
04-384 anti-phospho-MSK1 (Ser376), rb mono Content & Reagents  3,381.00
04-385 anti-mTOR, rb mono Content & Reagents  3,381.00
04-386 anti-MYPT1/MYPT2 (C-term) Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-387 anti-NAK/TBK1 (N-term) Content & Reagents  2,796.00
04-391 anti-p70 S6 Kinase (N-term), rb mono Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-393 anti-phospho-p70 S6K (Thr421/Ser424) Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-395 anti-PAK3, Rb mono Content & Reagents  3,147.00
04-397 anti-PDGFRb, rb mono Content & Reagents  2,796.00
04-399 anti-PI3 Kinase, p110alpha, rb mono Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-400 anti-PI3 Kinase, p110beta, rb mono Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-400-K Anti-P13 Kinase,p110beta, rb mono Content & Reagents  52,451.00
04-401 anti-PI3 Kinase, p110delta, rb mono Content & Reagents  3,381.00
04-402 anti-PI3 Kinase, p110gamma, rb mono Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-403 anti-PI3 Kinase, p8lpha, rb mono Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-404 anti-phospho-PKA, RII(Ser96) Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-406 anti-PKC beta II Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-409 anti-PTEN (C-term), rb mono Content & Reagents  3,381.00
04-412 anti-Raf1, Rb mono Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-413 anti-Rap1GAP, rb mono Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-417 anti-RSK1, rb mono Content & Reagents  2,796.00
04-418 anti-phospho-RSK1 (Ser380), Rb mono Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-419 anti-phospho-Rsk1(Thr359/Ser363),Rb mono Content & Reagents  3,615.00
04-419-K Anti-phospho-Rsk1(Thr359/Ser363) -ML Content & Reagents  31,122.00
04-426 anti-TSC1, Rb mono Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-427 anti-TSC2, Rb mono Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-430 anti-AIF rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-432 anti-BAD (N-term) rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-433 anti-Bak rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,966.00
04-434 anti-Bax rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-435 anti-Bcl-10 rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,732.00
04-436 anti-Bcl-2 rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-437 anti-Bcl-6 (C-term) rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-438 anti-Bid rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-439 anti-Caspase-3 (active) rb mono Content & Reagents  3,732.00
04-440 anti-Caspase-3 (Pro) rb monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-441 anti-Caspase-7 rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-443 anti-Caspase-9 (Pro) rb monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-444 anti-Caspase-9 (Pro/p35) rb monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-445 anti-Daxx rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-446 anti-HtrA2 rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,732.00
04-447 anti-phospho-hsp27 (Ser78), rb mono Content & Reagents  4,317.00
04-447-K Anti-phospho-hsp27(Ser78), rb mono- ML Content & Reagents  40,739.00
04-448 anti-phospho-HSP27 (Ser82) rb mono Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-449 anti-MIP-1 beta/CCL4 (C-term) rb mono Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-451 anti-TRAF6 rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-452 anti-TRAF6 (C-term) rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-453 anti-SUMO-1 rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-454 anti-Ubiquitin (C-term) rb monoclonal Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-455 anti- CD20 (C-term) rb monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,147.00
04-456 anti-CD22 rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-457 anti-phospho CD22 (Tyr807) rb mono Content & Reagents  3,147.00
04-458 anti-phospho CD22 (Tyr822) rb mono Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-459 anti-phospho CD22 (Tyr842) rb mono Content & Reagents  3,381.00
04-460 anti-CD3 rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-461 anti-C-reactive protein(C-term) rb mono Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-462 anti-IL-1 beta rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-463 anti-IL-15 rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-464 anti-IL-17 rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-465 anti-ILR1 rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-466 anti-LAT rabbit monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,147.00
04-467 anti-phospho-LAT(Tyr191) rb mono Content & Reagents  3,498.00
