) 20x5g 0 cube-biotech
16055 n-Nonyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (NG) (5×1 g) 5x1g 5140.48 cube-biotech
16056 n-Nonyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (NG) (5×5 g) 5x5g 19845.12 cube-biotech
16057 n-Nonyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (NG) (20×5 g) 20x5g 75919.36 cube-biotech
16058 n-Nonyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (NG) (20×25 g) 20x25g 0 cube-biotech
16060 n-Decyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (DG) (5×1 g) 5x1g 5140.48 cube-biotech
16061 n-Decyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (DG) (5×5 g) 5x5g 19845.12 cube-biotech
16062 n-Decyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (DG) (20×5 g) 20x5g 75919.36 cube-biotech
16063 n-Decyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (DG) (20×25 g) 20x25g 0 cube-biotech
16065 n-Nonyl beta-maltoside (NM) (5×1 g) 5x1g 5140.48 cube-biotech
16066 n-Nonyl beta-maltoside (NM) (5×5 g) 5x5g 19845.12 cube-biotech
16067 n-Nonyl beta-maltoside (NM) (20×5 g) 20x5g 75919.36 cube-biotech
16068 n-Nonyl beta-maltoside (NM) (20×25 g) 20x25g 0 cube-biotech
16070 n-Undecyl beta-maltoside (UDM) (5×1 g) 5x1g 5140.48 cube-biotech
16071 n-Undecyl beta-maltoside (UDM) (5×5 g) 5x5g 19845.12 cube-biotech
16072 n-Undecyl beta-maltoside (UDM) (20×5 g) 20x5g 75919.36 cube-biotech
16073 n-Undecyl beta-maltoside (UDM) (20×25 g) 20x25g 0 cube-biotech
16074 n-Tridecyl beta-maltoside (TDM) (1 g) 1g 2887.68 cube-biotech
16075 n-Tridecyl beta-maltoside (TDM) (5×1 g) 5x1g 12185.6 cube-biotech
16076 n-Tridecyl beta-maltoside (TDM) (5×5 g) 5x5g 48640 cube-biotech
16077 n-Tridecyl beta-maltoside (TDM) (20×5 g) 20x5g 0 cube-biotech
16080 CHAPS (5×1 g) 5x1g 1208.32 cube-biotech
16081 CHAPS (5×5 g) 5x5g 4915.2 cube-biotech
16082 CHAPS (20×5 g) 20x5g 21524.48 cube-biotech
16083 CHAPS (20×25 g) 20x25g 0 cube-biotech
16084 Octylglucopyranoside (OG) (20×25 g) 20x25g 0 cube-biotech
16085 n-Octyl-1-thio-beta-D-glucopyranoside (OTG) (20×25 g) 20x25g 0 cube-biotech
16086 N,N-Dimethyl-n-dodecylamine N-oxide (LDAO) (20×25 g) 20x25g 0 cube-biotech
16092 Detergent Screening Set Classic (1 g each of OG, LDAO, DM, DDM, OTG) 1g 4362.24 cube-biotech
16093 Detergent Screening Set Phosphocholines 1 (1 g each of Fos-12, Fos-14, and Fos-16) 1g 6062.08 cube-biotech
16094 Detergent Screening Set 2 (1 g each of NG, NM, UDM, TDM, and CHAPS) 1g 5365.76 cube-biotech
63104 PureCube 1-step batch Mini (50) 50 2350.08 cube-biotech
63107 PureCube 1-step batch Mini (100) 100 4199.68 cube-biotech
63203 PureCube 1-step batch Midi Plus (8) 8 1066.24 cube-biotech
63208 PureCube 1-step batch Midi Plus (48) 48 5418.24 cube-biotech
16911 PureCube Cartridges (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 522.24 cube-biotech
16912 PureCube Compact Cartridges (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 522.24 cube-biotech
16913 PureCube Cartridges (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 2480.64 cube-biotech
16914 PureCube Compact Cartridges (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 2480.64 cube-biotech
16916 PureCube Cartridges (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 805.12 cube-biotech
16917 PureCube Cartridges (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 3808 cube-biotech
16918 PureCube Compact Cartridges (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 805.12 cube-biotech
16919 PureCube Compact Cartridges (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 3808 cube-biotech
40020 Rho1D4 Antibody (200 µg) 200ug 5529.6 cube-biotech
40040 Penta His Antibody (100 µg) 100ug 10053.12 cube-biotech
40060 GST Antibody (100 µg) 100ug 10684.16 cube-biotech
16201 Rho1D4 peptide (5 mg) 5mg 2131.2 cube-biotech
16203 Rho1D4 peptide (25 mg) 25mg 7545.6 cube-biotech
