SKC 特约代理

SKC 特约代理

简要描述:SKC代理,SKC上海代理,SKC北京代理, SKC代理, SKC一级代理, SKC特约代理
上海金畔生物科技有限公司 SKC专业代理,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 更新时间:2024-03-27
  • 访  问  量:1304



世界*实验材料供应商 SKC上海金畔生物为其中国代理, SKC在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, SKC就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

 SKC中国代理, SKC上海代理, SKC北京代理,SKC广东代理, SKC江苏代理SKC湖北代理,SKC天津,SKC黑龙江代理,SKC内蒙古代理,SKC吉林代理,SKC福建代理, SKC江苏代理, SKC浙江代理, SKC四川代理,




SKC is the world leader in sampling technologies. SKC was founded by chemist Lloyd V. Guild in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1962. The privay held corporation specialized in producing precision laboratory glassware. As other scientists joined Dr. Guild and his interest in protecting workers from occupational exposure grew, he expanded SKC’s capabilities to produce the first commercially available sorbent tube and one of the first low flow pumps. Today, SKC is known as a leading manufacturer of air sample pumps, sorbent tubes, gas sample bags, passive samplers, size-selective samplers, and filters for the industrial hygiene, occupational health, safety, and environmental markets.

From its humble start as a one-room company with a handful of employees, SKC has grown to over 100 employees and an eight-building research, manufacturing, and warehouse facility in Eighty Four, Pennsylvania. Our extensive sales and service network includes branches and manufacturer representatives covering the U.S., U.K., Asia, and South Africa and global distributors in over 60 countries.

SKC is proud of its products and the role they play in protecting workers and the environment.