04-469 Sterol Regulatory Protein,CRL2121-100ug Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-470 Farnesyl Transferase,Ms x CRL2418-100ug Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-478 anti-phospho-STAT1 (Ser727), clone 12C5 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-479 SREBP-2, Ms x CRL 2545-200uL Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-486 RhoG, Ms X 1F3B3E5, 100 ug Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-539 Ms X, MAPKAP K2, clone 7H4.2 – 200ug Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-540 Anti-phospho-p53 (Ser6) Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-557 Acetyl-HistoneH4(K5-12),Rbx147-51-5 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-565 Caveolin-1 (C Term), Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,966.00
04-571 Caspase-2, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,732.00
04-572 Caspase-6 (C Term), Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-573 Caspase-8, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,615.00
04-574 Caspase-8 (N Term), Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,615.00
04-575 PARP-1 (P116), Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,732.00
04-576 PARP-1 (Cleaved p25), Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,732.00
04-577 RasGap, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-578 Smac/Diablo, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,615.00
04-579 Apaf-1, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,732.00
04-580 MALT/MLT1 (N Term), Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,615.00
04-581 Paxillin (N Term), Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,966.00
04-582 PAK1 (N Term), Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  4,083.00
04-583 PAK4 (N Term), Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  4,083.00
04-584 PAK1, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,966.00
04-585 Desmin, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,966.00
04-586 Cytokeratin 18, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,615.00
04-587 Cytokeratin 5, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,732.00
04-588 Cytokeratin 8, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,732.00
04-589 Calponin-1 (C Term), Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,147.00
04-590 Caldesmon, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  4,083.00
04-591 FAK protein, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  4,083.00
04-592 Flotillin-1, Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,966.00
04-593 JAM1 (N Term), Rbt x, 100ul Content & Reagents  3,615.00
04-632 CBX-8, Ms x 1H10.2-100ug Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-638 Anti-TRF1 Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-639 PP2A B56 delta, Ms X H5D12, 100 uL Content & Reagents  3,615.00
04-640 Anti-LAP2alpha-100ug Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-642 anti-Ago2, clone 9E8.2 Content & Reagents  3,849.00
04-721 DICER, Ms x 5D12.2-100ug Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-735 A-MONOMETH-HISH4(K20),NL314 100ul Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-736 A-PHOS-AKT1 (SER473),CL SK703  100 Content & Reagents  3,381.00
04-739 ANTI-RAF-1, PC 12-305  100ul Content & Reagents  3,381.00
04-742 ANTI-SHP-1/2,  PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  3,147.00
04-745 A-TRIMETH-HISH3  (K4),CL MC315 100 Content & Reagents  4,668.00
04-746 A-PH-HIS  H3 (THR3), CL JY325  100 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-747 A-PH-MEK1/2  (218/222)/(222/226)  100ul Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-767 A-CREB,  CL NL904 PC 12-309 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-768 A-DIMETHYL-HIS  H3 (K9)   100UL Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-771 A-AKT2/PKBB,   CL AW114  100UL Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-772 ANTI-SRC,   CT, PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-773 Anti-phospho-MYPT1 (Thr850), clone Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-775 ANTI-HA-RAS, PC 12-301  100ul Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-784 A-IRS1,  CL AW58 PC 12-305  100ul Content & Reagents  3,381.00
04-787 A-PH-PKD  (SER916),CL MC29 100UL Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-789 Anti-phospho-Histone H3 Thr11 clone MC83 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-790 A-DIMETHYL-HIS  H3 (LYS4) 100UL Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-791 A-  MONO/DI/TRIMTHYL-HISH3(K4)  100ul Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-792 A-PH-CENP-A (S7),  CL NL41 100UL Content & Reagents  4,317.00
04-795 A-PHOS-RIBOSOMAL   PROTS6(S235)  100ul Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-796 A-AKT1/PKBA,   CL AW24   100UL Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-797 A-P-MAPK/ERK1/2 (THR185/TYR187)100 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-801 a-trimethyl-His H3 (Lys36)    100ul Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-802 A-PH-AKT1/PKBA   (THR308)  100UL Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-803 ANTI-HMGN2 monoclonal antibody Content & Reagents  4,083.00