16205 Rho1D4 peptide (100 mg) 100mg 21484.8 cube-biotech
16502 1-Oleoyl-rac-glycerol (Mono-olein) (1 g) 1g 3633.92 cube-biotech
16521 Human cardiomyocyte lipids_ iPSC-derived (1 mg) 1mg 11206.4 cube-biotech
16523 Human CNS lipids_iPSC-derived (1 mg) 1mg 11206.4 cube-biotech
16602 Isopropyl beta-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (5×1 g) 5x1g 1632 cube-biotech
16603 Isopropyl beta-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (5×5 g) 5x5g 4765.44 cube-biotech
16604 Isopropyl beta-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (4×25 g) 4x25g 16276.48 cube-biotech
21001 Cellfree E.coli lysate (350 µl) – For 1 ml cell-free reaction volume 350ul 2211.84 cube-biotech
21003 Cellfree E.coli lysate (4×350 µl) – For 4 x 1 ml cell-free reaction volume 4x350ul 6819.84 cube-biotech
21011 Cellfree E.coli lysate HiYield (350 µl) – For 1 ml cell-free reaction volume 350ul 2682.88 cube-biotech
21013 Cellfree E.coli lysate HiYield (4×350 µl) – For 4 x 1 ml cell-free reaction volume 4×350 8499.2 cube-biotech
21031 Cellfree E.coli lysate HiYield-T7 (330 µl) – For 1 ml cell-free reaction volume 330ul 2682.88 cube-biotech
21033 Cellfree E.coli lysate HiYield-T7 (4×330 µl) – For 4 x 1 ml cell-free reaction volume 4×330 8499.2 cube-biotech
18001 PureCube DIBMA 10, Screening Kit, 10×50 mg, HEPES 10x50mg 3552 cube-biotech
18002 PureCube DIBMA 10, 1g, HEPES 1g 5568 cube-biotech
18004 PureCube DIBMA 10, Screening Kit, 10×50 mg, TRIS 10x50mg 3552 cube-biotech
18005 PureCube DIBMA 10, 1g, TRIS 1g 5568 cube-biotech
18011 PureCube DIBMA 12, Screening Kit, 10×50 mg, HEPES 10x50mg 3552 cube-biotech
18012 PureCube DIBMA 12, 1g, HEPES 1g 5568 cube-biotech
18014 PureCube DIBMA 12, Screening Kit, 10×50 mg, TRIS 10x50mg 3552 cube-biotech
18015 PureCube DIBMA 12, 1g, TRIS 1g 5568 cube-biotech
18041 PureCube DIBMA Glucosamine, Screening Kit, 10×50 mg, HEPES 10x50mg 3897.6 cube-biotech
18042 PureCube DIBMA Glucosamine, 1g, HEPES 1g 6124.8 cube-biotech
18044 PureCube DIBMA Glucosamine, Screening Kit, 10×50 mg, TRIS 10x50mg 3897.6 cube-biotech
18045 PureCube DIBMA Glucosamine, 1g, TRIS 1g 6124.8 cube-biotech
18051 PureCube DIBMA Glycerol, Screening Kit, 10×50 mg, HEPES 10x50mg 3897.6 cube-biotech
18052 PureCube DIBMA Glycerol, 1g, HEPES 1g 6124.8 cube-biotech
18054 PureCube DIBMA Glycerol, Screening Kit, 10×50 mg, TRIS 10x50mg 3897.6 cube-biotech
18055 PureCube DIBMA Glycerol, 1g, TRIS 1g 6124.8 cube-biotech
80101 HisCube-Ni-INDIGO His-Tag Protein Purification MINI Kit 9100.8 cube-biotech
80105 HisCube-Ni-INDIGO His-Tag Protein Purification MIDI Kit 8716.8 cube-biotech
28702 SARS CoV-2 spike protein in LMNG detergent (100 µg) 100ug 12864 cube-biotech
28703 SARS CoV-2 spike protein in LMNG detergent (500 µg) 500ug 41529.6 cube-biotech
28706 SARS CoV-2 spike protein in DIBMA Glycerol (25 µg) 25ug 16819.2 cube-biotech
28707 SARS CoV-2 spike protein in DIBMA Glycerol (100 µg) 100ug 47462.4 cube-biotech
29301 SARS CoV-2 spike protein nanodisc complex (25 µg) 25ug 19584 cube-biotech
29303 SARS CoV-2 spike protein nanodisc complex (100 µg) 100ug 56371.2 cube-biotech
28704 SARS CoV-2 spike protein set in LMNG detergent (100 µg), DIBMA Glycerol (25 µg) and nanodisc complex (25 µg) 100ug 45292.8 cube-biotech
28711 SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in SMA 40005S (25 µg) 25ug 21868.8 cube-biotech
28715 SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in SMA 30010S (25 µg) 25ug 16819.2 cube-biotech
28801 COVID19 Antibody S1 domain (spike protein) ea 5548.8 cube-biotech
28802 COVID19 Antibody RBD domain (spike protein) ea 5548.8 cube-biotech
28803 COVID19 Antibody S2α domain (spike protein) ea 5548.8 cube-biotech
28804 COVID19 Antibody S2β domain (spike protein) ea 5548.8 cube-biotech
28811 COVID19 Assay Kit (4×100µg antibody + 100µg CoV-2 spike protein in LMNG) 4x100ug 28089.6 cube-biotech
