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OPD Tablets for colorimetric detection of Horseradish Peroxidase activity in ELISAs.
Ortho-Phenylenediamine is a water soluble chromogenic substrate that produces a yellow color during the enzymatic degradation of hydrogen peroxide by horseradish peroxidase with an absorption maximum at 450nm.After addition of sulfuric acid a very stable orange end solution is obtained that can be read at 490nm.
Kem-En-Tec Diagnostics offers:
*Standard OPD tablets:available with a content of 2mg or 10mg
*Fizzing OPD tablets:2 mg tablets are available as fizzing.buffer-containing tablets
Catalog number Tablet type Tablet size Package size
4260 Standard OPD tablet 10mg 100 tablets/vial
4090 Standard OPD tablets 2mg 250 tablets/vial
4110 Fizzing OPD tables 2mg 250 tablets/vial
*Stable and robust
*Negligible batch-to-batch variation
*Development time:5-30 minutes
*At least 18 months at 2-8C
*For long term storage OPD tablets should be kept at -20C