04-804 NFAT1, mouse monoclonal antibody Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-805 Anti-SET7/Set9, clone 5F2.3 Content & Reagents  3,966.00
04-808 A-DIMETHYL-HISTONE H3 (ARG2)  200UL Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-809 Anti-trimethyl (Lys9)-phospho (Ser1 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-811 A-PH-ENOS/NOS III (THR495) Content & Reagents  4,434.00
04-816 A-PH-PPARγ (S82), CL AW504  100UL Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-817 A-PH-HIS  H3 (S10), CL MC463 100UL Content & Reagents  4,434.00
04-820 A-ESTROGEN RECEPTOR A,CL.60C  100ul Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-821 a-dimethyl-His H3(K27),cl614M 100ul Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-822 ANTI-RHO  (-A,-B,-C),CL 3L74 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-823 ANTI-PHOSPHO-GLUR1  (SER831) N453 Content & Reagents  4,785.00
04-824 A-ESTROGEN  REC B, CL 68-4  100UL Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-825 A-PDGF RB , CLONE 4A56        100UL Content & Reagents  3,381.00
04-835 A-DIMETHYL-HIS   H3 (LYS79)  100ul Content & Reagents  4,434.00
04-841 A-ROKA/ROCK-II,  CLONE A9W4  100ul Content & Reagents  3,381.00
04-855 ANTI-GLUR1, CLONE C3T – 100UL Content & Reagents  4,785.00
04-856 ANTI-TBK1, CLONE AOW9  100ul Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-856-K ANTI-TBK1, CLONE AOW9 -ML Content & Reagents  29,917.00
04-857 Anti-phospho-Src family (Tyr416), c Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-858 Anti-Histone H4, pan          100ul Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-886 a-ph-STAT5 (Y694/699),cl A11W 100ul Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-889 Anti-Src, clone N6L           100ul Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-893 a-JNK3/SAPK1b, clone C05T     100ul Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-894 a-p-KDR/Flk-1/VEGFR2(Y1054)   100ul Content & Reagents  3,381.00
04-894-K a-p-KDR/Flk-1/VEGFR2(Y1054) – ML Content & Reagents  37,253.00
04-900 a-p-MET (Y1234/1235),cl NL8   100ul Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-901 Anti-NR2A, clone A12W 100UL Content & Reagents  4,668.00
04-902 a-HA Tag, clone DW2           100ul Content & Reagents  4,317.00
04-903 Anti-GSK3a/b  100ul Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-914 Anti-Smad2/3, clone C4T  100ul Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-921 Anti-GluR6/7, clone NL9       100ul Content & Reagents  4,434.00
04-928 Anti-Hist H3, CT, pan, cl A3S   100ul Content & Reagents  4,200.00
04-932 Anti-Calmodulin Binding Protein Epi Content & Reagents  4,317.00
04-953 Anti-Phos SMAD2 (S465/467) cl A5S  100ul Content & Reagents  3,030.00
04-958 Anti-Beta Catenin, clone 7F7.2 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-959 Anti-Retinoid-Related Orphan Recept Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-960 Anti-FOXP3, clone 3G3 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-961 Anti-Interleukin 12 (IL-12), clone 8.6 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-962 Anti-Interleukin 12 (IL-12), clone 17.8 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-963 Anti-CTLA4, clone 9H10 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
04-964 Anti-Interleukin 4 (IL-4), clone 11.B.11 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-966 Anti-Cby1, clone 8-2 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
04-967 Anti-Desert hedgehog protein (DHH), Content & Reagents  2,796.00
04-968 Anti-Folr4 (Folate receptor 4), clo Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-970 Anti-Osteopontin Content & Reagents  2,796.00
04-971 Anti-Sonic Hedgehog,C-terminus, clone EP Content & Reagents  2,796.00
04-973 Anti-CD39, clone 5F2 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
04-974 Anti-phospho-FAK (Tyr397), clone EP2160Y Content & Reagents  3,615.00
0500-0070 Guava Flow Cell (PCA/EasyCyte™ Mini) Detection Solutions  3,580.00
0500-0290 Guava Flow Cell (PCA-96/EasyCyte™) Detection Solutions  4,306.00
0500-0360 Guava PCA Service Total 1 year pl Detection Solutions  30,630.00
0500-0365 Guava PCA Service Total 1 year plan Detection Solutions  34,904.00
0500-0365uarterly Billing For Guava PCA Service Detection Solutions  8,724.00
0500-0380 Guava PCA-96 Service Total 1 year Detection Solutions  55,629.00
0500-0385 Guava PCA-96 Service Total 1 year p Detection Solutions  63,091.00
0500-0430 Cost for Each Additional Trainee Bey Detection Solutions  1,357.00
0500-0440 Guava PCA/EasyCyte Mini Installatio Detection Solutions  10,483.00
0500-0450 Guava PCA-96/EasyCyte Plus/easyCyte Detection Solutions  9,498.00
0500-0950R Guava EasyCyte, Refurbished System Detection Solutions  740,797.00
0500-1050 Guava EasyCyte Plus Service Total 1 Detection Solutions  63,770.00
0500-1055 Guava EasyCyte Plus Service Total Detection Solutions  71,910.00
0500-1580 Guava EasyCyte Mini Service Total 1 Detection Solutions  38,669.00