28601 AChR T.Californica 40 µg 40ug 22003.2 cube-biotech
28603 AChR T.Californica 80 µg 80ug 35193.6 cube-biotech
18210 SMALP 30010S(10*50mg) 10*50mg 4736 cube-biotech
18211 SMALP 30010S(1g) 1g 8422.4 cube-biotech
18212 SMALP 30010S(10g) 10g 80691.2 cube-biotech
18290 Synthetic Nanodisc Screening Kit, (8x2x50 mg) 8x2x50mg 8192 cube-biotech
18220 SMALP 40005S(10*50mg) 10*50mg 4736 cube-biotech
18221 SMALP 40005S(1g) 1g 8422.4 cube-biotech
18222 SMALP 40005S(10g) 10g 80691.2 cube-biotech
18230 SMALP 1100I(10*50mg) 10*50mg 4736 cube-biotech
18231 SMALP 1100I(1g) 1g 8422.4 cube-biotech
18232 SMALP 1100I(10g) 10g 80691.2 cube-biotech
18200 SMALP 25010S(10*50mg) 10*50mg 4736 cube-biotech
18280 SMALP Screening Set (4x3x50 mg) 4x3x50mg 6604.8 cube-biotech
18201 SMALP 25010S(1g) 1g 8422.4 cube-biotech
18202 SMALP 25010S(10g) 10g 80691.2 cube-biotech
74301 PureCube 100 Ni-NTA Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1292 cube-biotech
74303 PureCube 100 Ni-NTA Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 5032 cube-biotech
74305 PureCube 100 Ni-NTA Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 4112.64 cube-biotech
74307 PureCube 100 Ni-NTA Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 15698.48 cube-biotech
74601 PureCube 100 Co-NTA Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1343.68 cube-biotech
74603 PureCube 100 Co-NTA Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 5283.6 cube-biotech
74605 PureCube 100 Co-NTA Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 4308.48 cube-biotech
74607 PureCube 100 Co-NTA Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 16507.68 cube-biotech
75301 PureCube 100 INDIGO Ni-Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1292 cube-biotech
75303 PureCube 100 INDIGO Ni-Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 5032 cube-biotech
75305 PureCube 100 INDIGO Ni-Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 4112.64 cube-biotech
75307 PureCube 100 INDIGO Ni-Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 15698.48 cube-biotech
30301 PureCube Ni-IDA Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 878.56 cube-biotech
30303 PureCube Ni-IDA Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 3874.64 cube-biotech
30305 PureCube Ni-IDA Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2521.44 cube-biotech
30307 PureCube Ni-IDA Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 11259.44 cube-biotech
31301 PureCube Ni-NTA Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 930.24 cube-biotech
31303 PureCube Ni-NTA Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4201.72 cube-biotech
31305 PureCube Ni-NTA Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2668.32 cube-biotech
31307 PureCube Ni-NTA Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 11791.2 cube-biotech
31601 PureCube Co-NTA Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1007.76 cube-biotech
31603 PureCube Co-NTA Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4503.64 cube-biotech
31605 PureCube Co-NTA Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2937.6 cube-biotech
31607 PureCube Co-NTA Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 13085.92 cube-biotech
33301 PureCube Rho1D4 Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 7752 cube-biotech
33303 PureCube Rho1D4 Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 36666.96 cube-biotech
33305 PureCube Rho1D4 Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 20856.96 cube-biotech
33307 PureCube Rho1D4 Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 98532 cube-biotech
33399 Rho Starter Set 3: PureCube Rho1D4 Cartridge (1×1 ml) + Rho1D4 peptide (5 mg) 1x1ml 5018.4 cube-biotech
31601-Al PureCube Al-NTA Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1007.76 cube-biotech
