

Curiox是一家生物仪器公司,由新加坡科学技术研究局(A * STAR)衍生出来。基于其在表面化学和工程领域的专业知识,Curiox已成为创新测定平台开发和商业化的。Curiox的愿景是通过生物测定的小型化和改进自动化来加速生命科学,药物发现和诊断的发展。

DropArray™技术由生物工程与纳米技术研究所(IBN)的Namyong Kim博士领导的研究小组开发。随后,该团队于2008年从IBN中分离出来,并成立了Curiox Biosystems,该公司主要由德国的风险投资公司Nanostart AG支持。以及A * STAR的商业化部门Exploit Technologies。2010年,Curiox获得了Zicom Group的一笔大型企业投资,该公司是在澳大利亚证券交易所上市的新加坡/澳大利亚企业集团。Zicom集团的投资使Curiox加快了产品开发以及海外扩张和销售计划的步伐。



Product Name Part # Description Packaging Size MOQ
Laminar Wash Plates
Laminar Wash™ 96-well plate (with a regular lid) 96-DC-CL-05 96-well, coating for bead-based assays, non-sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
Laminar Wash™ 16-well strip (with a regular lid) 16-DC-CL-10 16-well, coating for flow cytometry assays, sterile 10 pcs 1 pack
Laminar Wash Systems
Laminar Wash™ AUTO1000 station of standard configuration AUTO-1000-96-01 Laminar Wash™ AUTO1000 workstation of 96-well format for flow cytometry 1 unit 1 unit
Laminar Wash™ HT1000 Station 96 DC-1000-96-01 Laminar Wash™ HT1000 washing station of 96-well format for flow cytometry 1 unit 1 unit
Laminar Wash™ Mini1000 Station 8 DC-1000-08-01 Laminar Wash™ Mini1000 washing station of 8-well format for flow cytometry 1 unit 1 unit
Laminar Wash™ Accessories
BigBear Plate Vortexer HT91-1000-1 Plate vortexer of 1 mm span fixed at 1,600 rpm 1 unit 1 unit
Plates (Inclusive of Anti-Evap Lid)
96-well DA-Bead Plate 96-CC-BD-05 96-well, coating for bead-based assays, non-sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
96-well DA-HCS Plate (TC) 96-CC-TC-05 96-well, COC, tissue culture finish, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
96-well DA-HCS Plate (PDL) 96-CC-PD-05 96-well, COC, poly-D-lysine coating, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
96-well DA-HCS Plate (PLL) 96-CC-PL-05 96-well, COC, poly-L-lysine coating, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
96-well DA-HCS Plate (Collagen) 96-CC-CL-05 96-well, COC, collagen coating, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
96-well DA-HCS Plate (Suspension) 96-CC-SS-05 96-well, COC, PDL-like coating, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
96-well DA-HCS Plate (Fibronectin) 96-CC-FI-05 96-well, COC, fibronectin coating, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
384-well DA-Bead Plate 384-CC-BD-05 384-well, coating for bead-based assays, non-sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
384-well DA-HCS Plate (TC) 384-CC-TC-05 384-well, COC tissue culture finish, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
384-well DA-HCS Plate (PDL) 384-CC-PD-05 384-well, COC, poly-D-lysine coating, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
384-well DA-HCS Plate (PLL) 384-CC-PL-05 384-well, COC, poly-L-lysine coating, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
384-well DA-HCS Plate (Collagen) 384-CC-CL-05 384-well, COC, collagen coating, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
384-well DA-HCS Plate (Suspension) 384-CC-SS-05 384-well, COC, PDL-like coating, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
384-well DA-HCS Plate (Fibronectin) 384-CC-FI-05 384-well, COC, fibronectin coating, sterile 5 pcs 1 pack
DropArray™ Bead Reading Fluid BD-RD-01-01 Immiscible Fluid for direct reading in the presence of Grid 100 ml 1 bottle
DropArray™ Sterile Incubation Fluid IN-ST-01-01 Incubation Fluid , sterile 100 ml 1 bottle
DropArray™ Sterile Sealing Fluid SE-ST-01-01 Sealing Fluid , sterile , Plastic plate 100 ml 1 bottle
HT Washing Station
DropArray™ HT Washing Station MX HT-200MX-01-03 HT washing station 1 unit 1 unit
HT Washing Station Accessories
96 Format HT Magnet Clamper HT-CP-MAG-96-01 HT clamper with 96 format magnet array 1 unit 1 unit
384 Format HT Magnet Clamper HT-CP-MAG-384-01 HT clamper with 384 format magnet array 1 unit 1 unit
LT Washing Station
DropArray™ LT Washing Station MX 96 LT-210MX-96-01 LT washing station with 96 format magnet clamper 1 unit 1 unit
DropArray™ LT Washing Station MX 96 LT-210MX-96-01 LT washing station with 96 format magnet clamper (Academia customer) 1 unit 1 unit
DropArray™ LT Washing Station MX 96 Package LT-210MX-96-CP A customer package inclusive of LT MX and accessories as requested 1 unit 1 unit
DropArray ™ Humidified Box Kit and Weight Set HM-BX-WT-01 Humidified box for plate incubation and weight block 1 unit 1 unit
DropArray ™ Direct Reading Kit GR-PF-96-01 PTFE Grid for direct reading of 96 well DA plate 1 unit 1 unit
DropArray ™ Magnet Array for 96-well DA Plate MG-AR-96-01 Magnet array for sample incubation 1 unit 1 unit