0500-1585 Guava EasyCyte Mini Service Total Detection Solutions  43,418.00
0500-1585uarterly Billing for Guava EasyCyte Detection Solutions  10,854.00
0500-1680 Advanced On-site Guava Training, Ful Detection Solutions  23,744.00
0500-1690 Introductory On-site Guava Training Detection Solutions  16,960.00
0500-1710 Guava Product Relocation & Installation Detection Solutions  14,976.00
0500-1770 Guava PCA Service Total 2 year plan Detection Solutions  55,561.00
0500-1780 Guava PCA-96 Service Total 2 year plan Detection Solutions  101,082.00
0500-1790 Guava EasyCyte Mini Service Total 2 Detection Solutions  69,875.00
0500-1800 Guava EasyCyte Mini (SSC) Service To Detection Solutions  46,131.00
0500-1805 Guava EasyCyte Mini (SSC) Service To Detection Solutions  52,237.00
0500-1805uarterly Billing for Guava EasyCy Detection Solutions  13,059.00
0500-1810 Guava EasyCyte Mini (SSC) Service T Detection Solutions  83,443.00
0500-1820 Guava EasyCyte Plus Service Total 2 Detection Solutions  115,328.00
0500-1830 Guava EasyCyte Plus (SSC) Service To Detection Solutions  71,910.00
0500-1835 Guava EasyCyte Plus (SSC) Service To Detection Solutions  81,408.00
0500-1840 Guava EasyCyte Plus (SSC) Service To Detection Solutions  130,253.00
0500-2130 Guava EasyCyte Plus (SSC + 4th Col Detection Solutions  81,408.00
0500-2135 Guava EasyCyte Plus (SSC + 4th Colo Detection Solutions  91,584.00
0500-2135uarterly Billing for Guava EasyCyte Detection Solutions  22,896.00
0500-2140 Guava EasyCyte Plus (SSC + 4th Colou Detection Solutions  145,178.00
0500-2190 GuavaLink Integration Consulting – p Detection Solutions  1,635.00
0500-2400 T-Cell Monitoring Start-up Accessory Kit Detection Solutions  5,148.00
0500-2870 Guava easyCyte 8HT Service Total 1 Detection Solutions  87,514.00
0500-2875 Guava easyCyte 8HT Service Total 1 Detection Solutions  96,333.00
0500-2880 Guava easyCyte 8HT Service Total 2 Detection Solutions  157,389.00
0500-2885 Guava easyCyte 8HT Service Total 3 year Detection Solutions  246,938.00
0500-3175 easyCyte/easyCyte HT demo unit rental Detection Solutions  –  
0500-3195 Guava easyCyte 8HT 4 year Service E Detection Solutions  315,049.00
0500-4210 Guava PCA Service Essential 1 year Detection Solutions  13,331.00
0500-4215 Guava PCA Service Essential 1 year p Detection Solutions  15,203.00
0500-4220 Guava PCA Service Essential 2 year plan Detection Solutions  24,022.00
0500-4225 Guava PCA-96 Service Essential 1 ye Detection Solutions  13,839.00
0500-4230 Guava PCA-96 Service Essential 1 yr Detection Solutions  15,712.00
0500-4235 Guava PCA-96 Service Essential 2 yr plan Detection Solutions  24,809.00
0500-4240 Guava EasyCyte Mini Service Essent Detection Solutions  14,972.00
0500-4245 Guava EasyCyte Mini Service Essenti Detection Solutions  16,763.00
0500-4250 Guava EasyCyte Mini Service Essenti Detection Solutions  26,824.00
0500-4255 Guava EasyCyte Plus Service Essenti Detection Solutions  19,565.00
0500-4260 Guava EasyCyte Plus Service Essenti Detection Solutions  22,292.00
0500-4265 Guava EasyCyte Plus Service Essenti Detection Solutions  35,202.00
0500-4270 Guava easyCyte 8HT Service Essentia Detection Solutions  21,370.00
0500-4275 Guava easyCyte 8HT Service Essenti Detection Solutions  24,931.00
0500-4280 Guava easyCyte 8HT Service Essentia Detection Solutions  35,616.00
0500-4285 Guava easyCyte 5HT/6HT Service Essen Detection Solutions  14,708.00
0500-4290 Guava easyCyte 5HT/6HT Service Essen Detection Solutions  17,157.00
0500-4295 Guava easyCyte 5HT/6HT Service Esse Detection Solutions  24,504.00
0500-4300 Guava easyCyte 5HT/6HT Service Total Detection Solutions  58,817.00
0500-4305 Guava easyCyte 5HT/6HT Service Tota Detection Solutions  66,171.00
0500-4310 Guava easyCyte 5HT/6HT Service Tota Detection Solutions  107,832.00
0500-4315 Guava easyCyte 6HT/2L Service Essen Detection Solutions  18,113.00
0500-4320 Guava easyCyte 6HT/2L Service Essen Detection Solutions  21,132.00
0500-4325 Guava easyCyte 6HT/2L Service Essen Detection Solutions  30,189.00
0500-4330 Guava easyCyte 6HT/2L Service Total Detection Solutions  72,453.00
0500-4335 Guava easyCyte 6HT/2L Service Total Detection Solutions  81,510.00
0500-4340 Guava easyCyte 6HT/2L Service Total Detection Solutions  133,407.00
0500-5270 Guava easyCyte 8 Service Essential 1 Detection Solutions  16,282.00
0500-5275 Guava easyCyte 8 Service Essential Detection Solutions  18,995.00
0500-5280 Guava easyCyte8 Service Essential2yrPlan Detection Solutions  29,850.00
0500-5285 Guava easyCyte 5 or easyCyte 6 Serv Detection Solutions  13,568.00
0500-5290 Guava easyCyte 5 or easyCyte 6 Serv Detection Solutions  16,282.00
0500-5295 Guava easyCyte 5 or easyCyte 6 Serv Detection Solutions  24,422.00
0500-5300 Guava easyCyte 5 or easyCyte 6 Serv Detection Solutions  26,458.00
0500-5305 Guava easyCyte 5 or easyCyte 6 Serv Detection Solutions  30,426.00
0500-5310 Guava easyCyte 5 or easyCyte 6 Serv Detection Solutions  47,149.00