31601-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1007.76 cube-biotech
31601-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1007.76 cube-biotech
31601-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1007.76 cube-biotech
31603-Al PureCube Al-NTA Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4503.64 cube-biotech
31603-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4503.64 cube-biotech
31603-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4503.64 cube-biotech
31603-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4503.64 cube-biotech
31605-Al PureCube Al-NTA Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2937.6 cube-biotech
31605-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2937.6 cube-biotech
31605-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2937.6 cube-biotech
31605-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2937.6 cube-biotech
31607-Al PureCube Al-NTA Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 13132.16 cube-biotech
31607-Cu PureCube Cu-NTA Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 13132.16 cube-biotech
31607-Fe PureCube Fe-NTA Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 13132.16 cube-biotech
31607-Zn PureCube Zn-NTA Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 13132.16 cube-biotech
32301 PureCube Glutathione Cartridge (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1085.28 cube-biotech
32303 PureCube Glutathione Cartridge (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4881.04 cube-biotech
32305 PureCube Glutathione Cartridge (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 3867.84 cube-biotech
32307 PureCube Glutathione Cartridge (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 17731 cube-biotech
74302 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Ni-NTA (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1292 cube-biotech
74304 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Ni-NTA (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 5032 cube-biotech
74306 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Ni-NTA (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 4112.64 cube-biotech
74308 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Ni-NTA (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 15698.48 cube-biotech
74602 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Co-NTA (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1343.68 cube-biotech
74604 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Co-NTA (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 5283.6 cube-biotech
74606 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Co-NTA (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 4308.48 cube-biotech
74608 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Co-NTA (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 16507.68 cube-biotech
75302 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Ni-INDIGO (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1343.68 cube-biotech
75304 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Ni-INDIGO (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 5283.6 cube-biotech
75306 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Ni-INDIGO (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 4308.48 cube-biotech
75308 PureCube 100 Compact Cartridge Ni-INDIGO (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 16507.68 cube-biotech
30302 PureCube Compact Cartridge Ni-IDA (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 878.56 cube-biotech
30304 PureCube Compact Cartridge Ni-IDA (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 3874.64 cube-biotech
30306 PureCube Compact Cartridge Ni-IDA (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2521.44 cube-biotech