0500-5315 Guava easyCyte 6-2L Service Essent Detection Solutions  14,925.00
0500-5320 Guava easyCyte 6-2L Service Essenti Detection Solutions  17,638.00
0500-5325 Guava easyCyte 6-2L Service Essenti Detection Solutions  27,136.00
0500-5330 Guava easyCyte 6-2L Service Total 1 Detection Solutions  40,026.00
0500-5335 Guava easyCyte 6-2L Service Total Detection Solutions  46,029.00
0500-5340 Guava easyCyte 6-2L Service Total 2 Detection Solutions  72,046.00
0500-5870 Guava easyCyte 8 Service Total 1 ye Detection Solutions  50,880.00
0500-5875 Guava easyCyte 8 Service Total 1 ye Detection Solutions  58,512.00
0500-5880 Guava easyCyte 8 Service Total 2 yr plan Detection Solutions  91,584.00
05-100 Anti-HDAC1, clone 2E10  (mouse monoclona Content & Reagents  4,434.00
05-1000 anti-phosphoserine, clone 4A4, 100ug Content & Reagents  4,317.00
05-1000MG anti-phosphoserine, mouse monoclona Content & Reagents  36,258.00
05-1000X Anti-Phosphoserine, clone 4A4, 50ug Content & Reagents  2,679.00
05-1003 Anti-phospho-Akt (Ser473) Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-1003MG Anti-phospho-Akt (Ser473) Content & Reagents  26,430.00
05-1004 Anti-phospho-EGFR (Tyr1173), mono Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-101 ANTI EGF REC. NEUT PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1028 phospho MAPKAP K2/3, Ms x, 9F10.2 100mg Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-104 ANTI-EGF  RECEPTR PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1044 ANTI-SIN1,CLONE 1C7.2 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1047 anti-EGFR, cytoplasmic domain Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1049 anti-Met extracellular domain mouse mono Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1050 4G10 Platinum, 100 uL (+PC 12-302) Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1050-K 4G10 Platinum, BULK Content & Reagents  35,650.00
05-1050X 4G10 Platinum, 30uL Content & Reagents  2,679.00
05-1051 anti-ILK, CLONE 6G6.3 mouse mo00UG Content & Reagents  3,615.00
05-1056 Anti-phospho-PTEN (Ser380) Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1058 ANTI-Phospho CRKL (pY207) Content & Reagents  3,615.00
05-1059 Anti-phospho-p38a(Thr180/Tyr182) Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1064 ANTI-phospho STAT1 (Y701) Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1066 Anti-Insulin Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1069 anti-phospho-PRAS40 (Thr246) Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1070 Anti-PRAS40, clone 9D10.2 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1071 anti-Ras (H-,N-), clone 1A6.2 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1072 anti-Ras (K-,H-,N-), clone 9A11.2 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1072SP anti-Ras (K-,H-,N-), clone 9A11.2 – 30ug Content & Reagents  924.00
05-1075 Anti-FOXO1, clone 2H8.2 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1076 Anti-c-Jun, clone 6E4.4 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1078 Anti-STAT3, clone 18F7.1 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1085 Anti-IRS1 Content & Reagents  3,615.00
05-1085NA-K Anti- IRS Custom (Purified, PBS only) Content & Reagents  33,521.00
05-1086 Anti-phospho-IRS1 (Ser302) Content & Reagents  3,849.00
05-1087 Anti-phospho-IRS1 (Ser307) Content & Reagents  3,849.00
05-1094 Anti-B-Raf, clone 4B3.2 Content & Reagents  3,732.00
05-1098 Anti-acetyl CoA Carboxylase, clone 7D2.2 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1100 Anti-Sulfotyrosine Monoclonal Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1100-K Anti-Sulfotyrosine, Clone Sulfo-1C-A2 Content & Reagents  40,739.00
05-1100X Anti-Sulfotyrosine Monoclonal Content & Reagents  1,977.00
05-1104 Anti-Insulin Receptor( ß-Subunit), clone Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1106 Anti-IGF-1R, ß-subunit, clone 1-2 ( Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1107 Anti-Insulin, clone CE9H9 (mouse mo Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1108 Anti-Insulin clone MAB1 mouse monoclonal Content & Reagents  3,147.00
05-1108-K Anti-Insulin clone MAB1 mouse monoclonal Content & Reagents  2,995.00
05-1109 Anti-Pro-Insulin C-Peptide, clone C-P-01 Content & Reagents  3,147.00
05-1113 Anti-Harmartin (TSC1) (mouse monoclonal) Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1115 Anti-SG2NA (mouse monoclonal) Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1116 Anti-VEGF clone CH-10 (mouse monoclonal) Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1117 Anti-VEGF, clone VG1 (mouse monoclonal) Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1130 Anti-erbB-2,Cytoplasmic Domain, clone N3 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1131 Anti-erbB-3/HER-3, clone RTJ1/2E11 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1133 Anti-erbB-4/HER-4, clone HFR1/2G4 ( Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1134 Anti-Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-1135 Anti-PDGFR-ß clone CH-3 mouse monoclonal Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1139 Anti-Focal Adhesion Kinase, cloneBLAb2H7 Content & Reagents  3,147.00
05-1140 Anti-phospho-Focal Adhesion Kinase (Tyr3 Content & Reagents  3,264.00
05-1143 Anti-phospho-Paxillin (Tyr31), cloneM102 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1144 Anti-Talin, C-terminus,  clone TD77 Content & Reagents  3,147.00
05-1149 Anti-ADP-Ribosylation Factor 6, clone 6A Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-1152 Anti-Erk1/2 (p44/p42), clone MK12 (ms) Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-1154 Anti-JAK1, clone 73 (mouse monoclonal) Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-117 FGF-2/Basic FGF, MSX Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-117-K Anti-FGF-2/basic FGF (neutralizing) Content & Reagents  6,224.00
05-118 ANTI  FGF2 BFGF, CL BFM2  500UG Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-118-K ANTI  FGF2 BFGF, CL BFM2         MG Content & Reagents  5,979.00
05-1214 Anti-FXR2, clone 2C8.2 Content & Reagents  3,849.00
05-1231 Anti-Progerin (Lamin A/C), clone 13A4 Content & Reagents  3,147.00
05-1232 Acetyl Histone H4 (Lys16), Ms x 4E1 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1235 Anti-FMR1, clone 7H3.2 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1238 Anti-PARN, clone 7A7.1 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1242 Anti-trimethyl-Hist H3 (Lys9), 6F12-H4 Content & Reagents  4,434.00
05-1243 Anti-Sirt1, clone 3H10.2-Mouse 100ug Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1244 Anti-O-GlcNAc, clone 18B10.C7(3) Content & Reagents  3,966.00
05-1245 Anti-O-GlcNAc, clone 9D1.E4(10) Content & Reagents  3,966.00
05-1246 Anti-O-GlcNAc, clone 1F5.D6(14) Content & Reagents  3,966.00
05-1248 Anti-monomethyl Histone H3 (Lys9), clone Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1249 Anti-dimethyl Histone H3(Lys9), Clo Content & Reagents  4,434.00
05-1249-K Anti-dimethyl Histone H3 (Lys9). Cl Content & Reagents  41,933.00
05-1250 Anti-trimethyl Hist H3 (Lys9), CMA308 Content & Reagents  4,434.00
05-1307 Anti-ubiquitin,  Lys48 specific Content & Reagents  4,551.00
05-1307P-K Anti-Ubiquitin, Lys48 Custom PBS only Content & Reagents  79,069.00
05-1308 Anti-ubiquitin,  Lys63 specific Content & Reagents  4,551.00
05-1308-K ANTI-UBIQUITIN, LYS63 SPECIFIC, BULK Content & Reagents  35,474.00
05-1311 ANTI-acetyl Histone H3 Lys 14, cl.10H8.2 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1312 Anti-Histone H2B Ubiqutin Monoclonal Content & Reagents  4,434.00
05-1313 ANTI-Ubiquitin (Lys 63), clone HWA4C4 Content & Reagents  3,966.00
05-1315 Anti-phospho(Ser10)acetyl (Lys14)Histone Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1317 Anti-SUZ12, clone 2AO9 Content & Reagents  4,083.00
05-1319 Anti-EZH2, clone BD43 Content & Reagents  4,317.00
05-1320 Anti-EED, clone AA19 Content & Reagents  4,083.00
05-1321 Anti-BMI1, clone AF27 Content & Reagents  4,551.00
05-1322 Anti-BMI1, clone DC9 Content & Reagents  4,083.00
05-1324 Anti-phospho-Histone H1, clone 12D11 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1327 Anti-PHD2, clone 76a Content & Reagents  3,498.00
05-1328 Anti-PHD3, clone 188e Content & Reagents  3,498.00
05-1334 Anti acetyl Histone H3Lys27 clone CMA309 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1334-K Anti-acetyl_Histone H3 (Lys27), clo Content & Reagents  43,138.00
05-1336 Anti-phospho Histone H3(Ser10), clo Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1338 Anti dimethyl Histone H3(Lys4), clo Content & Reagents  4,434.00
05-1339 Anti trimethyl Hist H3(Lys4), CMA304 Content & Reagents  4,434.00
05-1341 Anti Histone H3 monoclonal, clone CMA301 Content & Reagents  4,668.00
05-1341-K Anit-Histone H3, clone CMA301 Content & Reagents  41,933.00
05-1352 Anti-Histone H2B, clone 5HH2-2A8 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1354 Anti-Dimethyl (Lys9)-Phospho (Ser10) His Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1355 Anti-acetyl Histone H4 (Lys5/8/12/1 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-1359 Anti-Retinoid X Receptor a, clone 4E9 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1360 Anti-RBMS1,  clone 4D11 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1361 Anti-PURA,  clone 2B7 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1362 Anti-RING1, clone 4D6 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1363 Anti-RXRG, clone 1E3 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1403 Anti-Gia2, clone L5 (mouse monoclonal) Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1406 Anti-PLA2, clone CH-7 (mouse monoclonal) Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1410 Anti-CD45, clone F10-89-4 (mouse mo Content & Reagents  3,147.00
05-1413 Anti-CD45RA, Clone MEM 56 (mouse mo Content & Reagents  3,147.00
05-1416 Anti-CD45 clone IBL-5/25 (rat monocl Content & Reagents  3,147.00