30308 PureCube Compact Cartridge Ni-IDA (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 11259.44 cube-biotech
31302 PureCube Compact Cartridge Ni-NTA  (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 930.24 cube-biotech
31304 PureCube Compact Cartridge Ni-NTA (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4201.72 cube-biotech
31306 PureCube Compact Cartridge Ni-NTA (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2668.32 cube-biotech
31308 PureCube Compact Cartridge Ni-NTA (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 11791.2 cube-biotech
31602 PureCube Compact Cartridge Co-NTA (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1007.76 cube-biotech
31604 PureCube Compact Cartridge Co-NTA (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4503.64 cube-biotech
31606 PureCube Compact Cartridge Co-NTA (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2937.6 cube-biotech
31608 PureCube Compact Cartridge Co-NTA (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 13085.92 cube-biotech
33302 PureCube Compact Cartridge Rho1D4 (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 7752 cube-biotech
33304 PureCube Compact Cartridge Rho1D4 (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 36666.96 cube-biotech
33306 PureCube Compact Cartridge Rho1D4 (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 20856.96 cube-biotech
33308 PureCube Compact Cartridge Rho1D4 (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 98532 cube-biotech
33398 Rho Starter Set 4: PureCube Compact Cartridge Rho1D4 (1×1 ml) + Rho1D4 peptide (5 mg) 1x1ml 5018.4 cube-biotech
31602-Al PureCube Compact Cartridge Al-NTA (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1007.76 cube-biotech
31602-Cu PureCube Compact Cartridge Cu-NTA (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1007.76 cube-biotech
31602-Fe PureCube Compact Cartridge Fe-NTA (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1007.76 cube-biotech
31602-Zn PureCube Compact Cartridge Zn-NTA (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1007.76 cube-biotech
31604-Al PureCube Compact Cartridge Al-NTA (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4503.64 cube-biotech
31604-Cu PureCube Compact Cartridge Cu-NTA (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4503.64 cube-biotech
31604-Fe PureCube Compact Cartridge Fe-NTA (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4503.64 cube-biotech
31604-Zn PureCube Compact Cartridge Zn-NTA (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4503.64 cube-biotech
31606-Al PureCube Compact Cartridge Al-NTA (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2937.6 cube-biotech
31606-Cu PureCube Compact Cartridge Cu-NTA (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2937.6 cube-biotech
31606-Fe PureCube Compact Cartridge Fe-NTA (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2937.6 cube-biotech
31606-Zn PureCube Compact Cartridge Zn-NTA (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 2937.6 cube-biotech
31608-Al PureCube Compact Cartridge Al-NTA (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 13132.16 cube-biotech
31608-Cu PureCube Compact Cartridge Cu-NTA (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 13132.16 cube-biotech
31608-Fe PureCube Compact Cartridge Fe-NTA (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 13132.16 cube-biotech
31608-Zn PureCube Compact Cartridge Zn-NTA (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 13132.16 cube-biotech
32302 PureCube Compact Cartridge Glutathione  (1×1 ml) 1x1ml 1085.28 cube-biotech
32304 PureCube Compact Cartridge Glutathione (5×1 ml) 5x1ml 4881.04 cube-biotech
32306 PureCube Compact Cartridge Glutathione (1×5 ml) 1x5ml 3867.84 cube-biotech
32308 PureCube Compact Cartridge Glutathione (5×5 ml) 5x5ml 17731 cube-biotech