05-1417 Anti-PTP-PEST, clone AG25 (mouse mo Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1420 Anti-Grb14, clone 24 (mouse monoclonal) Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1423 Anti-Transforming Growth Factor-ß, clone Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1424 Anti-Endoglin, clone P3D1 (mouse mo Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-1425 Anti-14-3-3, 33 kDa isoforms, clone 8C3 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1426 Anti-SLP 76 clone AS55(mouse monoclonal) Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1427 Anti-ARF1, clone 3F1, C-terminus (m Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-143 A HU  SECRETORY PLA2 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1430 Anti-Neurofibromin, clone NFn27b (m Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1431 Anti-Casein Kinase 2a, clone 1AD9 ( Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1459 Anti -SMAD1 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1461 ANTI-WTAPE (Src family) Content & Reagents  3,147.00
05-1466 Anti-FOXA1, clone 2F83 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1469 Anti-NF Kappa B p65, clone 1G10.2 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1470 Anti-Raptor, clone 1H6.2 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1471 Anti-Rictor, clone 9F1.2 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1477 ANTI-REST, CLONE 7D1.3,  100UG Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1478 Anti-RUNX2, clone AS110 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1482 anti-GbL/mLST8,clone 3E1.2 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1483 Anti-Zizimin1 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-149 A HU FGF RECEPTOR,MS Content & Reagents  3,615.00
05-1500 Anti-Mad1, clone 9B10 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1501 Anti-MAD2A, clone 17D10 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1502 Anti-CENP-E, clone 177 Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-1510 Anti-Aly/REF, clone 11G5 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1511 Anti-Y14, clone 4C4 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1512 Anti-FMR1, clone 6A15 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1513 Anti-FXR2, clone A42 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1515 Anti-Transportin 1, clone D45 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1516 Anti-hnRNP U, clone 3G6 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1517 Anti-hnRNP Q, clone 18E4 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1518 Anti-hnRNP L, clone 4D11 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1519 Anti-hnRNP K/J, clone 3C2 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1520 Anti-HhRNP C1/C2,clone 4F4 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1521 Anti-hnRNP A1, clone 4B10 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1522 anti-HnRNP A2/B1 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1524 Anti-Nuclear RNA export factor 1, c Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1525 Anti-Exportin T, clone LOS1 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1526 Anti-Importin subunit alpha-1, clone 8G5 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1527 Anti-eIF4A3, clone 3F1 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1529 Anti-FXR1, clone 6BG10 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1530 Anti-Importin beta-1, clone 3H14 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1531 Anti-TATA-box-binding protein, clon Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1532 Anti-SMN, clone 2B1 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1533 Anti-Gemin3, clone 12H12 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1534 Anti-Gemin4, clone 17D10 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1535 Anti-Gemin5, clone 10G11 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1538 Anti-MAGOH, clone 21B12 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-154 ANTI-PKC-A  CATLYT PC12-301 Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-1540 Anti-Gemin2, clone 2E17 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1541 Anti-Gemin6, clone 6H5 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1542 Anti-Gemin7, clone 6E2 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1545 Anti-Inositol Hexakisphosphate Kinas Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1558 Anti-PI3-kinase beta, p110b, clone 8C3.2 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1559 Anti-PI3 Kinase, p110, clone 17D7.2 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1560 Anti-PI3 Kinase-C2-alpha, clone 9H4.2 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1563 Anti-PI3-kinase type 3, clone 17D1.1 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-1564 Anti-mTOR, mouse monoclonal Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1564MG Anti-mTOR, mouse monoclonal Content & Reagents  26,430.00
05-1566 Anti-Septin-6, clone 9E7 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1567 Anti-p120 Catenin Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1568 Anti-phospho IRS1 (Ser632), clone 5.3.3 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-1569 Anti-Vav2, clone MAC 411 Content & Reagents  2,796.00
05-157 A MAP KIN R2(ERK2) PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-1570 Anti-PRDM1 (BLIMP-1), clone 6D3 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1571 Anti-IGF-1R, clone 24-57 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1572 Anti-MDC1, clone P2B11 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1574 Anti-Rab25, clone 12C3 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1576 Anti-BOB-1, clone 6E4 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1579 Anti-Axin-1, clone A5 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-157MG A MAP KIN R2(ERK2) PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  9,933.00
05-1583 Anti-PRL-2, clone 42 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1587 Anti-FOXO3a/FKHRL1, clone 15F7.2 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1588 Anti-U1-70K, clone 9C4.1 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-1592 Anti-mTOR, clone 21D8.2 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-163 A BOVPLC GA MX/MNO PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-164 ANTI-PLC  BETA 1 Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-166 ANTI- IGF-II,  CLONE S1F2 Content & Reagents  3,615.00
05-168 A MS TNF-A,RAT Content & Reagents  3,147.00
05-170 ANTI IL-2   REC A, CL 7G7/B6  200U Content & Reagents  3,147.00
05-172 ANTI-IGF-I,  CL SM1.2   200UG Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-173 ANTI-CALMODULIN  PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-175 ANTI- MYB,  PC 12-303 Content & Reagents  3,264.00
05-178 Anti-RasGAP, clone B4F8 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-180 ANTI-CORTACTIN  PC 12-305 Content & Reagents  4,083.00
05-182 ANTI FAK,  CL 2A7 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-184 ANTI-SRC,  PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-184-K ANTI-SRC  MS      Mg Content & Reagents  19,937.00
05-184-MN KUO:Anti-Src, clone GD11 25ug Separation & Preparation  1,117.00
05-184SP ANTI-SRC,  PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  924.00
05-185 ANTI-AVIAN   SRC, CL EC10  200UG Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-187 A CALCINEURIN/PP2B B    50UG Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-201 ANTI-HU  FAS 50UG Content & Reagents  4,551.00
05-205 Anti-Phospholamban, clone A1 50ug Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-206 ANTI-LAMININ   B2, CLONE A5 50UG Content & Reagents  3,966.00
05-212 ANTI-PI  3KINAS PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  3,615.00
05-212-ASR Anti-PI3 Kinase p85, N-SH3 clone AB6 ASR Content & Reagents  4,083.00
05-212-K anti-PI3K Content & Reagents  29,917.00
05-212NG-K Anti-PI3K no glycerol-MG Content & Reagents  43,138.00
05-217 ANTI-PI 3-KIN    PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-219 ANTI-VAV     200UL Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-224 ANTI-P53,  CLONE BP53-12  200UG Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-233 ANTI-NITROTYROSINE  CL 1A6 100UG Content & Reagents  4,083.00
05-235 ANTI-EF1A,   PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  3,264.00
05-240 ANTI-OCT-1,CL YL15 PC 12-309 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-246 ANTI-INT.  A1(CD49A,VLAA1) Content & Reagents  3,615.00
05-253 ANTI-ZAP-70  (HU) PC 12-303 Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-253MG ANTI-ZAP-70 (HU), PC 12-303 Content & Reagents  10,869.00
05-253SP Anti-ZAP-70 (human)       50ug Content & Reagents  2,445.00
05-257 ANTI-P300,  CT- PC 12-309 Content & Reagents  4,434.00
05-269 A RAB  RYAN. REC   100UL Content & Reagents  3,849.00
05-298 nA RAB ,  A-DYSTRO, VIA4-1 EACH Content & Reagents  4,200.00
05-311 A GLUT-S-TRANS, MS 250UG Content & Reagents  3,849.00
05-312 A HU E2F-4   PC 12-301 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-319 ANTI-DYNAMIN    (HUDY-1)  200UG Content & Reagents  3,381.00
05-321 anti-phosphotyrosine, clone 4G10 100ug Content & Reagents  4,317.00
05-321ASR Anti-Phosphotyrosine, clone 4G10 ANALYTE Content & Reagents  4,083.00
05-321MG anti-phosphotyrosine, clone 4G10 1MG Content & Reagents  34,269.00
05-321MG-K antiPhosphotyrosine clone 4G10 1MG NO AZ Content & Reagents  36,048.00
05-321SP ANTI-PHOSPHOTYR PC 12-302 Content & Reagents  2,328.00
05-321X anti-phosphotyrosine, clone 4G10 50 Content & Reagents  2,679.00
05-331 A HU TNF-A,MOUSE Content & Reagents  2,913.00
05-337 A HU MARCKS    200UL Content & Reagents  3,732.00
05-338 ANTI-HU  FAS NEUTRL Content & Reagents  4,083.00
05-345 ANTI-CIP1/WAF1/P21 PC12-309 Content & Reagents  3,030.00
05-346 A RAT  MAP2 (CLONE 5F9) 200UG Content & Reagents  4,551.00